View Full Version : Brazil Forbids Future DXPeditions to PY0S St. Peter & Paul archipelago
Here's the Google Translate text, for those of us who have a little trouble with Portugese:
Published on March 5, 2012 by admin
The Return of the Brazilian government against Crusaders Amateur.
Forbidden DXpedition to PY0S
The Amateur Radio DXpedition are prohibited from the archipelago of Saint Peter and Saint Paul (PY0S), the archipelago consists of a set of rocky islands located in the northern hemisphere, on the Mid Atlantic ridge (00 ° 55.01 'N and 029 º 20.76 'W, about 1100 km from the city of Natal - RN and 520 km from the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha - EP). It is the nearest point of Brazil of Africa, lying about 1820 km from Guinea Bissau. This is a remote group of islands near the equator, which occupies an area emerged about 17,000 m2, whose maximum elevation is 18 m above sea level.
The Aqruipélago of St. Peter and St. Paul is in 16th place in 2011 DXCC list of most wanted entities.
The prohibition that is published on the website of SERCIM (Link) - Secretariat of the Interministerial Commission for Sea Resources that coordinates and controls the PROGRAM ARCHIPELAGO OF ST PETER AND ST PAUL, came as a surprise to the Amateur Radio Service. SECIRM participate in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Ministry of Education (MEC), Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Ministry of Environment (MMA), Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (MPA) and the Navy of Brazil.
The Federal LABRE DX and some groups in Brazil have shown a true outrage on Social Networks on the Internet. There is already a great mobilization on the part of Amateur Radio with the Brazilian Federal Senators and Representatives to try to reverse the decision to ban DXpedition to PY0S. The biggest concern among hams is that this decision could open a precedent for restrictions on other entities in Brazil as in other parts of the world.
The Teresina DX Group adds to this mobilization and disclaims any decision by government agencies that may restrict or hinder the development of Amateur Radio in our country.
Published by admin TDXG.
03-06-2012, 04:57 PM
I'm wondering about what reasoning might be behind this decision. Thinking back on the last DXpedition I followed only the bravest or maybe most foolish go there anyway, they're not called St Peter and St. Paul ROCKS for nothing.
03-07-2012, 05:28 AM
You got Peter, and Paul, where is Mary?
Is Teh Oyal present? If so, let's go liberate it and show them people.
I'm wondering about what reasoning might be behind this decision. Thinking back on the last DXpedition I followed only the bravest or maybe most foolish go there anyway, they're not called St Peter and St. Paul ROCKS for nothing.Ron AC7DX mentioned this in a post to the QSL reflector, I presume he got this off one of the govenrment web sites (SERCIM?) and translated it:
Amateur Radio expeditions to St Peter and St Paul Archipielago are not allowed because they do not conform to the continuing program of maintenance, conservation, management and the utilization of natural resources of the archipelago. Almost sounds like someone from the US Fish & Wildlife Service got tired of protecting Navassa and Desecheo from the unwanted advances of Amateur Radio operators & is now moonlighting for Brazil...
When global warming floods the joint, their silly-assed little conservation efforts aren't going to mean squat.
These are rocks, what's in your head. Should you destroy them, nature will always make more...and has been doing so for the last 4.5By or so.
Glad I already have it confirmed.
Bernie W3UR mentioned something in today's Daily DX on this that I wasn't aware of. Long & short of it is that the agency that "banned" Amateur Radio is not the only agency that has some level of administrative control over the archipelago. What I don't know, and what wasn't mentioned, is if all of the agencies that administer the location have to agree to allow visitors, or if permission is only needed from one or two or some combination thereof.
From somethings I've seen on other sites, our friends in PY not to happy about this announcement & they're working on this.
I guess the next time the place is QRV, whenever that is, I'll have to make more of an effort to work them. Hadn't been an issue, since my goal was 300 entities worked, not Honor Roll, but still...
03-08-2012, 11:09 PM
"...they do not conform to the continuing program of maintenance, conservation, management and the utilization of natural resources of the archipelago."
WHAT natural resources? Do these look natural to you? Looks more like RF resources to me, after all hams are the number one cause of TVI...
03-11-2012, 06:05 PM
When global warming floods the joint, their silly-assed little conservation efforts aren't going to mean squat.
These are rocks, what's in your head. Should you destroy them, nature will always make more...and has been doing so for the last 4.5By or so.
They say that human traffic can have a significant effect on animal and plant life in various regions. This is particularly true ( or so they say ) in isolated coastal and mountain regions. As an environMENTAList I once knew used to say, "the human disease has tread upon natures most pristine creations" and therefore felt that many wilderness trails should be closed to the "human disease"... Now, thin k about ham radio impinging upon pristine land with deadly energy waves. It's HAARP man... get out the tinfoil and lets make some hats.
03-11-2012, 06:08 PM
"...they do not conform to the continuing program of maintenance, conservation, management and the utilization of natural resources of the archipelago."
WHAT natural resources? Do these look natural to you? Looks more like RF resources to me, after all hams are the number one cause of TVI...
Don't laugh... I was once told that my antenna (basically wire in a tree) draws thunderstorms into the neighborhood.
It it's hot... "That damned antenna is sucking in all the hot air".
If' it's cold "That damned antenna is bringing in the cold weather".
It its thundering... "That damned antenna is attracting the lightning".
I't it's just right"... " we don;t get any rain, snow, (fill in the blank ___________________) because of that damned lousy antenna of his !!
03-12-2012, 12:12 AM
People would be funny if they weren't so stupid. Once upon a time I built a VHF ground plane for the only radio I had at the time, a scanner, and stuck it out on the fire escape. It didn't take long for the lady next door to come knocking and complaining of TVI. Planning strategy I asked about the TV and antenna, she said it was in the basement on rabbit ears. Uh oh, at this point I could almost see it coming, but patient as I am I took her to the window where the antenna was, pointed along following the coax to the scanner and pointed out it has no mic and doesn't transmit, all I do is listen to the local cop shop on it and gave her a listen. So how can a receiver interfere with your TV? Well it's an ANTENNA isn't it? In my best Sgt. Schultz voice... ooouuut... ooouuut... geeeeet OOOUUUT! (MACHT SCHNELL!)
John, wanna splice the mainbrace?
When global warming floods the joint, their silly-assed little conservation efforts aren't going to mean squat.
These are rocks, what's in your head. Should you destroy them, nature will always make more...and has been doing so for the last 4.5By or so.
Doesn't stop ARRL from making it into a DXCC entity. BS7H, for example...
That's why I'm kinda burned out on DXing. DXCC HR these days seems to be nothing more than an old timers club with requirements today that are impossible to get.
Contesting for me is where it's at. Station and operator aside, you're on a level playing field from the start.
Doesn't stop ARRL from making it into a DXCC entity. BS7H, for example...
That's why I'm kinda burned out on DXing. DXCC HR these days seems to be nothing more than an old timers club with requirements today that are impossible to get.
Contesting for me is where it's at. Station and operator aside, you're on a level playing field from the start.I have been privately told by a former ARRL high-level staffer that it was due to political pressure that certain DXCC entities entered the list, and BS7H was one of those absurdities.
The current "DXCC 2000" rules were supposed to prevent that from happening in the future. Of course, that didn't stop some people from finding loopholes or technicalities, such as Ducie Island. Once that loophole was closed, though, political pressure was brought to bear to make Swain's Island qualify.
But I'm with Ryan on this one as far as Honor Roll is concerned. I will probably never make it, as there are too many "rare" ones that I never worked, and probably never will work. So HR is not my goal, never has been. 5 Band was my goal, as was confirming 300 countries/entities. And I've managed both of them. Now 9 band is my goal (6 bands confirmed, 1 band pending, 1 band waiting to be turned in, only 160 left to work on).
I still need PY0S (and Navassa, for that matter). I enjoy DXing not for the awards, i need not impress anyone, i simply do it to challenge myself. I just like DXing.
It is an entire sub-hobby of politics that guys get wrapped up in when dealing with DXCC and all the weird arbitrary rules surrounding it. Ive got about 230 or so, i have no awards whatsoever.
I still need PY0S (and Navassa, for that matter). I enjoy DXing not for the awards, i need not impress anyone, i simply do it to challenge myself. I just like DXing.
It is an entire sub-hobby of politics that guys get wrapped up in when dealing with DXCC and all the weird arbitrary rules surrounding it. Ive got about 230 or so, i have no awards whatsoever.Well, you can lay the blame for many of the "weird arbitrary rules" solely at the feet of Dr. Don Miller (then) W9WNV. Had it not for his "cheating" by claiming to operate from places where he wasn't, and then suing the ARRL for not accepting his word for his alleged operations...
You can also lay said blame at the feet of several would-be DXCC lawyers who combed the rules looking for loopholes to permit the existance of "entities" that were absurd. Most of those loopholes and ambigous wording that created them have been closed, but the "entities" that were created at the time remain on the list, grandfathered.
03-24-2012, 08:21 PM
When global warming floods the joint, their silly-assed little conservation efforts aren't going to mean squat.
These are rocks, what's in your head. Should you destroy them, nature will always make more...and has been doing so for the last 4.5By or so.Besides, all those empty beer cans left behind by the DXpeditioners make fine housing accommodations for all the little crustacean thingies and what not. :)
Well, you can lay the blame for many of the "weird arbitrary rules" solely at the feet of Dr. Don Miller (then) W9WNV. Had it not for his "cheating" by claiming to operate from places where he wasn't, and then suing the ARRL for not accepting his word for his alleged operations...
You can also lay said blame at the feet of several would-be DXCC lawyers who combed the rules looking for loopholes to permit the existance of "entities" that were absurd. Most of those loopholes and ambigous wording that created them have been closed, but the "entities" that were created at the time remain on the list, grandfathered.
I talked to Don Miller by email once, he is off the air now...wonder why. :lol: Yeah, lawyers can ruin things pretty easily, especially when they get political. Thats ok. though, i dont really care about that kind of wallpaper really. I do, however, really enjoy getting the good wallpaper, the cards!
I have been privately told by a former ARRL high-level staffer that it was due to political pressure that certain DXCC entities entered the list, and BS7H was one of those absurdities.
That's what I heard too.
I talked to Don Miller by email once, he is off the air now...wonder why. :lol: Yeah, lawyers can ruin things pretty easily, especially when they get political. Thats ok. though, i dont really care about that kind of wallpaper really. I do, however, really enjoy getting the good wallpaper, the cards!I met Dr. Miller at Dayton a few years back. This was shortly after his release from prison, he'd gotten re-licensed(*), and he appeared to be in good spirits.
He'd just given a short speech before the DX Forum, during which (amongst other things) he apologized to the DX community for some of his past actions, including:
- Deliberately ignoring certain DX calls who he was personally unhappy with;
- Faking some of his later operations from very rare places that either he didn't actually go to, or that didn't exist;
- And for taking the ARRL to court (and eventually admitting to the whole scheme under deposition) to force them to accept his faked operations
Quite an admission. Clearly he was hoping for forgiveness. Considering his reputation as a CW operator, most people present appeared to be willing to consider it. (Not all, naturally, and considering doesn't mean giving it)
He also mentioned that he'd been in touch with Martti OH2BH, who allegedly was one of the few members of the DX community who kept in touch with him during his long prison term. And, allegedly, he had identified an all-time never-before-activated New One that he & Martti were going to put on the air Real Soon Now.
Uh-huh. That's been what, 6, 7 years? Haven't heard a peep from him since. Pity. I was looking forward to actually working him, as he went off the air shortly before I got active in DX'ing.
(*) Shortly before he was released from prison -- 20 year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder, allegedly he was trying to have his wife killed, and there was some controversy over the verdict & sentence at the time, which is another story, but sure does sound familiar, but I digress -- a group formed a "memorial" club and obtaing W9WNV. Allegedly, they were going to give it back to Don, if he ever got out of prison alive in time, got re-licensed, and wanted it back. Well, he released from prison, got re-licensed, and... that club still holds the call. Hmmmmm.
That's what I heard too.I wonder if your source is the same as my source?
I wonder if your source is the same as my source?
Maybe. Or at the very least in the same room.
5 Band was my goal, as was confirming 300 countries/entities. And I've managed both of them. Now 9 band is my goal (6 bands confirmed, 1 band pending, 1 band waiting to be turned in, only 160 left to work on).
Speaking of which... checked LoTW today and I am 31 entities short of 5 band DXCC.
Just need 31 more on 75m!
I am not active on 80 or 160m (sorry Ron, maybe soon), so when i am up and running there, i can complete my 5B....LOTS to work.
Well....pretty much everything!
I met Dr. Miller at Dayton a few years back. This was shortly after his release from prison, he'd gotten re-licensed(*), and he appeared to be in good spirits.
He'd just given a short speech before the DX Forum, during which (amongst other things) he apologized to the DX community for some of his past actions, including:
- Deliberately ignoring certain DX calls who he was personally unhappy with;
- Faking some of his later operations from very rare places that either he didn't actually go to, or that didn't exist;
- And for taking the ARRL to court (and eventually admitting to the whole scheme under deposition) to force them to accept his faked operations
Quite an admission. Clearly he was hoping for forgiveness. Considering his reputation as a CW operator, most people present appeared to be willing to consider it. (Not all, naturally, and considering doesn't mean giving it)
He also mentioned that he'd been in touch with Martti OH2BH, who allegedly was one of the few members of the DX community who kept in touch with him during his long prison term. And, allegedly, he had identified an all-time never-before-activated New One that he & Martti were going to put on the air Real Soon Now.
Uh-huh. That's been what, 6, 7 years? Haven't heard a peep from him since. Pity. I was looking forward to actually working him, as he went off the air shortly before I got active in DX'ing.
(*) Shortly before he was released from prison -- 20 year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder, allegedly he was trying to have his wife killed, and there was some controversy over the verdict & sentence at the time, which is another story, but sure does sound familiar, but I digress -- a group formed a "memorial" club and obtaing W9WNV. Allegedly, they were going to give it back to Don, if he ever got out of prison alive in time, got re-licensed, and wanted it back. Well, he released from prison, got re-licensed, and... that club still holds the call. Hmmmmm.
Wow! I didnt know his back story like that, i thought he was simply a Slim. I just wanted to sked with him so i could get his card for my 'unusual cards' collection. Now im not so sure i want him having my address.
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