View Full Version : What Makes Microsoft Great !!

06-20-2012, 06:55 PM
One man... Da Bomba... (aka Monkey Boy) the great Steve Ballmer


06-20-2012, 06:58 PM
One man... Da Bomba... (aka Monkey Boy) the great Steve Ballmer

The great asshole Steve Ballmer. :roll:

06-20-2012, 07:30 PM


06-20-2012, 07:36 PM



I guess he must get some kick ass blow.

06-20-2012, 07:55 PM
I can only help but laugh at Microsoft's new tablet offering. I welcome them to 2008. They have missed every boat for the last 10 years, constantly playing catch up. How Balmer still has a job is mind boggling, if I was a major shareholder of MSFT, I'd demand his removal. Now it even looks like their one bright spot is going to bomb, the Xbox 720 is about as underwhelming as it can be -- they can't hang their hat on the Halo series.

06-20-2012, 09:58 PM
I can only help but laugh at Microsoft's new tablet offering. I welcome them to 2008. They have missed every boat for the last 10 years, constantly playing catch up. How Balmer still has a job is mind boggling, if I was a major shareholder of MSFT, I'd demand his removal. Now it even looks like their one bright spot is going to bomb, the Xbox 720 is about as underwhelming as it can be -- they can't hang their hat on the Halo series.

Remember when Microsoft was the 600-pound gorilla of the computing world, when they could essentially do whatever they chose to do and it would become the new standard? Man, are those days ever over. Not that that is a bad thing.

06-20-2012, 10:06 PM
Remember when Microsoft was the 600-pound gorilla of the computing world, when they could essentially do whatever they chose to do and it would become the new standard? Man, are those days ever over. Not that that is a bad thing.

Didn't Microsoft once say that the Internet or the World Wide web would never amount to much ?? And didn't they also claim that Mac and Linux would bite the dust. Now they are trying to play catch up in the world of tablets and mobile computing that utilize those very platforms that they claimed would just die off. These days it seems like the more they play catch up the further behind they fall. They are like a stumbling behemoth who's time has long gone by.

06-21-2012, 04:33 AM
Microsoft has its ups and downs. The biggest advantage a PC has is the price. Ofc you can also strip windows off of the machine and throw linux on there if you wish. When it comes to xbox, I hated the original but loved the 360. Though, I have always been more of a playstation fan. Either way I think the age of the console game is coming to an end. PC and portables seem to be the way to go.

Mac I have used on occasion but I can not justify the down payment on a car to buy one. My MIL looked at one and literally fell down into her chair when she saw the price.

My main curiosity is android. Aside from the fact that their OS can be found on tablets and phones there are also a few netbooks that have popped up with an android OS as a secondary. It would be interesting to see if they ever come out with a full blown OS for laptops and desktop PC's. I think it would give both MS and Mac a run for their money.

06-21-2012, 05:37 AM
The thing I like is that we have many different choices and Microsoft is not the only game in town. While it is still largely a Windows-centric world out there it is not so much so as it was a decade or so ago. I remember years ago if I was in a computer store and looking at a piece of hardware people would draw a blank if I asked about Linux comparability, drivers, etc. These days many not only understand what I mean, they may even run it themselves. Mac, Android Linux, , etc. all help keep diversity alive in the present.

06-21-2012, 08:48 AM
The thing I like is that we have many different choices and Microsoft is not the only game in town. [...] Mac, Android Linux, , etc. all help keep diversity alive in the present.

Yes. This. I use Windows, OS X and Linux here.

06-24-2012, 05:11 PM
What comes to my mind after watching that video?

The late, great, Microsoft

Killed by Windows 8....

06-24-2012, 06:24 PM
What comes to my mind after watching that video?

The late, great, Microsoft

Killed by Windows 8....

Microsoft isn't going to die, it's just going to become significantly less relevant as time goes by the same way IBM did in the personal computing realm.

06-26-2012, 07:41 PM
Microsoft isn't going to die, it's just going to become significantly less relevant as time goes by the same way IBM did in the personal computing realm.

IBM had a killer workstation replacement laptop with the ThinkPad lines. Thankfully, Lenovo has carried the banner, and well, I might add. They didn't get rid of the eraser pointer, or the built in keyboard light.

06-26-2012, 08:07 PM
Microsoft isn't going to die, it's just going to become significantly less relevant as time goes by the same way IBM did in the personal computing realm.

I agree that Microsoft isn't going to die.. at least any time soon.. but it really does feel that it's taken the first real misstep towards irrelevance... Sinofsky better know what he's doing...

06-26-2012, 08:14 PM
Microsoft is following the same business model that Packard Bell did with Wal-Mart. They are too big for their britches and letting the market shape them, instead of them shaping the market. That's why Apple has maintained a steady foothold, they make the market.

06-27-2012, 05:08 AM
Microsoft might die a little faster if Apple used more competitive pricing.

06-27-2012, 05:26 AM
Microsoft might die a little faster if Apple used more competitive pricing.Did y'all happen to see Orbitz (the travel website) was showing Apple users higher priced hotels? :lol:

As for IBM -- many don't realize it, but they interact with IBM products every day of their lives. Their desktop/laptop market was strong, but absolutely not suited to everything else they do. I believe IBM to be one of the greatest corporate success stories of the 20th century, despite their perceived lull in the 90s..

06-27-2012, 06:59 AM
Did y'all happen to see Orbitz (the travel website) was showing Apple users higher priced hotels? :lol:

As for IBM -- many don't realize it, but they interact with IBM products every day of their lives. Their desktop/laptop market was strong, but absolutely not suited to everything else they do. I believe IBM to be one of the greatest corporate success stories of the 20th century, despite their perceived lull in the 90s..

No, I didnt see that one.

06-27-2012, 09:56 AM
Did y'all happen to see Orbitz (the travel website) was showing Apple users higher priced hotels? :lol:

As for IBM -- many don't realize it, but they interact with IBM products every day of their lives. Their desktop/laptop market was strong, but absolutely not suited to everything else they do. I believe IBM to be one of the greatest corporate success stories of the 20th century, despite their perceived lull in the 90s..

If you re-read my post, you'll notice I said " the same way IBM did in the [I]personal computing realm."

06-27-2012, 10:57 AM
Microsoft might die a little faster if Apple used more competitive pricing.

Like Apple cares. The iPhone alone now generates more quarterly revenue than Microsoft's entire business, according to Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com/the-iphone-is-5-years-old-2012-6).

06-27-2012, 07:07 PM
Microsoft is following the same business model that Packard Bell did with Wal-Mart. They are too big for their britches and letting the market shape them, instead of them shaping the market. That's why Apple has maintained a steady foothold, they make the market.
I remember going to the LinuxWorks Expo back in the 90's. All the big companies were there including IBM and numerous others. And plenty of small companies, some still around today, some which became big companies some which have faded into oblivion. What I did find interesting and somewhat pathetic was the absence of Microsoft. It was at the height of their anti-Linux FUD campaign. I always had the feeling that if instead of wasting their time on FUD they might be better off if they embraced these new and alternative technologies to some degree. If nothing else by offering products and solutions that better serve interoperability between MS products and non-MS products like Linux, Mac, etc. Or even versions of MS products that operate (or at very least cooperate with) non-MS platforms. I always felt that by taking the "my way or the hi-way" approach they were basically committing a form of slow suicide. Don't get me wrong, I don;t expect MS to go away anytime soon and they will remain a dominant player for years to come. Its just thhat when push comes to shoves you stand a better chance at survival by making friends as opposed to making enemies and opponents, the latter which seems to be the MS approach.