View Full Version : Question about Capacitors for you Boat Anchor guys

11-16-2011, 01:48 PM
I have dozens of those high voltage Sprague Orange Drop Capacitors in a wide range of values, all packaged in their own little plastic boxes.
I know that these aren't made anymore. I know they were used mostly in tube equipment etc.

In Dec. I'll be hauling a bunch of stuff off to the Hamfest in Carthage, IL because we will be needing Christmas money. I can't find any references online to what these caps would be worth. Obviously, I don't want to sell them for $.10 each if they are worth a $1.

Anybody know what I should charge for these? I'll include a couple of pictures. I have more of these out in the garage too! I added a bunch of them to my grab bag deals I did this spring.

Thanks for any advice you can give.


11-16-2011, 02:25 PM
Put up a sign tha says $1 each or 2 for $5. You'd be surprised how many don't think about it.

Start out at a .50and let them beat you up a little. See what kind of response you get, and adjust up or down as necessary. Or go around and see what others are asking and adjust accordingly. Since you have no use for them, anything is better than hauling them back home. Towards the end of it, try to make a deal for all of them. I've found the most popular are .001, .01, .1, .47, 22pf, 47pf, 100pf, 220pf, 330pf, 470pf.

Just remember how cheap hams are.

11-16-2011, 02:41 PM

They seem to be going for .70 to $1 apiece. FWIW, a lot of discussion about using them in audio gear...

So if the Hamsters are too cheap, maybe some Audiophools?

11-16-2011, 11:33 PM
OK Good info! Thanks to all who replied.

I think I am going to make a list of all that I have, and sell them individually online instead. More of an audience that way.
Gonna be allot of work though.........

11-16-2011, 11:59 PM
Call them Monster Orange, and sell them for $6 each to the audio guys. ;)

11-17-2011, 12:07 AM
Call them Monster Orange, and sell them for $6 each to the audio guys. ;)

Good thinking! Tell the audiophools that the caps have "oxygen-free" leads or something.

11-17-2011, 12:10 AM
Monster Orange... Great idea!

I decided to package deal them:

[/URL][URL]http://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php?19557-Sprague-Orange-Drop-High-Voltage-Caps-NOS&p=386781#post386781 (http://forums.hamisland.net/showthread.php?19557-Sprague-Orange-Drop-High-Voltage-Caps-NOS&p=386781#post386781)

11-17-2011, 06:56 AM
I just ordered a bunch of "Orange Drops" condensers of different values for a old tube (1940's) AM portable that I'm trying to restore. They range between $1 - $2.50 depending on size and voltage. Of course these are the modern day "orange drops", mostly polyester film and polypropylene film and metalized film condensers and are good replacements for the old wax paper condensers that are being replaced.

Next comes a re-condenserizing of my Valiant. I'm going to need a bunch of nice sized electrolytic condensers. 20, 40, 80 mikes at >600V.

11-17-2011, 06:57 AM
I just ordered a bunch of "Orange Drops" condensers &nbsp;of different values for a old tube (1940's) AM portable that I'm trying to restore. &nbsp;They range between $1 - $2.50 depending on size and voltage. &nbsp;Of course these are the modern day "orange drops", mostly polyester film and polypropylene film and metalized film condensers and are good replacements for the old wax paper condensers that are being replaced.<br><br>Next comes a re-condenserizing of my Valiant. &nbsp;I'm going to need a bunch of nice sized electrolytic condensers. &nbsp;20, 40, 80 mikes at &gt;600V.

Oops !! Sorry for repost.