View Full Version : Raining spiders in Brazil apparently

02-09-2013, 07:08 PM
Yep, you read that title right, it's apparently raining spiders in Brazil... Granted the video doesn't exactly show them "raining" so to speak, but holy shit, that's a LOT of not so little spiders....
I'm officially creep'd out, I HATE those fucking things... <shudder> :yuck:

/sarcasm on
After seeing this, I want to officially declare WAR on our 8 legged enemy before their numbers become so great they begin their invasion/occupation in the U.S. as they have in Brazil...
I am calling all my ham brothers and sisters to arms!
Use ANY means available at your disposal at the sighting of the target.. I don't care if you use an AK47... Can's of raid, shoes, newspapers, magazines, hammers, firearms, fire, or even explosives.. They are all authorized...

None of this "it got away" BS either... We don't have time for that, make sure you confirm each kill.. Do not let them get away.. Burn the house to the ground if you have to.. It's an acceptable loss to prevent raining spiders! Just kill them all on sight... They must die... I'll deal with a few more bugs...
/sarcasm off


02-09-2013, 07:43 PM
'MhZ sends his arachnophobic love.

I'd stir fry 'em and eat 'em.
Just to get even. :lol:

02-10-2013, 04:43 AM
Something a bit odd about the video, none are crawling on the wires, trees or structures but appear to be small and close to the camera. You can't see any web strands either where normally you would when photographed close up. Each spider appears to be an individual image superimposed on the background, a common SFX in horror movies. Good production work wasted on You Tube when it could be making money in a movie studio.

Don't worry, they're really quite small and could be only one considering what can be done with image manipulation. Don't worry about hoards of Brazilian spiders invading the US, another Brazilian bug has already invaded and is spreading northward. Killer bees escaped from Rio Claro, Sao Paulo southeastern Brazil in 1957 and the northward spread doesn't show signs of stopping. Bees have a hard time over-wintering in Colorado but still they do, the vicious ones will get to you sooner or later.

02-14-2013, 02:12 PM
We found more than a few in my Mums house in FL. The biggest Black Widow anyone had ever seen with 2 egg sacs ready to hatch. Would've infested the neighborhood. Also 4 Brown Recluses in the garage, the smallest was bigger than my hand. There were a lot more. Killed them all but exhausted a 2 big spray bottles of Ortho doing it. Had a few here, now gone. One looked just like the ones you have in the video. He stalked me for 3 or 4 days until he got too close and I killed him.

I don't like them, but they don't scare me. The XYL was not thrilled with the vid.

02-14-2013, 02:47 PM
YIKES!!!! Good reason NOT to move to Florida! Them and the Gators and the Palmetto bugs all over the place. Not safe in the house, not safe out of the house.

02-14-2013, 03:07 PM
Yeah, I used to live in Florida.. And that's one thing for sure, they've got some BIG spiders...
One of the things I don't miss about living there :)

02-14-2013, 03:08 PM
YIKES!!!! Good reason NOT to move to Florida! Them and the Gators and the Palmetto bugs all over the place. Not safe in the house, not safe out of the house.

Black widows the size of dinner plates. Mosquitoes the size of a Cessna. When I was there last, I saw two of them kill a cow.

02-15-2013, 09:57 PM
We found more than a few in my Mums house in FL. The biggest Black Widow anyone had ever seen with 2 egg sacs ready to hatch. Would've infested the neighborhood. Also 4 Brown Recluses in the garage, the smallest was bigger than my hand. There were a lot more. Killed them all but exhausted a 2 big spray bottles of Ortho doing it. Had a few here, now gone. One looked just like the ones you have in the video. He stalked me for 3 or 4 days until he got too close and I killed him.

I don't like them, but they don't scare me. The XYL was not thrilled with the vid.

When I lived in Brooklyn I had to deal with some of the biggest and nastiest spiders anyone could imagine. Black widows that were huge... close to 5 or 6 inches in size, brown recluses that were enormous and even a few tarantulas the size of dinner plates. The first night we stayed there my cat was killed by a couple of tarantulas that ganged up on him. Twice I had to be rushed to the hospital with neurotoxin poisioning from black widow bites. And I still bear the scars from tissue necrosis due to brown recluse bites. It took several gallons of DDT and Lindane to rid the apartment of them. But more crept in from down in the basement. The landlord had to literally spray several drums of Chlordane and DDT into the basement and the walls to get rid of them.

02-16-2013, 05:23 PM
Sure, everything's bigger in Brooklyn, rats the size of cats, desert dwelling tarantulas along with snakes and alligators living in the sewers. It must have been a long time ago, DDT has been banned for decades. Don't go back, they're even bigger now and a tarantula may carry you away.