View Full Version : SCORE!

12-11-2011, 11:15 AM
My nephew brought over a Dish Network DVR box that he purchased refurbished a little over a year ago. I would not power up, and was out of warranty, so he bought a new one and decided I might be interested in his old one.
I tore it apart this morning and found a treasure! I have a board with goodies for the junk box on it, a neat little switching power supply, and a very nice case that I'll stash somewhere because someday I might decide to use it for a project case. The real treasure was a 320GB SATA Hard drive that is good! I threw it in this Dell, started Gparted, set up the partition and formatted it, and I plan to use it to store all of my music and movies.


12-11-2011, 11:38 AM
LOL good luck with that, hope you have a lot of use from the scrap stuff ;)

12-11-2011, 03:22 PM
Outstanding. The only stuff I get anymore is gutted trash. But I do keep it.

12-11-2011, 08:51 PM
Make sure you format that partition to NTFS or EXT3 or 4 so that it will support file sizes larger than 2 GB!

12-13-2011, 08:05 AM
Make sure you format that partition to NTFS or EXT3 or 4 so that it will support file sizes larger than 2 GB!

I did. And it works very well. Hard drives are one of those items that I usually don't buy. I'm afraid of the cheap ones and don't trust them, and I can't afford the more expensive ones. usually I pick them up for free (Scavenged from an old computer), or buy used ones dirt cheap. Until now the largest drive I had was a 250GB drive that I purchased new in 2004. My most modern drive was a 80GB SATA drive. I recently lost a 160GB drive that had 90GB of music on it. That one hurt.

I am very excited to have this new (for me) drive.

12-13-2011, 05:40 PM
I have the 160 Gig drive in the laptop, 2 spare 110 gig USB drive h.d's for backups, yes i back up double the untrusting twat i am.....

12-14-2011, 01:46 AM
I have like 10 TB of HD atm...idk why, I dont use 50Gb and the only reason I use that much is cuz I never empty my DL folder.