View Full Version : Contest Butt Hurt coming to a RX near you. CQWW SSB right around the corner.
Yes, boys & girls, it's that time of the month again. ;) :lol:
Put your Big Girl panties on and deal with it. :rofl:
10-23-2012, 10:04 AM
I really don't see why so many people feel they have to bitch about contests... (I'm not saying you are, I'm just sayin in general)
Me personally I don't see the point in radio contests.... It's not something I think I personally would get into.. But it doesn't bother me... In fact I'm happy that these contests DO happen.. In part because it keeps hams on the air... The more our bands get used, the less likely I think we are to lose them...
I probably am not bothered nearly as much as other people are by contests being I don't get on HF but I really fail to see where the problem is with contesting..
10-23-2012, 10:08 AM
Yes, boys & girls, it's that time of the month again. ;) :lol:
Put your Big Girl panties on and deal with it. :rofl:
Good news. I have a rig I just fixed and will hopefully have a new antenna up to test out. The contesters get a contact, and I get an idea of how well my stuff is working. Thanks for the heads up. :rock:
Just finished putting an Imax 2k up for 10/11M. It's resonant around 29MHz but 28.3 ought to be doable with a tuner. If the band is in as good a shape this weekend as it is at the moment I should be able to put a number of contacts in the log.
10-23-2012, 06:37 PM
Oh. I thought the title of this thread was "Contest Burt Hurt". :dunno:
10-23-2012, 06:41 PM
Same difference.
Same difference.
Beat me to it. Ya bastid
Instead of when its on an off weekend of mine, I have plans to go up to my dad's and help him do some work (pumping fist) YESSSS!
I really don't see why so many people feel they have to bitch about contests... (I'm not saying you are, I'm just sayin in general)
I used to be one of those people who used to bitch. After a while, I grew up and came to like the opportunities that contests present.
Me personally I don't see the point in radio contests.... It's not something I think I personally would get into.. But it doesn't bother me... In fact I'm happy that these contests DO happen.. In part because it keeps hams on the air... The more our bands get used, the less likely I think we are to lose them...
I can't see that we're in any serious danger of losing the HF bands. I'd be more concerned about UHF and up.
I probably am not bothered nearly as much as other people are by contests being I don't get on HF but I really fail to see where the problem is with contesting..
The "problem" is with the haters, not the contests. From what I've observed, the haters fall into the following categories:
1) People who have poor to appalling HF stations. Indoor antennas and low antennas (under 30 feet high for dipoles) are not going to produce a signal that can be heard through the din of a contest. They may be able to make contacts on an empty band, but the slightest amount of band activity makes them disappear into the background.
2) People who have radios that are 30+ years old, or dating back to Marconi. Broad as a barn door and incapable of proper filtering when the band starts to get crowded. A TS-520 or TS-820 is fine for day to day, middle of the week, conditions. So is a TS-430, TS-440, IC-718, or FT-101. They are not, however, fit for contest level activity. Especially if they are stock radios without any additional filters.
3) Certain people who think their mode of choice is the only one that is valid. This group tends to be what I refer to as Single Mode Sad Sacks. They are completely unwilling to switch to a different mode and try something else. If, for example, they use SSB and there's an SSB contest, then all the bands are useless and they can't operate at all. It would never occur to them to try switching to CW, RTTY, or trying a WARC band.
4) Frequency Squatters. This group takes many forms. The basic form is that they have used (insert frequency) since Christ was a corporal (7 days a week) and no one is allowed to use that frequency, ever. Two examples of this on the 20m band are the SSTVers and the MMSN. Other examples are any one of the various nets that infest certain bands, usually 40m and 75m. It doesn't matter to these groups if the frequency isn't being used at the moment, or won't be used for the next 2 hours. It's their frequency, so fuck off. If you happen to be operating on "their" frequency when they come on, they'll try to run you off. The SSTV people are famous for this one. If they find anyone on 14.230, all of a sudden 5 SSTV stations start transmitting all at once.
I like contests because they are a good way to measure the effectiveness of my station. When I can step into the fray during CQWW SSB and make contacts among the high power stations, using just 100 watts, it validates all the work I put into making and deploying the 5 wire antennas I have.
As an aside, I highly encourage you to get away from VHF and UHF FM as soon as you can. IMO, HF operation is far more interesting. At the very least, you should investigate weak signal (SSB/CW) operation on 2m and 70cm.
As an aside, I highly encourage you to get away from VHF and UHF FM as soon as you can. IMO, HF operation is far more interesting. At the very least, you should investigate weak signal (SSB/CW) operation on 2m and 70cm.
Gotta give a +1 to this comment, and the VHF/UHF weak-signal enthusiast should definitely include 6M along with 222MHz (if at all possible) in his or her station lineup.
General ragchewing and DXing activities on 50MHz and up are fun in their own right - but what really makes the bands shine are contests. Especially during a sunspot peak (6M), ducting event (2M and up) or meteor/auroral event (all of the VHF spectrum).
10-23-2012, 07:52 PM
10-23-2012, 07:55 PM
Beat me to it. Ya bastid
Sorry, I don't usually get the chance to beat you to anything. Ya whinny bastid.
I think i am going to dust off the mic and try and log a few. But i will observe all rules like usual. I have no plans on being a bad ham, like usual. Im going to have fun...thats all. :)
If you really want to stir things up . . . Call it "radiosport"I despise that term.
I think it was coined (and is certainly promoted) by certain contesters who are full of themselves. These are the clowns who think that the WRTC is the radio contest equivalent to the Olympics. These are also, for the most part, the same turkeys who believe "anything goes", "if it's not specifically prohibited it's allowed", and "if you don't catch me it didn't happen." And don't get me started on the "open logs" nonsense.
These are some of the worst agitators -- they are the minority that gives ammunition to the contest haters.
I am not a "radiosport-er". I am a contester.
Sorry, I don't usually get the chance to beat you to anything. Ya whinny bastid.
Beat it, both of you.
I think i am going to dust off the mic and try and log a few. But i will observe all rules like usual. I have no plans on being a bad ham, like usual. Im going to have fun...thats all. :)
I'll keep an ear open for you, though I don't plan on spending a lot of time on the air this weekend. I have a few projects to finish up.
In fact, the term "radiosport" was coined in the old Soviet Union and specifically referred on-foot T-hunting. If done correctly, T-hunting really can be a sport requiring both electronics acumen and good physical conditioning.
In fact, the term "radiosport" was coined in the old Soviet Union and specifically referred on-foot T-hunting. If done correctly, T-hunting really can be a sport requiring both electronics acumen and good physical conditioning.
You're absolutely right, and I'd forgotten about that.
I was thinking more of how the term has been co-opted... or even usurped... by certain induhviduals to mean, today, "top" level contesting. Not fox (transmitter) hunting.
10-24-2012, 11:29 AM
I enjoy hearing the bitching, whining, moaning, growning and gnashing of teeth
over contests. I used to try to educate the contest haters, now I just try to EGG them on.
Maybe I can raise their blood pressure to the boiling point, ruin their day, cause their
stomach ulcer to flare up, and generally F*** they up. They deserve the aggrivation.
If they don't like something else.
Wash the car, mow the lawn (or rake leaves in fall), walk the dog or the wife
which ever is appropriate, go out to dinner or just take a long easy weekend
AWAY from amateur radio.
All their whining etc has not changed the contest landscape, it has not stopped or delayed
any contest to date and never will. Contests are a fact of life...either live with them,
or get so upset that you stroke out...Either way it is YOUR choice.
Me...My choice is to try and maintain my SO-LP First place finish in the third call district.
I got last years certificate a few months ago.
Enjoy the slugfest !
My choice is to try and maintain my SO-LP First place finish in the third call district.
I got last years certificate a few months ago.
You've got more enthusiasm for contests than I do. I just keep trying to make it to 100 DXCC entities in a weekend. Best so far is 83.
For whatever reason, I just can't motivate myself to sit in front of the radio for more than about 3-4 hours at a stretch. Once in a great while, I can go 8. I either get bored and wander off to something else, or I have to get up and stretch my legs for about an hour. Then there's that pesky habit of actually sleeping 6-8 hours at a time.
Those of you who can do 24, 36, or 48 hours at a stretch, my hat's off to you. That's not gonna happen here.
I used to be one of those people who used to bitch. After a while, I grew up and came to like the opportunities that contests present.
I can't see that we're in any serious danger of losing the HF bands. I'd be more concerned about UHF and up.
The "problem" is with the haters, not the contests. From what I've observed, the haters fall into the following categories:
1) People who have poor to appalling HF stations. Indoor antennas and low antennas (under 30 feet high for dipoles) are not going to produce a signal that can be heard through the din of a contest. They may be able to make contacts on an empty band, but the slightest amount of band activity makes them disappear into the background.
2) People who have radios that are 30+ years old, or dating back to Marconi. Broad as a barn door and incapable of proper filtering when the band starts to get crowded. A TS-520 or TS-820 is fine for day to day, middle of the week, conditions. So is a TS-430, TS-440, IC-718, or FT-101. They are not, however, fit for contest level activity. Especially if they are stock radios without any additional filters.
3) Certain people who think their mode of choice is the only one that is valid. This group tends to be what I refer to as Single Mode Sad Sacks. They are completely unwilling to switch to a different mode and try something else. If, for example, they use SSB and there's an SSB contest, then all the bands are useless and they can't operate at all. It would never occur to them to try switching to CW, RTTY, or trying a WARC band.
4) Frequency Squatters. This group takes many forms. The basic form is that they have used (insert frequency) since Christ was a corporal (7 days a week) and no one is allowed to use that frequency, ever. Two examples of this on the 20m band are the SSTVers and the MMSN. Other examples are any one of the various nets that infest certain bands, usually 40m and 75m. It doesn't matter to these groups if the frequency isn't being used at the moment, or won't be used for the next 2 hours. It's their frequency, so fuck off. If you happen to be operating on "their" frequency when they come on, they'll try to run you off. The SSTV people are famous for this one. If they find anyone on 14.230, all of a sudden 5 SSTV stations start transmitting all at once.
I like contests because they are a good way to measure the effectiveness of my station. When I can step into the fray during CQWW SSB and make contacts among the high power stations, using just 100 watts, it validates all the work I put into making and deploying the 5 wire antennas I have.
As an aside, I highly encourage you to get away from VHF and UHF FM as soon as you can. IMO, HF operation is far more interesting. At the very least, you should investigate weak signal (SSB/CW) operation on 2m and 70cm.
+1 to all of the that, especially the frequency squatter comment.
Speaking of Contest Butt Hurt....
So predictable..... :roll:
I'll keep an ear open for you, though I don't plan on spending a lot of time on the air this weekend. I have a few projects to finish up.
It will likely be sunday as i have to work friday and saturday.
I enjoy hearing the bitching, whining, moaning, growning and gnashing of teeth over contests. I used to try to educate the contest haters, now I just try to EGG them on.
Maybe I can raise their blood pressure to the boiling point, ruin their day, cause their stomach ulcer to flare up, and generally F*** they up. They deserve the aggrivation.
If they don't like something else.
Wash the car, mow the lawn (or rake leaves in fall), walk the dog or the wife which ever is appropriate, go out to dinner or just take a long easy weekend AWAY from amateur radio.
All their whining etc has not changed the contest landscape, it has not stopped or delayed any contest to date and never will. Contests are a fact of life...either live with them, or get so upset that you stroke out...Either way it is YOUR choice.
Me...My choice is to try and maintain my SO-LP First place finish in the third call district. I got last years certificate a few months ago.
Enjoy the slugfest !Bill,
You going to make WACOM this year?
My SS cert came the other day. I really like the redesign, though I wish they'd kept the orientation portrait instead of changing to landscape (not a fatal issue, mind you). Having the Clean Sweep endorsement on it was a nice touch, too.
It will likely be sunday as i have to work friday and saturday.Sounds like a plan. And I won't ask about 160 this time, honest.
My Saturday non-radio plans include finishing the trim on the side of the deck & getting the FPV in place. If all goes well, and I get a couple of holes drilled through cinder block, I may actually be using it on Sunday. We'll see how ambitious I get (I should have started on that after work today, just no energy today)
10-25-2012, 01:35 AM
i love it when SWLers use "radiosport."
i love it when SWLers use "radiosport."
how bout them Giants?
10-25-2012, 04:31 AM
Some people I've met that hate contests feel that way because they had incidents with bad contesters and they assume all contesters are lids. There are so many "haters" in ham radio. There are the contest haters, the ssb haters, the AM haters, the VHF/UHF haters, the 75 m haters, the ____________ (fill in the blank) haters. Everyone seems to think their way of doing things is the BEST and ONLY way. That is one reason why I like things that don't have to involve people. People are overrated.
how bout them Giants?The did pretty well against the Tigers last night. But the Series has a ways to go yet.
10-25-2012, 10:13 AM
You going to make WACOM this year?
My SS cert came the other day. I really like the redesign, though I wish they'd kept the orientation portrait instead of changing to landscape (not a fatal issue, mind you). Having the Clean Sweep endorsement on it was a nice touch, too.
Not going to make it again this year.
My health has taken a dive over the last year,
and I spend most of my time at home.
IF I am lucky, I get out twice a month.
Once to go to the, I mean DOCTOR
and a second to go for a ride to CVS to get prescriptions filled.
There is no way I can stand and walk-around that much.
Have a good time, I hear they are expecting a big crowd again this year.
Not going to make it again this year.
My health has taken a dive over the last year,
and I spend most of my time at home.
IF I am lucky, I get out twice a month.
Once to go to the, I mean DOCTOR
and a second to go for a ride to CVS to get prescriptions filled.
There is no way I can stand and walk-around that much.
Have a good time, I hear they are expecting a big crowd again this year.Sorry to hear that.
You want me to put a bug in Bud's ear? Maybe someone can get their hands on one of those scooters for the day?
10-25-2012, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the tips :)
As far as getting away from vhf-uhf though. Being a tech I'm actually kind of happy with the privileges I have for now, I actually got into ham radio and got my license specifically for the vhf-uhf privileges. I don't have much in the way of equipment. But I do a hell of a lot with what I've got :)
I started originally with a 440 only HT. A Puxing 777 actually.. It's been a good little radio, after a couple of months I went and ordered a Wouxun UV3D after reading a ton of good reviews about it.. And now I've got a Yaesu FT-8800R.. I use mostly the 8800R and the Wouxun, I've got interface cables for both to hook up to the computer, run echolink, the digital packet modes, and APRS.. I've also gotten into a bit of satellite work.. The few radios I've got I do quite a bit with actually..
My main reasons for not going into HF or being able to really are, 1 I live in an apartment with a REALLY small yard, well actually there isn't really a yard to speak of.. The property is tiny here.. I HF antennas that I've seen tend to be huge and I think the city would have definite issues with that as well as the landlord.. And 2 is budget, I really had to scrimp and save to get what I've got and really the only reason I've got the 8800R is a got a great deal for it used.. Most of the HF radios I've seen have been quite expensive and I just don't see how I could afford one for quite some time unfortunately..
The other one that I'm sure I'm about to hear a few reply's about is this.. I'm also not in a big hurry to get into HF because I do occasionally use remotehams to tune around and listen/explore, as well as I've used a few ham friends rigs to explore a bit on the HF bands.. To be honest some of the things I keep coming across seem worse than what I've heard on 11 meters... Jamming, playing music, being rude/obscene, or people being just a general asshole, etc.. I don't mind cussing though, on the right day I bet I could make a Marine Drill Instructor blush lol... But I got my ham license to get away from that..
I know it's "a few bad apples don't ruin the whole batch" kind of thing, but I have yet to have an unpleasant experience on vhf-uhf.. As well as I've been having a blast so far with the privileges I've got.. I'm sure one day I'm going to upgrade and try to get into HF though I just don't see it happening too soon... :)
I even forgot to mention those darn CORNTESTERS!!! hahaha
I used to be one of those people who used to bitch. After a while, I grew up and came to like the opportunities that contests present.
I can't see that we're in any serious danger of losing the HF bands. I'd be more concerned about UHF and up.
The "problem" is with the haters, not the contests. From what I've observed, the haters fall into the following categories:
1) People who have poor to appalling HF stations. Indoor antennas and low antennas (under 30 feet high for dipoles) are not going to produce a signal that can be heard through the din of a contest. They may be able to make contacts on an empty band, but the slightest amount of band activity makes them disappear into the background.
2) People who have radios that are 30+ years old, or dating back to Marconi. Broad as a barn door and incapable of proper filtering when the band starts to get crowded. A TS-520 or TS-820 is fine for day to day, middle of the week, conditions. So is a TS-430, TS-440, IC-718, or FT-101. They are not, however, fit for contest level activity. Especially if they are stock radios without any additional filters.
3) Certain people who think their mode of choice is the only one that is valid. This group tends to be what I refer to as Single Mode Sad Sacks. They are completely unwilling to switch to a different mode and try something else. If, for example, they use SSB and there's an SSB contest, then all the bands are useless and they can't operate at all. It would never occur to them to try switching to CW, RTTY, or trying a WARC band.
4) Frequency Squatters. This group takes many forms. The basic form is that they have used (insert frequency) since Christ was a corporal (7 days a week) and no one is allowed to use that frequency, ever. Two examples of this on the 20m band are the SSTVers and the MMSN. Other examples are any one of the various nets that infest certain bands, usually 40m and 75m. It doesn't matter to these groups if the frequency isn't being used at the moment, or won't be used for the next 2 hours. It's their frequency, so fuck off. If you happen to be operating on "their" frequency when they come on, they'll try to run you off. The SSTV people are famous for this one. If they find anyone on 14.230, all of a sudden 5 SSTV stations start transmitting all at once.
I like contests because they are a good way to measure the effectiveness of my station. When I can step into the fray during CQWW SSB and make contacts among the high power stations, using just 100 watts, it validates all the work I put into making and deploying the 5 wire antennas I have.
As an aside, I highly encourage you to get away from VHF and UHF FM as soon as you can. IMO, HF operation is far more interesting. At the very least, you should investigate weak signal (SSB/CW) operation on 2m and 70cm.
10-25-2012, 01:51 PM
According to the maps, I'm either in CQ zone 3 or 4. Not enough resolution to see where Colorado is.
10-25-2012, 02:09 PM
In the case of contests, I either find something else to do, or I just go back over to 30M. Works for me?
Contest this weekend, I think. Gives me an excuse to get my raised beds in the garden ready for the next season, and then convince the wife that we should do garlic this season.
10-25-2012, 03:11 PM
10-25-2012, 03:20 PM
All this contest talk is making me want to see if I can possibly resurrect the little 30 meter QRP transceiver that was a victim of my basement flood.
According to the maps, I'm either in CQ zone 3 or 4. Not enough resolution to see where Colorado is.Google is your friend. And you're in Zone 4:
"Zone 4. Central Zone of North America: VE3, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE8 Akimiski Island, and W7 states of Montana and Wyoming. W0, W9, W8 (except West Virginia), W5, and the W4 states of Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky."
10-26-2012, 08:35 AM
Gracias there, senior...I mean, senor!
Google is your friend. And you're in Zone 4:
"Zone 4. Central Zone of North America: VE3, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE8 Akimiski Island, and W7 states of Montana and Wyoming. W0, W9, W8 (except West Virginia), W5, and the W4 states of Alabama, Tennessee, and Kentucky."
10-26-2012, 05:19 PM
In the case of contests, I either find something else to do, or I just go back over to 30M. Works for me?
Contest this weekend, I think. Gives me an excuse to get my raised beds in the garden ready for the next season, and then convince the wife that we should do garlic this season.
Why not limit contests to specific frequencies ?
10-26-2012, 05:25 PM
This one should be especially entertaining with a Frankenstorm off the East Coast.
A nightmare whacker scenario is brewing and the HF bands are going to be packed six deep.
Why not limit contests to specific frequencies ?
Impracticable, John. Not all regions share the same allocations. Not to mention that everyone has their little fiefdom they want protected. No matter how you slice it, someone's ox is going to get gored.
The compromise has been in place for many years. The WARC bands are contest free. Learn to use & enjoy them.
This one should be especially entertaining with a Frankenstorm off the East Coast.
A nightmare whacker scenario is brewing and the HF bands are going to be packed six deep.
CW and most of the digi bands will be nice and clear....:whistle:
10-27-2012, 01:43 PM
Impracticable, John. Not all regions share the same allocations. Not to mention that everyone has their little fiefdom they want protected. No matter how you slice it, someone's ox is going to get gored.
The compromise has been in place for many years. The WARC bands are contest free. Learn to use & enjoy them.
Well on 17 meters I can use phone. And 160 meters is usually not too bad. I can run an AM roundtable on 160 during most contests. 75 meters is more challenging but it can be done. Of course if its too crowded then you just wait for the contest to be over. Of course there will always be dicks who will piss and moan no matter what because they think they own a particular frequency.
Well fellers I've had a great contest. I began with my morning ragchew on 75m, then was in and out on 40m while hauling mulch with my dad today, then have been on 40m this afternoon with a couple of other dudes talking football while we've been watching footbaw, and I've not heard one of you cotton-pickers all weekend.
Well fellers I've had a great contest. I began with my morning ragchew on 75m, then was in and out on 40m while hauling mulch with my dad today, then have been on 40m this afternoon with a couple of other dudes talking football while we've been watching footbaw, and I've not heard one of you cotton-pickers all weekend.
My rig is on right now. But i doubt you would hear me even if were calling you on a clear frequency. :lol:
I'm actually bored. Not getting into it this time around.
I picked up a couple of VKs this morning on 40m. Also a KH6. One that I'd never heard of before; a GM/S (Shetland Island) on 10m.
So far, 52 Qs and 75 multipliers. Too many other distractions and I'm a little short on sleep. My butt's been dragging all day....
Lets see....i have.....2 qsos.
I need to put a few more in there before work. Sunday is usually my best day for contesting since the initial pileups are down, even on rare ones, and i can focus on the final push.
10-27-2012, 05:35 PM
I worked a few. Lost interest in the microphone. 10M JT65 is packed with signals at the moment. Working some of them now instead.
Yeah, me too. I just worked OA1F on 15 cw.
10-27-2012, 06:16 PM
Listening to HC1JQ on 14.349 working US ops that seem to have no clue where the band edge is. This problem would be eliminated in short order if the contest organizers just noted every call they heard op OOB and DQ'ed them.
I getting some decent stations now. My best catch of the day was right after that last post. I tuned across an empty 15 cw band and heard a pileup on 5T5BV, Mauritius. There was a lull and i dropped my call and got him. New band country for me.
I can feel good going to work now. :)
Listening to HC1JQ on 14.349 working US ops that seem to have no clue where the band edge is. This problem would be eliminated in short order if the contest organizers just noted every call they heard op OOB and DQ'ed them.Where's Dave Popkin and his infamous Popkingrams when you need them?
I've got 90 Q's in today. Didn't bother last night (too tired), and just spent a little time on this morning & afternoon. 50 of those Q's are on 10, 25 on 15, 15 on 20. Just got back in the shack, not hearing anything on 160, and EU isn't hearing me barefoot on 40. I don't expect much on 75 except some Caribbean and Central/South Americans. So it goes.
But when I was operating earlier at least, I had fun!!
I'll get back into it tomorrow. I'm just too tired. I went to bed about 1:30 Friday night and the dog got me up around 6:00 Saturday morning. I haven't been able to focus on anything today.
The good part was bagging the 2 VKs and the KH6 on 40m SSB with just the 100 watts. The bad part is it's only 9:40 and I can barely keep my eyes open.
I'm going to be lucky to break 100 Qs at this point. Too much time spent trying to keep gutters clear and other preparations to be made in anticipation of Sandy's arrival.
Still a few choice DXCC entities to be had, like AH0BT on 15M. I think that's an ATNO for me.
This just made the whole contest for me!!!!
D9K 15M 10/28/2012 22:41z :rock: :hyper: :rock:
Amazingly, he's not that busy. It's like nobody knows he's there.
Yes, 100 watts, but on the 4-element 15m beam.
We now return your bands to their usual "crickets chirping" conditions. :neener:
10-28-2012, 07:15 PM
Why not limit contests to specific frequencies ?
Why bother? There's no frequency reserved for any purpose.
This just made the whole contest for me!!!!
D9K 15M 10/28/2012 22:41z :rock: :hyper: :rock:
Amazingly, he's not that busy. It's like nobody knows he's there.
Yes, 100 watts, but on the 4-element 15m beam.
Nice catch!
I picked up a few more towards DDXCC (I didn't do much on it over the summer), plus P29NI on 12 late this afternoon. I now stand at 99... one more to go!
I ended up with 120 Q's, 60 on 10 meters, 35 on 15, 25 on 20. Obviously I wasn't trying too hard! The vertical is set for CW on 80 & 40, so it doesn't play too well on the phone side -- and the wire wasn't loading correctly for some reason, so I just stayed on the high bands.
Where's Dave Popkin and his infamous Popkingrams when you need them?
Dig up and reanimate him, then equip Dave with a box-load of the following...suitably modified to include the verbiage "shared spectrum" and "first come, first served". His targets of interest are the MMSN whiners:
11-08-2012, 03:22 PM
Why bother? There's no frequency reserved for any purpose.
Because it seems like it might be a nice compromise to limit contests to specific bands. Say you schedule a contest and limit it to 20 meter phone. The contest happens on 2-0 and the other bands are clear. Next week you have a cw contest on 80 and 160. Then maybe the following week a contest on 10 meters using dipshittal modes. Then maybe an AM contest on 160 the week after. Then maybe a phone contest on 75 and 40 the next week,. Then maybe a qrp contest on 15 and 20 the next week. It seems to me that by going this route we could have more contests, more frequently and without compromising anyone. Plenty of band space for contesters, plenty of band space for non-contesters, greater diversity, greater flexibility, and less issues. I think it would be a win/win for all.
Other hobbies and interests I have seem to allow for people to compromise and create balance. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Unfortunately ham radio is the one hobby that seems to take the "all or nothing" approach. Why is it so difficult for hams to compromise ? There is more than enough room for contesters and non-contesters alike.
11-08-2012, 03:27 PM
WARC bands almost never have any contesting on them. But they are prime DXing locations and are where the DX who DON'T contest hide out during these massive events.
11-09-2012, 11:17 AM
WARC bands almost never have any contesting on them. But they are prime DXing locations and are where the DX who DON'T contest hide out during these massive events.
By limiting different contests to different bands and modes we could probably open up the WARC bands for contests as well.
11-09-2012, 11:28 AM
Because it seems like it might be a nice compromise to limit contests to specific bands.
Contests are already limited to certain bands.
11-09-2012, 11:29 AM
WARC bands almost never have any contesting on them. But they are prime DXing locations and are where the DX who DON'T contest hide out during these massive events.
WARC band NEVER have any contesting. Not "almost never", but "Never".
WARC band NEVER have any contesting. Not "almost never", but "Never".
Truth. I read somewhere (Zed?) that some cotton-picker was thinking of starting up a
BIBLE STUDY NET" on either 60m or 17m.
I thought maybe I'd start a "HOLY KORAN NET" about three minutes before he started his. haha
11-09-2012, 12:54 PM
Truth. I read somewhere (Zed?) that some cotton-picker was thinking of starting up a
BIBLE STUDY NET" on either 60m or 17m.
I thought maybe I'd start a "HOLY KORAN NET" about three minutes before he started his. haha
The first contest on a WARC band would involve pissing?
11-09-2012, 02:17 PM
Contests are already limited to certain bands.
yeah,, but why not include ALL the bands including the WARC bands and spread things out the way i described above ? For example,
Contest 1 -> Digital modes on the WARC bands
Contest 2 -> Phone on 75 and 40.
Contest 2 -> QRP CW on 80 and 160
Contest 4 -> Phone on 10, 15
Contest 5 -> AM or SSB on 160
Contest 6 -> CW & Phone on 6 and 2 metres.
Contest 7 -> 10 meter AM & SSB DX
Contest * -> etc.
This could be done weekly or even daily... more contests, more often, and plenty of room left for ragchewers, nets, experimenters, etc. I see the issue between contests and non-contesters as more an organizational issue than any sort of hard core rivalry. Better planning (i.e. perhaps based on a round robin type scheduling) or other organizational schema can go a very long way and give better results than we see today.
yeah,, but why not include ALL the bands including the WARC bands and spread things out the way i described above ? For example,
Contest 1 -> Digital modes on the WARC bands
Contest 2 -> Phone on 75 and 40.
Contest 2 -> QRP CW on 80 and 160
Contest 4 -> Phone on 10, 15
Contest 5 -> AM or SSB on 160
Contest 6 -> CW & Phone on 6 and 2 metres.
Contest 7 -> 10 meter AM & SSB DX
Contest * -> etc.
This could be done weekly or even daily... more contests, more often, and plenty of room left for ragchewers, nets, experimenters, etc. I see the issue between contests and non-contesters as more an organizational issue than any sort of hard core rivalry. Better planning (i.e. perhaps based on a round robin type scheduling) or other organizational schema can go a very long way and give better results than we see today.
There's enough Pissing & Moaning about contests as it is. All you'll do is make it louder. :roll:
11-09-2012, 05:42 PM
yeah,, but why not include ALL the bands including the WARC bands and spread things out the way i described above ? For example,
Contest 1 -> Digital modes on the WARC bands
Contest 2 -> Phone on 75 and 40.
Contest 2 -> QRP CW on 80 and 160
Contest 4 -> Phone on 10, 15
Contest 5 -> AM or SSB on 160
Contest 6 -> CW & Phone on 6 and 2 metres.
Contest 7 -> 10 meter AM & SSB DX
Contest * -> etc.
This could be done weekly or even daily... more contests, more often, and plenty of room left for ragchewers, nets, experimenters, etc. I see the issue between contests and non-contesters as more an organizational issue than any sort of hard core rivalry. Better planning (i.e. perhaps based on a round robin type scheduling) or other organizational schema can go a very long way and give better results than we see today.
There's enough Pissing & Moaning about contests as it is. All you'll do is make it louder. :roll:
Sounds good to me... Let them piss and moan
Contests are evil and the WARC bands are too "Euro" for any God-fearin', commie-hatin' real American ham.
11-09-2012, 07:10 PM
There's enough Pissing & Moaning about contests as it is. All you'll do is make it louder. :roll:
Maybe, but I don't think so. I think better organization will reduce the piss and moan levels. True, some will piss and moan no matter what. But I think better planning and organization would actually reduce the P&M factor.
In all fairness, most people moan a little bit when they have to piss really bad! Then once they start pissing, they say "aaaaaaah"....because saying they are moaning would be a little weird.
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