View Full Version : Dumb Computer Questions

05-04-2012, 02:50 PM
Why is it that people always ask me the dumbest computer questions. like...

"I saved a page from my web browser, now how do I find it ??" Answer... Uh ?? How should I know ?? By starting and looking in your home directory maybe ?

"How do I get my computer to do (this or that) ?" - Hmmm... perhaps the same way I would. By looking through the menu and seeing if there is an application, utility, game, etc. that will do what you want ??

95% what I know how to do on a computer comes from exploring the menu's, trial and error, etc. Yet it seems that most people are afraid they will break the computer or something if they explore the system and learn what resources it provides. Do they really think I have some magic formula to figure it out ? Maybe from watching to many science fiction films in which the computer explodes if you make it do something it can't...

I think everyone should be required to pass a training course before being allowed to buy any kind of computer.

05-04-2012, 02:54 PM
Create another bureaucracy or put it under the DMV? We certainly know their work load is low.

05-04-2012, 03:57 PM
Can't help themselves John. They have been trained to memorize factoids, the "why" is meaningless.

If you are lacking critical thinking, and reading comprehension... Menu surfing is terrifying.

05-04-2012, 07:49 PM
I think everyone should be required to pass a training course before being allowed to buy any kind of computer.

And remove Apple's market? :D

05-05-2012, 01:23 AM
"Create another bureaucracy or put it under the DMV?"
No, the DHS has jurisdiction here.
"Menu surfing is terrifying."

05-05-2012, 06:15 AM
Why is it that people always ask me the dumbest computer questions. like...

"I saved a page from my web browser, now how do I find it ??" Answer... Uh ?? How should I know ?? By starting and looking in your home directory maybe ?

"How do I get my computer to do (this or that) ?" - Hmmm... perhaps the same way I would. By looking through the menu and seeing if there is an application, utility, game, etc. that will do what you want ??

95% what I know how to do on a computer comes from exploring the menu's, trial and error, etc. Yet it seems that most people are afraid they will break the computer or something if they explore the system and learn what resources it provides. Do they really think I have some magic formula to figure it out ? Maybe from watching to many science fiction films in which the computer explodes if you make it do something it can't...

I think everyone should be required to pass a training course before being allowed to buy any kind of computer.

They may actually mess up their PC. My mother manages to do so about 10 times a year and the only thing she uses it for is email....