View Full Version : Silly question
08-15-2012, 05:11 AM
My old setup was Prolll > amp > Tuner > Dummy Load/Antenna. I know this is the correct configuration but..My old tuner had an SO239 for a dummy load and a position on the front for dummy load selection. Looking at modern tuners, particularly the Palstars, they do not have a dummy load switch position and a bypass, only a bypass. I assume putting the dummy load in line through the bypass would be fine rather than using a coax switch and putting the dummy load in line with the Amp directly via switch. Would this be fine or am I having a dumb moment?
I need to hit the books and get back on the air...Working only the forums has left a soft spot in my head.
08-15-2012, 12:31 PM
left a soft spot in my head. Push it in and you have an ashtray.
08-15-2012, 12:40 PM
I took a look, on the Internet, at the Palstar AT500 manual and there is a diagram of the rear panel. Next to the BYPASS connector is the following text:
BYPASS coaxial connector for output to dummy load or third coax output. Bypasses tuner, but meter circuits are on if AC adaptor is connected to jack located on rear panel.
So, at least with this tuner, it looks like you can connect you dummy load to the BYPASS connector and even monitor the power/swr if the tuner is powered up. Alternatively, you can connect an additional antenna to the BYPASS connector which doesn't require tuning.
Push it in and you have an ashtray. 718508&docid=Prn7Roow-Xm3tM&itg=1&imgurl= image.php%25253Fdefid%25253D5718508%252526greeting _card_outside%25253D1%2526urbaninside_url%253Dhttp Fproducts.image.php%25253Fdefid%25253D5718508%2525 26greeting_card_inside%25253D1%2526urbanword_txt%2 53DAnal%252BAshtray&w=325&h=325&ei=Wd4rUJutFY2C8ASesYGYDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=99&vpy=159&dur=3815&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=61&ty=243&sig=102744707291949715922&page=2&tbnh=153&tbnw=153&start=13&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:13,i:116
08-15-2012, 12:43 PM
Run it through the bypass. Which Palstar do you have? AT4K here.
08-15-2012, 04:14 PM
I took a look, on the Internet, at the Palstar AT500 manual and there is a diagram of the rear panel. Next to the BYPASS connector is the following text:
So, at least with this tuner, it looks like you can connect you dummy load to the BYPASS connector and even monitor the power/swr if the tuner is powered up. Alternatively, you can connect an additional antenna to the BYPASS connector which doesn't require tuning.
Thank you.
Run it through the bypass. Which Palstar do you have? AT4K here.
Thank you.
To answer your question, none. I will have the ATK4 though. When I came to Spain I liquidated my shack. Minus a few boat anchors, an HT, and a TS 60 that I forgot about. TS 60 will go as soon as I get back. I acquired that from a fellow that passed away. Still need to throw that on a dummy load etc.
Anyway, I dont know what station I will get as of yet for my primary station.
Secondary will be Omni VI+, Herc II, and the auto tuner which the model number I can not think of.
As for the primary stations. I am thinking that it will be something like this. Omni VII, Orion II, or FTDX-5000MP, Alpha 8410 or 9500 (Have not decided if I want to be lazy or if I even wanna spend the extra cash between the two), ATK4, and Alpha 2000.
Wanna get a stepperir and maybe the Bigir vert..Idk anything about vertical antennas though. Need to read up more. I figure a vert, and a new beam will go well with my loop and dipoles.
Yes, going all out. Then again...I liquidated a shack full of gear I collected over the course of 8 years plus some things that were left to me. Its nice to start from scratch when you have the cash to do so.
So ends my explanation of the tuner I do not have plus a bunch of extra info that is not relevant to the thread, lol.
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