View Full Version : HRD apparently sold to CSS Corp
Final negotiations supposedly underway.
If this software becomes payware there could be a gap for another free radio-management package opening soon...
IIRC, HRD uses a number of FOSS elements that are distributed under the GNU Public License. If the new owners decide to turn it into commercial software, I wonder how they will work that out.
09-13-2011, 04:46 PM
Time will tell. I recently updated my 5.0 "beta". But I really only use the DM780 portion on my Flex 3000.
Sometimes paying a little bit for software is OK. I recently actually purchased anti-virus software from G-Data.
G-Data runs without the latency issues I got from the (free) Avast and Panda software. It was only $30 for a year.
09-13-2011, 04:58 PM
MultiPSK still works flawlessly, as long as you can take the visual stimulation. As great a program as Simon's HRD is, I always found it a little resource heavy on my underpowered PC's and actually preferred to use the older pre DM780 versions.
Whatever happens, I wish whomever well with what had fast become a legendary tool for AR.
09-13-2011, 05:26 PM
Final negotiations supposedly underway.
If this software becomes payware there could be a gap for another free radio-management package opening soon...
FLDigi does a fine job at rig control.
09-13-2011, 07:24 PM
I've played with FLDigi, thought it was OK. Prefer DM780 for the "digital modes".
Use PowerSDR for rig control window on the Flex, but I use all of HRD with the TS-850 and the FT-857. I've donated before, it's been a while. So I'll wait and see, but I will buy it if it's reasonable.
Hell, I keep my "subscription" up to date win N4PY, and the Ten Tec Pegasus has been off for months. Though his software works well with the TS850 and the Pegasus at the same time, so it's really fun to play with SO2R. Kind of unique that way.
I was looking at HRD for some control functions on the TS-480 when I had it, and on the Omni VI+ now. I'm still not sure if that's the app for me to use, but I am sorry to hear that it is moving into other hands. Sometimes that works well, sometimes it doesn't. I guess we'll see soon enough.
I've been using the web-based version of Pathfinder for quite some time, and I've been considering not just the installed version, but the related suite of freeware apps. There's a lot there, and you can mix & match as required, but I've been proceeding cautiously on that score. Part of the issue is that I've found a technical problem with the built-in sound card on the Compaq Evo D300 that's the shack computer, so either I have to install another sound card (and I have a few Soundblasters scavenged from scrapped machines, so that's not a problem) or move the rig control functions completely over to one of the laptops. That ought to be the easy answer, but the laptops, being older and slower, have their own disadvantages. So we'll see.
09-14-2011, 08:45 AM
I'm really happy to have left the sound card issues behind me by using the Flex 3000 over Firewire. It has it's own set of headaches and hiccups, but it works so much better than using soundcards (and I have some good ones), especially with the addition of the Virtual Audio Cable software.
I've used MultiPSK a lot, and will again... mostly for Utility Shortwave Listening. I've never used it in a QSO... transmitted with it to a dummy load testing it.
I'm really happy to have left the sound card issues behind me by using the Flex 3000 over Firewire. It has it's own set of headaches and hiccups, but it works so much better than using soundcards (and I have some good ones), especially with the addition of the Virtual Audio Cable software.
I've used MultiPSK a lot, and will again... mostly for Utility Shortwave Listening. I've never used it in a QSO... transmitted with it to a dummy load testing it.Not having the shekels for a Flex 3000, or any new radio for that matter, at this point in time makes this a moot point!
Getting back on point... there's an interesting news thread over yonder off shore on the very subject in question.
The official announcement hasn't been made yet, but it's interesting (and amusing) to see how many are getting their panties in a wad, all based on speculation and second guessing and finger pointing. The new owners are being taken to task for what they are obviously going to do... when they haven't said a damned thing about it yet.
Where's the :popcorn: again?
09-14-2011, 01:13 PM
What did you expext Ron. This is Ham Radio, ya know. :lol:
What did you expext Ron. This is Ham Radio, ya know. :lol:Do I look surprised? Just thought I'd mention it, that's all.
09-14-2011, 04:43 PM
Well, you could take it all up with Burt. :spin:
Well, you could take it all up with Burt. :spin:Nah. I have better ways to waste my time.
Nah. I have better ways to waste my time.
By taking it to the system, perhaps?
09-14-2011, 07:55 PM
What did you expext Ron. This is Ham Radio, ya know. :lol:
I'm pretty sure we're all settled on why they call us "hams"...unfortunately it took almost a hundred years and a just a few internet forums to prove it.:rofl:
Now that we've settled that...we'll tackle the code thingy. :cool2:
Eventually the world will thank IOMH for settling these longstanding disputes.
09-14-2011, 07:55 PM
By taking it to the system, perhaps?
They don't care.
By taking it to the system, perhaps?And give Our Boy Patrick an official excuse to toss my gluteus maximus (along with the rest of me) to the pavement?
It's Official
09-19-2011, 10:10 AM
Cha Ching
Actually, if the new owners don't get greedy, and they price the package reasonably, it would still be a good deal for those who use it. After all, some of these pukes that want it all for free have to realize that this has gone way past "doing it for fun". Keeping the program compatible with new rigs, keeping up with new technology, and the time and effort that goes into a project like this can't be done gratis. This program has gone way past the hobby stage and now requires some financial support for the people that make a living doing this type of program support.
Or I could be full-o-shit.
I've seen this pattern before.
Someone comes up with an interesting piece of software, gives it away, and is then bombarded, over time, with enhancement requests and bug fix reports.
And many of these requests aren't excatly polite. More like demands.
The developer eventually tires of all the demands on his time, which takes away from other things he's interested in. The software package then either is moved into others hands, or is abandoned.
A good example of this is the Access app that KA3JWE wrote for Pa QSO many years ago. While not perfect, it started out pretty good, and it got better over time. But certain parties would not be satisfied, they demanded that the app be updated to include multi-station logging, mobile logging, networking, and so forth. Eventually, it appeared that he got tired of the whole thing. When the contest added RTTY and PSK-31 as new modes, 'JWE refused to update the app further & withdrew it from circulation. Now part of this was political (he was one of many who did not want the new modes added), but clearly the time demands were a factor. (And with the recent scoring revamp, that app is now even further out of date, more's the pity).
So, now HRD is in the hands of a "professional" group of developers. And it appears that they may start asking for a fee from new users, and eventually, updates. So what? Personally, I feel you get what you pay for. Considering that HB9DRV has invested a lot of time in the app, and has gotten little to no financial return up until now... and that many HRD users have complained about a lack of support... well, I'd rather pay a few shekels and GET the support, than whine about not getting free updates for a free app that hasn't been customized to my whines, er, needs.
Good points, Ron. I use HRD and Digital Master 780 almost every time I fire up my rig and, yes, there are some glaring omissions and a few irritating bugs in the software. However, I've never so much as sent an e-mail to Simon about any of it as long it was free. Now that it's likely to become commercial software, however, you can bet that 1) I'll pay the fee and 2) start complaining.
09-20-2011, 06:54 AM
I've seen this pattern before.
Someone comes up with an interesting piece of software, gives it away, and is then bombarded, over time, with enhancement requests and bug fix reports.
And many of these requests aren't excatly polite. More like demands.
The developer eventually tires of all the demands on his time, which takes away from other things he's interested in. The software package then either is moved into others hands, or is abandoned.
A good example of this is the Access app that KA3JWE wrote for Pa QSO many years ago. While not perfect, it started out pretty good, and it got better over time. But certain parties would not be satisfied, they demanded that the app be updated to include multi-station logging, mobile logging, networking, and so forth. Eventually, it appeared that he got tired of the whole thing. When the contest added RTTY and PSK-31 as new modes, 'JWE refused to update the app further & withdrew it from circulation. Now part of this was political (he was one of many who did not want the new modes added), but clearly the time demands were a factor. (And with the recent scoring revamp, that app is now even further out of date, more's the pity).
So, now HRD is in the hands of a "professional" group of developers. And it appears that they may start asking for a fee from new users, and eventually, updates. So what? Personally, I feel you get what you pay for. Considering that HB9DRV has invested a lot of time in the app, and has gotten little to no financial return up until now... and that many HRD users have complained about a lack of support... well, I'd rather pay a few shekels and GET the support, than whine about not getting free updates for a free app that hasn't been customized to my whines, er, needs.
This is why open source is the way to go.
* Feature Demands? Tell the person to write the module, and submit it to the CVS.
* Original developer leaves the scene? No worries, the source is there for anyone to pick it up.
* Political infighting? No problem. FORK!
* Lack of time? Not an issue. Set up a donation system that makes for higher priority feature enhancements/bug fixes. .
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