View Full Version : Press freeedom election

01-30-2013, 08:54 AM
Finland most free country for press frdom, The Netherlands 2nd.
USA 32, up from place 47 last year...

01-30-2013, 08:57 AM
Finland most free country for press frdom, The Netherlands 2nd.
USA 32, up from place 47 last year...

Bleh. I hate the media.

01-31-2013, 12:44 AM
The degree of freedom of the press is simply the degree of censorship and has nothing to do with the political agenda of said press. Propaganda BS all smells the same regardless of degree, a small turd smells the same as a big one.

01-31-2013, 01:22 AM
According to the report:

...the United States rose
15 places to 32nd, recovering a ranking more
appropriate to the “country of the First Amendment.”
Its previous year’s fall was due to the fact
that the crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street
movement did not spare reporters in the field.

Where I live:

With six journalists killed, Mexico (153rd) has
maintained its status as the hemisphere’s most
dangerous country for the media. Violence and
censorship were particularly noticeable during
the controversial July 2012 elections, which
restored the presidency to the Institutional
Revolutionary Party (PRI).

Of course, these journalists died in events related to their work in reporting the activities of dangerous organized crime groups.

01-31-2013, 03:52 AM
According to the report:

...the United States rose
15 places to 32nd, recovering a ranking more
appropriate to the “country of the First Amendment.”
Its previous year’s fall was due to the fact
that the crackdown on the Occupy Wall Street
movement did not spare reporters in the field.

This isn't the first time that Mayor Mikey has violated the Constitution. One of the good things about not living under The King & Queen of NY is that my tax monies aren't going to pay out the lawsuits that the city has lost under the reigns of King Rudy and King Mikey. The whole west side of midtown Manhattan was turned into a "secure zone" during the Republicant Convention in '04. Protesters were summarily arrested en mass and taken to a holding area that was a rotting dock. Thousands sued, nearly everyone of them won on the first trial.

01-31-2013, 04:38 PM
Why was I not surprised they were arrested protesting the REPUBLICAN convention? Good thing they won in the end when the NYPD violated their right to peaceful assembly. Major Mikey had it all over Colonel Bush this time.