View Full Version : Bandpass

09-25-2012, 04:50 PM
Can anyone recommend a CHEAP 10 meter bandpass filter?

09-25-2012, 04:59 PM

09-25-2012, 05:00 PM
One that you build, or one of the old Drake TV-LP units. If you're planning on using it with your Palomar amp you can get away with the 300w version.

I may have a tunable Bud unit in the junk box. Should the thing still be around you can have it for the cost of shipping.

09-25-2012, 05:36 PM
The kit would be in my price range.I don't understand the j1 and j2 conections?and also on both offers they are both tunable what equipment would be needed for that? I would probally have to get someone to build it for me bad eyes and shakey hands.
same good price range on the Bud.

09-25-2012, 11:07 PM
J1 and J2 are simply header connectors. You can solder right to the pads to connect them to the connectors of your choice or to place them in circuit within your radio. This thread sums up tuning nicely: Tune for maximum noise on receive. Pretty simple: http://www.kitsandparts.com/fluxbb/viewtopic.php?id=131

09-25-2012, 11:10 PM
BTW here's another version of it, a 7 pole: http://kitsandparts.com/univlpfilter.php

EDIT: My mistake. that's a low-pass filter. It's late and I'm tired, sorry.

09-25-2012, 11:13 PM
BTW, you don't want these filters anywhere near the output of a transmitter. They are meant for receive or very low power applications ONLY. I don't know why you'd use them in a transmitter output circuit, but just saying that FYI.

09-26-2012, 03:28 AM
He's looking to filter the output of a 10M brick.

09-26-2012, 04:25 AM
He's looking to filter the output of a 10M brick.

Ah, well he didn't say that. I think bandpass my mind automatically goes to receive. I generally think of low-pass for transmit. Yeah, this little kit isn't going to handle a lot of power. If you're talking a 100 watt or more brick, then no. Again, my mind went to low power and CHEAP and immediately I thought of these little kits. They ARE pretty cool.

09-29-2012, 03:40 PM
Well I might not need a filter now :-( I might have smoked something.My Granddaughter must have pushed in the high power control button.That meant I was putting 25 watts into my amp instead of the 5 watts I had it on. Today I was being told I could not be heard very well like I had a lot of rf in my transmission.Then I noticed the power control was pushed in,I pulled it back out and still bad audio.I hope I didn't mess up the transciever and the amp.

10-02-2012, 09:20 PM
The amp is ok,got it checked.
Anyone know how to turn the low output down? I believe it is adjustable from 3 to 7 watts.I know the location of the low power pot,but not sure how to adjust it.

10-02-2012, 09:24 PM
forgot to say the output on the htx-100.

10-03-2012, 06:19 AM
The amp is ok,got it checked.
Anyone know how to turn the low output down? I believe it is adjustable from 3 to 7 watts.I know the location of the low power pot,but not sure how to adjust it.

Pull the knob marked "RF GAIN CONTROL" out. It will switch to low lower.

10-03-2012, 06:28 AM
I still need to check that box of cables and such for the low-pass filter I promised you.

As far as power-output adjustments are concerned: You do have a peak-reading wattmeter with a 20w scale, correct?