View Full Version : Mother of Invention (inventive mother)

06-01-2012, 03:24 PM
In the mid-1800's inventors were clamoring to invent a communication device other than yelling and smoke signals.

Alexander Graham Bell succeeded inventing the 'Text Machine'. A device that allowed subscribers to communicate on a small integrated typewriter like object that had to be connected to wires. One for that new-fangled electricity and the other to a wire that runs up and down poles hopefully to the recipient of one's message.

~100 years later the technology has improved. No longer does your text machine need to be tethered to a cord. True freedom. You can text while on a date and even while driving!

in 2013 Apple Corp. invents a new device that changes communication as we know it. It's called the "iTalk". It's small and fits in the palm your hand. No alphabet on it, only ten numbers. Totally portable, you can take it with you everywhere. You can actually type in ten digits and talk to your friend in real time. No need to pound out messages with your thumbs and wait hopefully for a response.

In 2013 Apple receives the coveted award, "Most Significant Invention of the Century". Apple stock triples over night and Steve Jobs does gymnastics in his grave wondering why he didn't think of that. President Romney grants them the award of "Tax Exempt Corporation (Same as a Person) of the Year".

06-01-2012, 03:26 PM
Here's my favorite Mother of Invention:
