View Full Version : Not enough dangerous spiders where you live?
07-26-2012, 07:42 PM
Move to Omaha...
Nebraska man rooming with 40 deadly spiders that have invaded his apartment (
Best thing to do when you see one of them is suck 'em up the vacuum cleaner. I've always been able to keep ahead of them that way.
07-26-2012, 08:54 PM
Geeeeeeez ..... I'm not partial to spiders either.A new little bastard has become transplanted into our area .... it's called the Hobo spider.It's similar in appearance to wolf spiders and they bite like a few species of wolf spider,but the Hobo has a nasty venom the wolf spiders don't have ...... it's at the point now were you can't trust any type of spider scurrying across the floor!..... Pat take Heed! My understanding they've been spreading out from San Francisco since they arrived as some stowaways on ships in the 30's
I would'nt be surprised if they take over the widow's hood there in that San Diego area some day real soon!! :omg:
07-26-2012, 09:52 PM
Get even, eat 'em...
07-26-2012, 10:11 PM
We got Black Widders out here.
We got fiddlebacks (Brown Recluse) the gross.
07-26-2012, 10:53 PM
We got Black Widders out here.
Yeah ....we've got a few kicking around here as well.... I was 15 years old I stuck my hand into an electrical fuse box to reset a breaker that was located in the basement of a building..... I reached inside without looking and I guess I poked a blackwidow web that was there and the damn thing bit me..... at emergency they said because of the northern latitude location the venow is not even close to the potency of bee huh? :muhahaha:
07-26-2012, 11:13 PM
Yeah ....we've got a few kicking around here as well.... I was 15 years old I stuck my hand into an electrical fuse box to reset a breaker that was located in the basement of a building..... I reached inside without looking and I guess I poked a blackwidow web that was there and the damn thing bit me..... at emergency they said because of the northern latitude location the venow is not even close to the potency of bee huh? :muhahaha:
Their venom is among one of the most poisonous known, worst than rattlesnakes. But they are small and their fangs are usually too small to penetrate into human skin to give much of a dose.
07-27-2012, 07:49 AM
The Black WIDDERS are seiging my house, but so far, they haven't broken through the threshold. Brown Widders too. Don't know about brown Recluses, but I am sure they are in the garage. But that guy's apartment is just INSANE! he needs to get a PEST CONTROL agency over their RIGHT AWAY and just DOUSE the whole place with BUG SPRAY!!! Cuz they are going to get him. If there are THAT MANY of them, he is TOAST! HOW can he sleep at night?
meanwhile, I have been searching for a place where there are NO poisonous spiders to move to. I THOUGHT Nebraska was safe, but I guess not. Other locations are South Dakota and maybe upper Iowa. But the Brown Recluses are pushing NORTHWARD. I am snakebit on the Pacific Northwest as the HOBO Spiders have completely overrrun that part of the country. And I hear there are plenty of Eastern Black WIdders in New England. Someone said MAINE didn't have any spiders, but I don't believe it.
So it looks like the only SAFE PLACE on Earth is ANTARTICA!!! I will be on the next boat SOUTH!
Pat, I think your caps lock key has an issue.
07-27-2012, 07:09 PM
Now I'm worried...
BAD TOURISTS! Black widow spiders INVADING New York - Just how bad is their bite? (
07-27-2012, 08:06 PM
07-27-2012, 09:13 PM,+Victoria,+BC,+V9A+2B3&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x548f730db003a585:0xdc252e97fdf8858,3040+Ti llicum+Rd,+Victoria,+BC+V9A+2C5&gl=ca&sa=X&ei=2EkTUJqzCoXCrQH38ICIDQ&ved=0CAkQ8gEwAA
hey pat check out this place no spiders there might even let the equipment go with the house
07-27-2012, 10:19 PM
Well, last winter was spring so no surpsise. Needless to say I am not afraid of spiders. They bother me the least. They tend to find a quiet corner and leave me alone.
07-27-2012, 10:35 PM
Yea, most spiders are harmless and can almost be lovable. But if there's Brown Recluse and Black widows around it's time to pay attention. Unless you WANT to get bit.
Had a friend show up at work one day with a BIG sore on his forehead. He said he woke up with it and went to the doctor to check it out. Dr. guessed that it was a spider bite - possibly a Brown Recluse spider. He didn't have pain or other symptoms, just a big indentation in his forehead that looked like the result of being injected with skin-dissolving venom, like what a Brown Recluse does. That was in Ann Arbor, MI in 1972.
So....if you want to wake up like that someday, go ahead and cultivate the spider population in your home -- you'll have fewer bugs. I'll suck 'em all up vacuum. If I were an expert that could definitely identify what kind of spider I see, I'd spare the "pet" spiders and kill the "bad" ones. But...not being an expert...
07-28-2012, 01:07 AM
Yea, most spiders are harmless and can almost be lovable. But if there's Brown Recluse and Black widows around it's time to pay attention. Unless you WANT to get bit.
Had a friend show up at work one day with a BIG sore on his forehead. He said he woke up with it and went to the doctor to check it out. Dr. guessed that it was a spider bite - possibly a Brown Recluse spider. He didn't have pain or other symptoms, just a big indentation in his forehead that looked like the result of being injected with skin-dissolving venom, like what a Brown Recluse does. That was in Ann Arbor, MI in 1972.
So....if you want to wake up like that someday, go ahead and cultivate the spider population in your home -- you'll have fewer bugs. I'll suck 'em all up vacuum. If I were an expert that could definitely identify what kind of spider I see, I'd spare the "pet" spiders and kill the "bad" ones. But...not being an expert...
Both black widows and brown recluse (violin spiders) tend to avoid humans and prefer areas where humans rarely show up. Sounds like your friend may have been bitten by a species thats a hunter as opposed to either a violin spider or a widow. Around here I could lase them but I don't bother. Not worth the effort (not that it take much effort ) Usually they just find a dark corner and I never see them. I had a rather large brown spider living under my radiator one summer. Spotted it when i was cleaning one day. I just left it alone. When I looked under the radiator again in the fall it was gone, web and all. Guess it moved on to a new hunting ground. Sometimes I I find one that is too large or too frisky I trap them and toss them into the garden. Good for killing garden pests.
07-28-2012, 10:30 AM
Nope. Sure, they're reclusive and not aggressive, until threatened. Like rolling over in your sleep, or putting on clothes, or reaching in (or maybe even around - but that would be a different pest) into a drawer, closet or whatever to get something. You mess with 'em unintentionally, they'll bite you. Had a friend in Tucson who got bit by a scorpion reaching into his dryer.
Makes me appreciate that my pets are roaches - completely harmless.
07-28-2012, 10:07 PM
Now tell me, why was he in the dryer so the scorpion had to reach in to bite him?
07-29-2012, 01:47 AM
Referring to the Australian Bird Eating Spider..
Yeah but they only eat smaller birds like Crows and Magpies....They generally leave the Emus alone....:chin:
07-30-2012, 06:35 AM
Nope. Sure, they're reclusive and not aggressive, until threatened. Like rolling over in your sleep, or putting on clothes, or reaching in (or maybe even around - but that would be a different pest) into a drawer, closet or whatever to get something. You mess with 'em unintentionally, they'll bite you. Had a friend in Tucson who got bit by a scorpion reaching into his dryer.
Makes me appreciate that my pets are roaches - completely harmless.
Well, the moral is, never reach into places unless you first know what is already in there. :mrgreen:
07-30-2012, 09:34 AM
And don't roll over in your sleep. That's the hard part!
07-30-2012, 10:39 AM
Well, the moral is, never reach into places unless you first know what is already in there. :mrgreen:
The Gynecologists motto.
The Gynecologists motto.
"Don't tug on that! You don't know what it might be attached to!"
07-30-2012, 04:55 PM
And don't roll over in your sleep. That's the hard part!
If they bite you then just bite em back.
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