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View Full Version : Steve Sabol SK

09-18-2012, 03:01 PM
The man who made NFL Films what it is today, Steve Sabol, has died from a bout with brain cancer.


09-19-2012, 12:19 PM
Hate to hear of anybody dying that way. May he RIP.

09-23-2012, 11:39 AM
His films were great. They used to run them on the sunday before the SuperBowl. Spent many an hour enjoying them.

He brought style to NFL films.

09-23-2012, 07:05 PM
Hate to hear of anybody dying that way. May he RIP.

Me too. I am sure there are many many ways that would be just as horrifying as a parting gift from this world but I personally have not had experience with them. My grandmother passed away with cancer. Both in her bones and her brain. I can not imagine how horrible it was for her or what she went through. I can only relate with what I saw. She was always in pain, always. She only remembered bits and pieces of her life. Many times she remember the worst of times rather than the best and that was heart wrenching.

I may have only been a teenager and not fully aware of what was going on but I understood enough. I was there for it everyday until the end. I really do not know will impact my life, personally, quite like that. I have lost family, young family, and it was painful. But to watch this is just something you can not describe.

So, it too saddens me to hear that someone has passed in such a way. It saddens me when people pass, in general. But this...Well, you know what I mean.

And as you said, may he rest in peace.