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10-07-2011, 08:04 PM
Tonight I Die


Neither by my own hand, nor at the hands of others

Not knowing that you had a short timeline of available hours or minutes physically left on this Earth, there are probably a million things I should have done. But it's too late, Tonight I Die.

People I should have been a little friendlier with, you know the guy that was shunned over the years, but he was really a nice person. He just never understood that differences in personality do make a difference.

The newspaper delivery guy, I hear him come through at about 2:30 in the morning, but have never told him how much I appreciate the effort it takes to deliver the bird cage liner every day.

The people I work with. The only people in the World that can screw up an order for a box of air and still not get it shipped out. And to think I have never commended them on their stellar performance.

The places I work for. After traveling 6-8 hours to do 15 minutes of work for them, they allow me to enjoy their environment longer by making me wait a few more hours. I didn't know Oprah came on in the afternoon. I've never thanked them, why, I don't know.

My beer guy. This one I feel guilty about. I do tell him thanks all the time and always let him know how much I appreciate him. The guilt comes in knowing his family is going to be on food stamps after I'm gone. The sudden drop in sales will devastate his income.

FEDEX/UPS drivers. Delivering the heavy boxes through the yard and up the steps. I don't express enough gratitude for their service. There aren't enough trained people that can throw boxes and damage equipment without a single trace of damage to the outer box. True craftsmen.

The postal worker. Never have I thanked them for putting mail in the box and then getting out to deliver a package to me, even though they saw me standing on the front porch before the delivery. The exercise has done me good.

Travelers at airports. Stopping in the middle of the concourse to gawk at whatever they gawk at. Many times I have been tempted to utter my words of praise, but never have. A couple of words might have been a day changer for them.

Workers at airports. The joy that they ooze out of every pore of their body, is the pheromone that keeps the skies friendly. They are happy because they know that 99% of the people want to be there even less than they do. Their actions put a smile on my face and should have been rewarded with a simple thank you.

Department store workers. It is nice to see that so many of these people have so many friends. It is like watching the fabric of this Country being glued back together and you have a front row seat. I have always been touched by the closeness and care that the workers have for each other, that is to say that they care more for each other than they do for the customer. The phone call they are taking could be from a friend that has had enough and threatening harm to themselves. Never have I stated my heartfelt thanks for their heroic efforts.

(to be continued)