View Full Version : Laptop for Field Day

02-11-2012, 12:59 PM
Should anyone have a Windows laptop they want to part with for not a whole lot of money, let me know. I need something to run the club's PSK31 station for Field Day. It does not have to be fancy or particularly speedy; Windows XP is fine and a weak battery is not an issue since I'll be working from shore power. About the only things that are a must are two working USB ports (mouse and rig interface) and a fully-functional sound card.

EDIT: A working Ethernet port is also desirable, although I could probably get along without it.

02-11-2012, 01:14 PM
>< I just rid of three. A dell inspiron, a Acer aspire, and a Toshiba satellite. Tonight I will see if I can revive the Averatec. Idk what is wrong with it, may just need a different power cord, I will have a look. But the last averatec....well, they suck. In fact let me go grab it now.

02-11-2012, 01:20 PM
Cant find it but I will look through my junk tonight. ...I did find an Inspiron 3800....does that still pass as a pc? LOL

Lol Still says welcome..wont move from that screen. Sigh, it used to be that I had a lot of laptops laying around but due to my upcoming move I have given most of them away. Like I said, I will see if I have anything that works. I was just gonna toss what I had left. From the looks of this one, it appears that I only have relics of the past left.

Bwhaha..okay. I got this one running...lemme see if I can find something else..this one has xp on it but Im not sure how it runs. 21mb of free ram, lol.

02-11-2012, 01:24 PM
Oh, yeah, one more thing: at least 1GB of RAM! Anything less is just too frustratingly slow.

02-11-2012, 01:36 PM
Oh, yeah, one more thing: at least 1GB of RAM! Anything less is just too frustratingly slow.

Lol. I didnt even know I had this one. The good news is that I found my music collection on it. The averatec has 1GB I think. I wish youd have asked last week. The Toshiba had 4GB.

I literally had 25 computers that I have given away over the last month or so.

PS: I never throw electronics out. Which is why I had so many PC's. When I upgrade I unplug and put them in storage. Sadly, I can not take my junk collection to Spain with me, so I have rid of most of it.

02-11-2012, 01:59 PM
Okay, found it. Sadly, the only junk I have left is truly junk. =( Sorry.