View Full Version : 11 Meters Fun - Sked?
08-07-2011, 11:26 AM
I have a couple of street legal CB radios here, a old Pierce Simpson Base station that I just bought a couple of weeks ago and no one to talk to on single side band.
Anyone that would like to hook up - anytime and talk, I can hook it up and give it a try.
I guess this is what they call a Sked type post.
Are you nutz? CB does have rules, believe it or not, and talking to most of us would violate them.
Why are you obsessed with CB anyway?
08-07-2011, 11:47 AM
155 mile limit. If you're here to get us in trouble with the FCC, please note that we know better than to use 11m when 10m is better and has better rules governing it.
You're an EXTRA. Forget about CB.
Give 20m a try, you may enjoy it.
Only use for CB is as a road monitoring system when traveling the interstate.
08-07-2011, 11:50 AM
It's been a long time since I've read the CB rules, is it 155 miles? I thought the rule was absolutely no 'skip'.. line of sight transmissions only.
08-07-2011, 11:50 AM
Amen, Charles.
08-07-2011, 11:55 AM
It's been a long time since I've read the CB rules, is it 155 miles? I thought the rule was absolutely no 'skip'.. line of sight transmissions only.155/153 either way, that is the maximum distance even if you hear 4 watt rigs from across the country. No Talky Talky.
I noticed a lot of guys who got into ham radio thinking they could legally run export radios and amps unencumbered because someone told them wrong and they wanted to believe it. Many it seems, still play by that way of thinking. Banned radios are still banned and 4 watts is the limit no matter who you are.
08-07-2011, 12:15 PM
Caint hearsyouse on my Johnson from thar. :geek:
Caint hearsyouse on my Johnson from thar. :geek:
Thank goodness for small favors.
I keep a receiver parked on 27.385 (Ch 38 ) LSB almost continually. A number of the area hams I know also make use of 11M SSB. We view it as just another band.
The FCC opened a commentary period some time ago regarding the relaxation of certain existing Part 95 rules, including the 155-mile "limit". Oddly enough, the only folk who commented strongly against this and a number of other proposed changes were the uber-whacker, "when all else fails!" types. In fact, most of them felt the rules should become even more restrictive.
It's pretty easy to understand why: Anything to perpetuate the illusion that ham radio can single-handedly save the modern world, and that no other communication service should be afforded parity.
08-07-2011, 12:49 PM
I keep a receiver parked on 27.385 (Ch 38 ) LSB almost continually. A number of the area hams I know also make use of 11M SSB. We view it as just another band.
The FCC opened a commentary period some time ago regarding the relaxation of certain existing Part 95 rules, including the 155-mile "limit". Oddly enough, the only folk who commented strongly against this and a number of other proposed changes were the uber-whacker, "when all else fails!" types. In fact, most of them felt the rules should become even more restrictive.
It's pretty easy to understand why: Anything to perpetuate the illusion that ham radio can save the modern world, and that no other communication service should be afforded parity.11m is the band to monitor for possible 10m band openings. I believe in 1996 the was 40 million CBs to 650 thousand licensed hams. Quite a contrast.
By that same token, just by sheer numbers, you will have proportionately more jammers on 11m than all of ham radio. We have a guy here who plays back recorded segments of 11m QSOs while those same guys are IN QSO and he also managed to do a great job of connecting his guitar to his CB radio. That takes a little technical know how and practice to get it right.
Due to the sheer numbers, they could use some extra channels but, not frequencies already in use by other services. As far as the power limitations, as long as they are unlicensed, keep it under 20 watts. Even though there are rules in place, they are pretty much useless. The idea of bringing back a license with callsigns back to 11m has been discussed in the mid 90s and it never really went anywhere. I think the general consensus was that "you ain't putting the toothpaste back in the tube."
You want to get a group from the internet to get together on 11m? Hams know better that to risk their licenses and fines and every piece of equipment they have.
08-07-2011, 01:02 PM
I hear some extra class hams on on 11m, even some of them really jeopardize their license by transmitting below 28.000 mhz. Some of the unlicensed people I have heard have $10K amateur radios with a clipped diode. Even though I am mostly inactive, I would not put my license in jeopardy. If I got back into cb, it would be a legal radio, or a grandfathered vintage for me.
If I got back into cb, it would be a legal radio, or a grandfathered vintage for me.
I like my Royce stuff: 1-624, 625, 639 (mobile AM/SSB), 641 and 642 (base version of the 639).
Just wish they had the same interference-fighting features (IF Shift/PBT, notch filter, selectable bandpass filtering) that my ham gear has.
08-07-2011, 01:39 PM
I like my Royce stuff: 1-624, 625, 639 (mobile AM/SSB), 641 and 642 (base version of the 639).
Just wish they had the same interference-fighting features (IF Shift/PBT, notch filter, selectable bandpass filtering) that my ham gear has.My old buddy kb8vvj sk was a blind man with many physical problems that finally took him down. He got his codless tech ticket, and worked his way up to a 5wpm extra. He still talked to his cb friends every morning, like he had done for 25 years. He had a 1/4 wave ground plane for cb, and an old cobra 40 channel. I finally learned his secret for picking out those weak am signals, he had a DSP unit for the cb.
155/153 either way, that is the maximum distance even if you hear 4 watt rigs from across the country. No Talky Talky.
Which is a fucking stupid rule in the first place. Must have been one of the decisions made by a lawyer at the FCC, instead of an engineer. Only a lawyer would think that you can stop a radio wave at 155 miles. :roll:
I've never understood it. Didn't anyone at the FCC understand HF propagation when they create the 27Mhz CB service in the first place? :wtf:
08-07-2011, 04:44 PM
Which is a fucking stupid rule in the first place. Must have been one of the decisions made by a lawyer at the FCC, instead of an engineer. Only a lawyer would think that you can stop a radio wave at 155 miles. :roll:
I've never understood it. Didn't anyone at the FCC understand HF propagation when they create the 27Mhz CB service in the first place? :wtf:The idea behind it was that it was only intended for local communications, physics be damned.
Which is a fucking stupid rule in the first place. Must have been one of the decisions made by a lawyer at the FCC, instead of an engineer. Only a lawyer would think that you can stop a radio wave at 155 miles. :roll:
I've never understood it. Didn't anyone at the FCC understand HF propagation when they create the 27Mhz CB service in the first place? :wtf:
The idea behind it was that it was only intended for local communications, physics be damned.
Yeah, let's not let science get in the way. :roll:
Must have been lawyers from some of those Christian universities. Morans.... :roll:
08-07-2011, 04:51 PM
Yeah, who cares if there are times when you can hear an English speaking guy out of Poland for a week straight in the mornings.
08-07-2011, 07:11 PM
One old fellow here always claimed that he only talked the 150 miles permitted and the guy on the other end was responsible for listening the rest of the way.
08-07-2011, 07:47 PM
08-07-2011, 09:45 PM
You can talk just as far with 4 watts ssb on 11 meters as you can on 10.
Don't have the web cam hooked up anymore - lack of USB ports on this old computer, but if I did - you would see that this radio I bought at a yard sale is bone stock and only needed new capacitors to bring it back to life.
There isn't anyone to talk to here on it.
Nobody talks on the CB radio anymore - except truck drivers for work.....
The only conversations you hear on the 11 meters is the occasional bung hole in the south with his illegal amplifier and rig.
The topic said 11 meters and I made a post.
I don't know WTF you people want here.
No one said you have to use your amateur equipment on the 11 meters.
I talked clear to California Friday night on the 10 meters with my 25 watts and my Astron 99 antenna.
And for anyone that is interested, the Ranger radio I was using was converted back to 10 / 12 meters only. No CB radio built into it.
08-08-2011, 03:28 AM
You can talk just as far with 4 watts ssb on 11 meters as you can on 10.
Don't have the web cam hooked up anymore - lack of USB ports on this old computer, but if I did - you would see that this radio I bought at a yard sale is bone stock and only needed new capacitors to bring it back to life.
There isn't anyone to talk to here on it.
Nobody talks on the CB radio anymore - except truck drivers for work.....
The only conversations you hear on the 11 meters is the occasional bung hole in the south with his illegal amplifier and rig.
The topic said 11 meters and I made a post.
I don't know WTF you people want here.
No one said you have to use your amateur equipment on the 11 meters.
I talked clear to California Friday night on the 10 meters with my 25 watts and my Astron 99 antenna.
And for anyone that is interested, the Ranger radio I was using was converted back to 10 / 12 meters only. No CB radio built into it.
WTF folks here are interested in is the amateur radio service. CB radio is what you listen to for traffic reports and dubious entertainment on a road trip. Why be limited to stomping in a cesspool when you can dance in a ballroom?
The topic said 11 meters and I made a post.
I don't know WTF you people want here.
WTF folks here are interested in is the amateur radio service. CB radio is what you listen to for traffic reports and dubious entertainment on a road trip. Why be limited to stomping in a cesspool when you can dance in a ballroom?
Given the statement above, why do we have the 11M sub-forum at all?
Is it a holdover from the days of W3SY, who apparently was fixated with CB bashing?
Used as intended and with legal equipment the Class D Citizens Band Service is not a bad communications tool. Only the bozos make it otherwise,
08-08-2011, 04:22 AM
It's been a long time since I've read the CB rules, is it 155 miles? I thought the rule was absolutely no 'skip'.. line of sight transmissions only.Back in the day, the rule was you couldn't talk to anyone out of your call area. My call was 3W4483 so I couldn't talk to anyone out of the 3rd call district. Which is almost as stupid as the 155 mile rule.
08-08-2011, 06:27 AM
Given the statement above, why do we have the 11M sub-forum at all?
Is it a holdover from the days of W3SY, who apparently was fixated with CB bashing?
Used as intended and with legal equipment the Class D Citizens Band Service is not a bad communications tool. Only the bozos make it otherwise,
If I remember right, it was put there to keep the stuff from landing all over the the Decon Zone. Both of which seem to work well for their intended purpose.
08-08-2011, 08:52 AM
Hop onto 10! You've got your ham license, go ahead and use it :)
08-08-2011, 03:45 PM
Hey Jerry
I don't understand some of the responses you have had in this thread. Nor do I understand the point of an CB/11m forum section if the residents of the forum can't deal with it.
I'd have a good chinwag with you on CB, shame you don't live near me.
edit: it would probably be on fm though ;)
08-08-2011, 04:07 PM
CB is fine for local stuff as per the rules.
Asking a bunch of licensed amateurs in the US to get together on 11m for a nation wide QSO is not only taboo, but EXTREMELY ILLEGAL!
I'm not willing to risk the privileges that I've worked so hard for, or the fines in excess of $10K or the loss of every piece of equipment I own.
I don't see why this is even questioned unless the person asking the question is totally in the dark about the rules, regulations and laws governing the airwaves in the US.
08-08-2011, 04:22 PM
I really doubt the FCC gives a shit about anything that happens on the Cee Bee , as long as it doesn't affect other radio services.
08-08-2011, 04:29 PM
I really doubt the FCC gives a shit about anything that happens on the Cee Bee , as long as it doesn't affect other radio services.
That's simply not true and it is that↑ kind of attitude that gives those who are already misinformed to start with, the reasoning they need to continue providing a market for dual purpose radios, out of band freeband mods and running excessive power levels.
08-08-2011, 04:48 PM
CB is fine for local stuff as per the rules.
Asking a bunch of licensed amateurs in the US to get together on 11m for a nation wide QSO is not only taboo, but EXTREMELY ILLEGAL!
I'm not willing to risk the privileges that I've worked so hard for, or the fines in excess of $10K or the loss of every piece of equipment I own.
I don't see why this is even questioned unless the person asking the question is totally in the dark about the rules, regulations and laws governing the airwaves in the US.
Never used your HF set on CB? Not even once when it was inconvenient to connect up a certified radio, when all you had to do was turn the power down and change mode? Illegal yes, something to worry about - no.
I do understand of course the reluctance to do anything that might risk the license. I wouldn't want to lose mine.
08-08-2011, 05:04 PM
disband cb and return 11 back to hams
08-08-2011, 05:10 PM
disband cb and return 11 back to hams
wouldn't change anything, they're all on there anyway :rofl:
08-08-2011, 05:12 PM
Never used your HF set on CB? Not even once when it was inconvenient to connect up a certified radio, when all you had to do was turn the power down and change mode? Illegal yes, something to worry about - no.
I do understand of course the reluctance to do anything that might risk the license. I wouldn't want to lose mine.
No. I have a stock CB. Ran a stocker mobile for highway travel. Ran an 11m HT while 2 wheel mobile for kicks and giggles.
Used a stock Uniden Washington base during the 1996/97 season. Had a good local group, talked every night and weekend. Planned picnics and parties around the group. Did a CB version of a fox hunt on late Summer night. Good times. Then someone's wife started messing around with one of the "fair weather" members and the core group drifted apart.
ETA: and then everyone eventually got on the internet and cellphones became common place.
08-08-2011, 05:54 PM
aaaah, i should have read more of the forum before posting, got a lot to catch up on...
Nice to be back though :D
08-08-2011, 07:03 PM
An FM QSO on the USA CB service would really freak out the Roger Beep set, eh? :omg:
An FM QSO on the USA CB service would really freak out the Roger Beep set, eh? :omg:
I've heard people using the mode. On the 'regular 40' and above and below.
Also intercepted CW, RTTY, packet (both keyboard-keyboard and BBS), slow-scan TV, ESSB, some idiot on 27.420 who gave his friggin' amateur call sign while talking with another illegal op...base and mobile repeaters, tone signaling. The only things I haven't heard in that region of the spectrum are PSK, Hellschreiber, PacTOR/ARQ-Tor and Olivia...but I'm just biding my time until one or more of them shows up, even with the decline in popularity of the service.
Never used your HF set on CB? Not even once when it was inconvenient to connect up a certified radio, when all you had to do was turn the power down and change mode? Illegal yes, something to worry about - no.
I do understand of course the reluctance to do anything that might risk the license. I wouldn't want to lose mine.Can't speak for anyone else on the forum, but in my case...
No. Not once.
I was never interested in CB. I had my ticket before the "CB" "Trucker" craze.
I can still remember, one Sunday back in school, coming home to the frat -- yes, I was stupid enough to join a fraternity, what can I say I was young and foolish (unlike now, when I'm merely foolish) -- and seeing some of the brothers all thrilled about the "new" CB one of them had put in his room.
Somehow, after working the ARRL DX SSB contest from the University's club station with a full gallon, talking to across town from one drunk group of frat brothers to another didn't seem all that thrilling.
08-09-2011, 01:20 AM
cb here in the 90s was great. then it went to shit when the rtard population overtook the good peeps. we ether left or got our tickets
08-09-2011, 01:26 AM
CB (and radio in general) was great while Clinton was in office. There's your change right there.
08-09-2011, 03:43 AM
That's simply not true Isn't it? Would you care to provide a long list of CBers cited by the FCC for rules violations over the past year or so? Take your time, I'll wait.
08-09-2011, 08:38 AM
Never used your HF set on CB? Not even once when it was inconvenient to connect up a certified radio, when all you had to do was turn the power down and change mode? Illegal yes, something to worry about - no.
I do understand of course the reluctance to do anything that might risk the license. I wouldn't want to lose mine.
I have not. I have a CB radio in the shack, but I don't use my ham HF rig for that. Don't want to risk the accidental too-high power, or wrong mode, or just plain it's not legal.
Just isn't worth the risk to me, when a CB radio costs $60 for a decent one.
I have not. I have a CB radio in the shack, but I don't use my ham HF rig for that. Don't want to risk the accidental too-high power, or wrong mode, or just plain it's not legal.Just isn't worth the risk to me, when a CB radio costs $60 for a decent one.
Same here - it's permanently connected to the coax switch which routes my 10-17M vertical (a modified Hustler 4BTV) to the various radios.
Paid $26 for a lightning-damaged Royce 642 which had perfect cosmetics.
Paid $29 for one which was missing a knob and two buttons on its clock; it also had a scratched-up case. A little bit of parts swapping later and I have a unit which routinely fetches $200+ on Fleabay.
08-09-2011, 10:24 AM
Isn't it? Would you care to provide a long list of CBers cited by the FCC for rules violations over the past year or so? Take your time, I'll wait.
HAAH! Do your own homework, Shlomo. Did you also copy off the other kid's in school?
Nice attempt at making the FCC look like they don't do their jobs. Tell ya what, go ahead and have that QSO with Jerry on 11m.
Isn't it? Would you care to provide a long list of CBers cited by the FCC for rules violations over the past year or so? Take your time, I'll wait.
08-12-2011, 10:30 AM
I was driving 3 hours a day on a job not long ago, and listening on 11 meters was actually very handy, it is an advantage to know that the south bound lane of 99 is blocked from xyz avenue to yzz avenue, saved me from being late many mornings.
As for people working DX on that band, go listen to 27.385 lower side band......thousands of operators when the band is open.
The 155 mile rule is totally stupid on a band that will allow you to talk from coast to coast with 5 or 10 watts.
How are you going to prevent it?
They need to un plug there head from there ass and face the fact that the CB band is no longer what it started out to be, a short range service.
FCC shit all over themselves way back when they stuck it where it is in the HF spectrum and now it has evolved into a hobby band, like it or not.
They would need to invoke marshal law to even attempt to control that band now.
08-12-2011, 10:38 AM
They need to un plug there head from there ass and face the fact that the CB band is no longer what it started out to be, a short range service.
FCC shit all over themselves way back when when they stuck it where it is in the HF spectrum and now it has evolved into a hobby band, like it or not.
They would need to invoke marshal law to even attempt to control that band now.
Yeah totally, the only sensible thing that can be done with 11m is to make the whole block of it it all-mode legal, with certified radios that can be used across it in either channelised or continuous mode. Turn it into a stepping stone into amateur radio, to get that all important 'fresh blood'.
08-12-2011, 11:05 AM
Yeah totally, the only sensible thing that can be done with 11m is to make the whole block of it it all-mode legal, with certified radios that can be used across it in either channelised or continuous mode. Turn it into a stepping stone into amateur radio, to get that all important 'fresh blood'.
They do not need to, it already is.
FCC has lost control.
Legal or not any time the band is open you can hear guys talking from coast to coast.
There are more "modified" radios on the air now that Type accepted ones, be it converted export radios or Ham gear.
You can go search youtube and find CB`ers buying FT 1000`s and using them on 11 meters and posting it up for the world to see ( rolling the water gate )
Why do you think the manufactures of legit CB radio have thrown in the towel building SSB radios?
They can not compete with the exports being sold openly on the market/internet.
One of the guys here posted the other day that the "banned list" on the FCC web site was not is not there any more.
It was pulled down last summer when E-Bay got slapped with a lawsuit over not allowing a Ranger RCI2970Dx to be sold by a Ham.
The Court held the FCC to its definition in the public notice. It is easy to modify if you can just cut a wire, throw a switch, or move a jumper.
The Court has determined that the Ranger and Galaxy radios ARE legal to sell, as long as they are sold as manufactured, un modified.
It suddenly became obvious that if any of the radio`s on the Banned list where to fall under the description of "easy to modify" , then Yaesu, Kenwood, Icom, and many other radios would fall into the same category.
This explains why you now see these radios being sold openly on E-bay.
FCC has dropped the Ball so many time`s that it is almost a hopeless cause now.
08-12-2011, 01:06 PM
What is this? Making excuses for breaking the law? If we're not going to abide by the rules then why even bother with Amateur radio or testing? Let's just let everyone do whatever they want, anywhere they want.
I took the test and am required to abide by a set of rules or risk fines and my equipment not to mention possible time in prison. Basically what I'm hearing is that all this means nothing to this new crowd of people who want it all for free without consequence for breaking the law.
The Amateur Radio Service is self policing and part of "self policing" is making sure our brothers and sisters understand the burdensome responsibility of their commitment to the service. Part of that commitment is that you are responsible for your behavior whether on ARS or Class D.
You are a member of ARS no matter where you go and it isn't something that you do "sometimes" or "hide" from. If you don't like it, turn in your license to the FCC and tell them why. Tell them that you do not wish to abide by the rules of the land because you want to "shoot skip" on 11m.
Why any licensed amateur would think this is so important is beyond me. I guess some people need to feel that they are outlaws who have been victimized by "The Man." You work for a privileged to allow yourself greater freedom on a wide range of frequencies and some people are still thinking so small that they want to risk it all over a tiny segment of spectrum because "the FCC has lost control" and "drooped the ball." It not the FCC that has dropped the ball, it's anyone who would play this game over a turd filled sandbox when they have the rest of an entire farm to cultivate and play on.
08-12-2011, 01:32 PM
What is this? Making excuses for breaking the law? If we're not going to abide by the rules then why even bother with Amateur radio or testing? Let's just let everyone do whatever they want, anywhere they want.
I took the test and am required to abide by a set of rules or risk fines and my equipment not to mention possible time in prison.
Proud of ya spanky.:clap:
08-12-2011, 01:35 PM
HAAH! Do your own homework, Shlomo. Did you also copy off the other kid's in school?
Nice attempt at making the FCC look like they don't do their jobs. Tell ya what, go ahead and have that QSO with Jerry on 11m.
I think you may have too much sugar in your diet there sparky. :hyper:
08-12-2011, 01:35 PM
Proud of ya spanky.:clap:
Don't forget the rest of it slappy!
Basically what I'm hearing is that all this means nothing to this new crowd of people who want it all for free without consequence for breaking the law.
The Amateur Radio Service is self policing and part of "self policing" is making sure our brothers and sisters understand the burdensome responsibility of their commitment to the service. Part of that commitment is that you are responsible for your behavior whether on ARS or Class D.
You are a member of ARS no matter where you go and it isn't something that you do "sometimes" or "hide" from. If you don't like it, turn in your license to the FCC and tell them why. Tell them that you do not wish to abide by the rules of the land because you want to "shoot skip" on 11m.
Why any licensed amateur would think this is so important is beyond me. I guess some people need to feel that they are outlaws who have been victimized by "The Man." You work for a privileged to allow yourself greater freedom on a wide range of frequencies and some people are still thinking so small that they want to risk it all over a tiny segment of spectrum because "the FCC has lost control" and "drooped the ball." It not the FCC that has dropped the ball, it's anyone who would play this game over a turd filled sandbox when they have the rest of an entire farm to cultivate and play on.
08-12-2011, 01:36 PM
I think you may have too much sugar in your diet there sparky. :hyper:
I think you're late to the party there, slappy.
08-12-2011, 01:41 PM
I think you're late to the party there, slappy.
The story of my life.
08-12-2011, 01:54 PM
The story of my life.
08-12-2011, 03:43 PM
KC4, why are you getting your panties in a twist?
It is not Ham radio we are discussing here, it is the CB band, And (if your post was directed at me) I am pointing out what is clearly obvious to anyone that does not have there head stuck in the sand, this has been going on for a long time, I did not start it, but it is very easy to see it is happening.
I will even go so far as to say that the "current" FCC was handed the problem, they did not create it, but you can not turn back the hand of time and make it all right.
The Best thing to do is try to mentor the " scofflaws " and turn them around and get them interested in Amateur Radio....some one said new blood, I agree with that post, and teach them Why it is a bad thing to build crappy Amps with IMD products from DC to Daylight, and Chop AMC controls out of radios.
And Please spare me the "Oh GOD Now He Wants The Outlaws To Become Hams Oh NOSE!"
You can
1 Bitch about the problem and do nothing
2 Be friend them and help them get some learn on and turn them around.....and increase the ranks of Amateur Radio Operators.
What do you think is more productive?
And do not think I am picking on just happened to be the one that posted, but everything in life changes...
Amateur Radio changed with new testing, doing away with code, the new 60 meter band it is growing
CB radio has changed, it is no longer a short range service, it has become a hobby service for those who use it.
I did not make it that way
You did not make it that way.
But lets try to take advantage of it and make it something that has a better ending that Piss poor enforcement of rules that are to stupid to enforce.
My opinion, of course.
Have a great day.
08-12-2011, 03:53 PM
Amateur radio changed because the LAW changed it.
CB (Class D) has not been changed by the law. It is still illegal to to do all the things that the "scofflaws" have been doing.
Until such a time comes, that the FCC changes the rules on the Class D Citizens Band Service, I will support the current rules and regs in place for 11m, in full, without deviation, nor will I just not pay attention to the parts of the law that I think are wrong, even though parts are wrong based on the nature of propagation.
Until such a time comes, that the FCC changes the rules on the Class D Citizens Band Service, I will support the current rules and regs in place for 11m, in full, without deviation, nor will I just not pay attention to the parts of the law that I think are wrong, even though parts are wrong based on the nature of propagation.
This is the correct approach. The entire "argument" for selective adherence to 47 CFR 95 is similar to those used by opponents of (for example) existing federal narcotics laws. Agree with them or not, they're still the law - and if one wishes to partake legally, one should attempt to get said laws modified or stricken altogether.
The fact that one cannot get a stated law overturned indicates one or more of the following:
A) They're not presenting their case intelligently, eloquently or persistently enough;
B) The majority of the population wants the current legislation to remain as-is;
C) Reversal or modification of an existing legal codicil would cause more problems within society than it would solve.
If you 'shoot skip on the 'Bowl', the 'triple nickel' or operate in such a fashion that you make a nuisance out of yourself, you might never be caught - just like you might never be caught cultivating a plant or two for your own personal consumption then indulging in a bowl full. Seeing that both actions are in fact illegal, however, don't cry about how unfair the legal system is if by some quirk of fate your number is up and you're caught red-handed. The court system simply isn't going to take your feelings into account in the matter.
08-12-2011, 04:38 PM
I have it on good authority that the barkeep goes commando. LOL!Meanwhile, back in the ballroom on either side of 11 meters...
08-12-2011, 04:51 PM
I have it on good authority that the barkeep goes commando.
Everything is scrubbed with dishwashing liquid. A strong detergent to be sure. Ever work around someone who doesn't know how to scrub themselves? Sure, they may shower, but rising in the water don't cut through the crud.
08-12-2011, 04:57 PM
The entire "argument" for selective adherence to 47 CFR 95 is similar to those used by opponents of
Please understand that I am not advocating selective adherence to 47 CFR 95.
Those who will do so, will do so.
I propose to try to lead them down a better path and help them learn the why`s and how`s, and in that process bring them to Amateur Radio.
Nothing is to be gained by not attempting anything.
I feel ( again my opinion) that mentoring is a much better way towards compliance than what has been done for decades and failed.
The interest in radio is there....the Spark, so to speak, why can we not use that to help them grow, learn, and advance?
I hope that I am getting my point across here.
Have a good Afternoon guy`s
08-12-2011, 05:00 PM
You can lead a horse to water.
08-12-2011, 05:40 PM
KE6YLU - Sadly your message of improvement is missed. The RSGB did an analysis of their members here in the UK. They found that over 10 years, their memberships average age increased 10 years ... i.e. very few new members of a younger age joined. This is clear evidence highlighting the problem of getting new blood into AR and the potential death of the hobby. People are put off by the license lunatics (and lunatic policemen) and the sometimes appalling and uninformed attitude of AR enthusiasts to new recruits and hams of differing license levels working their way through the system.
08-12-2011, 06:00 PM
A recent development in CB rules in the EU is the allowing of SSB/AM/FM on the CB allocation. A commissioned scientific study concluded that radios with a power of 4W FM, 12W PEP SSB had no harmful interference effects to other radio services. The EU is pushing to have this adopted EU wide and its almost there. So, somewhere someone is listening! Getting changes in the law is time consuming and difficult ... and the law is not absolutely sensible either.
08-12-2011, 06:09 PM
I have it on good authority that the barkeep goes commando. LOL!Meanwhile, back in the ballroom on either side of 11 meters...
Actually, going commando DOES give one more ballroom, so to speak.
08-12-2011, 07:40 PM
A recent development in CB rules in the EU is the allowing of SSB/AM/FM on the CB allocation. A commissioned scientific study concluded that radios with a power of 4W FM, 12W PEP SSB had no harmful interference effects to other radio services. The EU is pushing to have this adopted EU wide and its almost there. So, somewhere someone is listening! Getting changes in the law is time consuming and difficult ... and the law is not absolutely sensible either.
WHAT! No CW? I'm outraged, gosh-darnit ta'tall! That was some more weird 'Merican slang for you.
While I'm not fluent in Texas/Louisiana/Arkansas, I'm learning. :mrgreen:
08-13-2011, 03:53 AM
Amateur radio changed because the LAW changed it.
CB (Class D) has not been changed by the law. It is still illegal to to do all the things that the "scofflaws" have been doing.
Until such a time comes, that the FCC changes the rules on the Class D Citizens Band Service, I will support the current rules and regs in place for 11m, in full, without deviation, nor will I just not pay attention to the parts of the law that I think are wrong, even though parts are wrong based on the nature of propagation.Whatta guy. :clap:
08-15-2011, 10:11 PM
KC4, why are you getting your panties in a twist?
It is not Ham radio we are discussing here, it is the CB band, And (if your post was directed at me) I am pointing out what is clearly obvious to anyone that does not have there head stuck in the sand, this has been going on for a long time, I did not start it, but it is very easy to see it is happening.
I will even go so far as to say that the "current" FCC was handed the problem, they did not create it, but you can not turn back the hand of time and make it all right.
The Best thing to do is try to mentor the " scofflaws " and turn them around and get them interested in Amateur Radio....some one said new blood, I agree with that post, and teach them Why it is a bad thing to build crappy Amps with IMD products from DC to Daylight, and Chop AMC controls out of radios.
And Please spare me the "Oh GOD Now He Wants The Outlaws To Become Hams Oh NOSE!"
You can
1 Bitch about the problem and do nothing
2 Be friend them and help them get some learn on and turn them around.....and increase the ranks of Amateur Radio Operators.
What do you think is more productive?
And do not think I am picking on just happened to be the one that posted, but everything in life changes...
Amateur Radio changed with new testing, doing away with code, the new 60 meter band it is growing
CB radio has changed, it is no longer a short range service, it has become a hobby service for those who use it.
I did not make it that way
You did not make it that way.
But lets try to take advantage of it and make it something that has a better ending that Piss poor enforcement of rules that are to stupid to enforce.
My opinion, of course.
Have a great day.
Amen Brother.
The bottom line is - I studied hard, took all my exam's, hold a Amateur Extra Class License, am also a VE, A observer and still I catch flack for owning a couple of old Chicken Band Radios.
The funny thing is - I also live in the Canadian Northern Border Zone - so yes - anything beyond 155 miles would be illegal - if I could get my 4 watt signal to go over the mountains to the north and talk to someone in Canada.
I have handed out a dozen pink slips since I became a observer, and yet the FCC will not do anything about anything ham or CB.
The best ones is two meter repeater owners.
I had one the other night call Break - when I asked what is your emergency - one other repeater owner told me to mind my own business and lay off.
Another repeater owner - got mad when I told him that it is illegal to hook their repeater to a weather radio and run weather scripts when the weather radio goes off.
As a Amateur Radio Service - we are not allowed to broadcast.
Part 97 goes so far as to say that anything that can be conducted over the phone, shouldn't be done over the radio, and any information which can be conveyed by normal means - should not be done over the radio.
Broadcasting is the one way transmission of communications where no one in particular is being contacted - general public - which is not allowed.
Nor is it allowed for someone to say hi in a morning net - by saying hello to the scanner people. We are only allowed to talk to other amateur radio operators.
If you don't have a license - then you are not allowed on the amateur radio and if the people you are talking to do not have a license - then it is broadcasting.
Do you think that the FCC gives a crap? NO!
In the old days, if a light burned out on the tower, you had 4 hours to contact the FAA and the FCC and report the outage.
Today you can call the FCC and tell them that your tower fell down and their reply would be - what do you want us to do about it?
But get them mad - and they will cite you for ice on the ground in the parking lot.
The FCC does not care what goes on in the CB bands - as long as you are not contributing to some type of major interference to other radio services or the general public.
It's the ham radio community that cares what happens on the chicken band.
You are more likely to be turned in by Uncle Charlie the Ham - up the road, then you are by a official ARRL Observer. Mainly because there is no call signs and no way to identify who is on the other end.
As far as that goes, there is one licensed ham who builds amplifiers and sells them to chicken banders and modifies Cobra 2000 radios to operate on 10 meters and yet no one would ever think to turn the guy in. Ever hear of a guy they call Sir Mix Alot?
Do you know his CB handle?
Have you ever heard him on the air with his nearly legal 5000 watt amplifier?
08-15-2011, 10:18 PM
The bottom line is - I studied hard, took all my exam's, hold a Amateur Extra Class License, am also a VE, A observer and still I catch flack for owning a couple of old Chicken Band Radios.
Have you considered that through all that, you are trying to get us to break FCC rules? Not the kind of thing a VEC or an observer should be doing much less a license holder.
08-15-2011, 10:58 PM
The funny part Charles is that under proper conditions I could set up a sked with you on 11 meters, we could make contact, and still be within the rules. of course we would have to be on channel 23 or
08-15-2011, 11:02 PM
The funny part Charles is that under proper conditions I could set up a sked with you on 11 meters, we could make contact, and still be within the rules. of course we would have to be on channel 23 or
That would be a lot of fun but I'd want to do it on 10. I could at least get a 100w signal out of the old Antron.
08-16-2011, 03:39 AM
I have handed out a dozen pink slips since I became a observer, and yet the FCC will not do anything about anything ham or CB.
OO's send out OO cards, not pink slips. The purpose is to give the amateur a chance to correct a problem before it becomes an FCC problem. If you think you're some type of enforcement authority, you're doing it wrong, Scooter.
Another repeater owner - got mad when I told him that it is illegal to hook their repeater to a weather radio and run weather scripts when the weather radio goes off.
That's a common practice here on the local two meter repeaters. The ARRL broadcasts worldwide on a daily basis. Have you sent W1AW one of your dreaded "pink slips" yet?
Wanna do something really constructive? Take on the malicious interference caused on the HF bands by the Winlink network. The robots will love your pink slips.
Hold on just a minute. A (supposed) OO trying to get other, duly licensed amateurs to engage in potentially illegal acts?
That ain't gonna go over well at Newington, bunky... :naughty:
08-16-2011, 05:27 AM
Ever hear of a guy they call Sir Mix Alot?
Do you know his CB handle?
Have you ever heard him on the air with his nearly legal 5000 watt amplifier?
Hello , I thought it was a 5000 watt audio amp. Baby got back.
Sir Mix-A-Lot (Prime Minista) runs considerably more power than 5KW on 11M. And the guy sounds better than 99% of his amateur radio contemporaries, but money spent on station equipment will have that effect.
FWIW, where's all the hammy hamsKilocycle Kops when it comes to applying some 'Bowl cleaner?
Hey Jerry,
You going to be at the Skyview Hamfest weekend after next? also a VE, A observer and still I catch flack for owning a couple of old Chicken Band Radios.
I have handed out a dozen pink slips since I became a observer...
I may have been a bit premature with my earlier comments.
Did you mean 'ARRL Official Observer'? If not, which organization facilitates the observer program in which you participate? Do you have a sample 'pink slip' which you could scan and post here? I've never seen one of them.
You can lead a horse to water.
But can you hold his head under water long enough? :lol:
08-16-2011, 05:01 PM
But can you hold his head under water long enough? :lol:
08-16-2011, 05:04 PM
OO's send out OO cards, not pink slips.
Maybe he's giving away cars, like oprah.
08-16-2011, 06:26 PM
That's great!
When does Jerry get his?
08-16-2011, 07:47 PM
It would be worth effin up just to get one in the mail.
08-16-2011, 08:59 PM
And the guy sounds better than 99% of his amateur radio contemporaries
Rumor`s say it has something to do with the 1955 Johnson plate modulated audio effect.
That what Happens when you step out in front of a man with a Laser and a Big Johnson
08-17-2011, 06:13 AM
That's great!
When does Jerry get his?
Perhaps he just did? :chin:
BTW, the linky for that pinky is on AG6K's website (
Just some crusty old ham, nobody important or knowledgable. :mrgreen:
08-30-2011, 07:37 AM
I believe you are AB3NK? I've checked and can not find where AB3NK is an ARRL Official Observer.
Further, AB3NK does not meet all of the requirements to be an ARRL Official Observer at this time.
Additionally, I can not find where AB3NK has participated in any ARRL VE sessions. You can check here to verify that:
Am I correct?
- Bill
Amen Brother.
The bottom line is - I studied hard, took all my exam's, hold a Amateur Extra Class License, am also a VE, A observer and still I catch flack for owning a couple of old Chicken Band Radios.
I have handed out a dozen pink slips since I became a observer, and yet the FCC will not do anything about anything ham or CB.
The best ones is two meter repeater owners.
I had one the other night call Break - when I asked what is your emergency - one other repeater owner told me to mind my own business and lay off.
Another repeater owner - got mad when I told him that it is illegal to hook their repeater to a weather radio and run weather scripts when the weather radio goes off.
As a Amateur Radio Service - we are not allowed to broadcast.
Part 97 goes so far as to say that anything that can be conducted over the phone, shouldn't be done over the radio, and any information which can be conveyed by normal means - should not be done over the radio.
Broadcasting is the one way transmission of communications where no one in particular is being contacted - general public - which is not allowed.
Nor is it allowed for someone to say hi in a morning net - by saying hello to the scanner people. We are only allowed to talk to other amateur radio operators.
If you don't have a license - then you are not allowed on the amateur radio and if the people you are talking to do not have a license - then it is broadcasting.
You got some 'splainin' to do, Willis...
BTW - Welcome to The Island, Bill! Our bartender will be along with your choice of libation shortly.
08-30-2011, 08:24 AM
any seats left in the gallery?
08-30-2011, 08:45 AM
Welcome to de Island, Nightly Three Lightly Lurking Radioman. ;)
any seats left in the gallery?I'll save you one, as soon as I get done with the popcorn. Plain, buttered, caramel, or kettle corn?
08-30-2011, 09:17 AM
any seats left in the gallery?
C ( a few out over here, you're welcome
08-30-2011, 09:28 AM
Hey now, all you sinners
Put your lights on, put your lights on
Hey now, all you lovers
Put your lights on, put your lights on
Hey now, all you killers
Put your lights on, put your lights on
Hey now, all you children
Leave your lights on, you better leave your lights on
Cause there's a monster living under my bed
Whispering in my ear
There's an angel, with a hand on my head
She say I've got nothing to fear
There's a darkness living deep in my soul
I still got a purpose to serve
So let your light shine, deep into my home
08-30-2011, 11:34 AM
Thank you. Hopefully there won't be any hurricane coming through soon.
You got some 'splainin' to do, Willis...
BTW - Welcome to The Island, Bill! Our bartender will be along with your choice of libation shortly.
08-30-2011, 12:18 PM
any seats left in the gallery?
Sorry OM, Standing room only.
08-30-2011, 12:50 PM
Hello Bill and Welcome to our Island. I'll be your barkeep and all that we ask is that you strap in and hold on!
One of the wonderful things here on the shore of warm breezes and mahi is, that it's never too early for an umbrella drink!
08-30-2011, 01:22 PM
Sorry OM, Standing room only.
There's no-one standing over here ;)
Welcome Bill :)
08-30-2011, 02:22 PM
That's because you are far away, on a less inhabited part of a different Island. ;)
08-30-2011, 02:25 PM
Thank you. Hopefully there won't be any hurricane coming through soon.
We don't get them here. I think it's all the hot air circulating in a counterclockwise direction that emanates from here, that causes them to skirt the Island. Just a guess. I'm no meteorologist.
However, I did play one in high school.
BTW, welcome. Just park your dinghy in the cove.
08-30-2011, 02:28 PM
It's a hurricane caused by vermin chasing around each other very quickly. :neener:
08-30-2011, 09:32 PM
Definitely a lot of color in those drinks.
Thanks for the welcome.
08-30-2011, 09:55 PM
Enjoy yourself here. We even have serious threads with serious bidness. ;)
Enjoy yourself here. We even have serious threads with serious bidness. ;)
Although we usually try to avoid it whenever possible.
Welcome to the Island, Bill. The natives are friendly, if a bit eccentric.
The natives are friendly, if a bit eccentric.
I resent that implication. I'm fscking insane, not eccentric. :neener:
08-30-2011, 11:15 PM
I resent that implication. I'm fscking insane, not eccentric. :neener:
Well there you go again, playing the race card.
Definitely a lot of color in those drinks.
Thanks for the welcome.As Arthur Dent read of the description of Earth in the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, not to worry... the natives are Mostly Harmless.
08-31-2011, 07:44 AM
Well there you go again, playing the race card.
GASP! Antieccentricism!
08-31-2011, 09:20 AM
Eccentric = off center. That's why we shift center of gravity to counterbalance but some tend to overdo it and need a Hamaround to get around. Hamsexy loves 'em... heh heh heh.
Our names are now Slappy, Scooter, Bunky, Skippy, Scooby, Poopoo, etc....we could start an old school baseball team with names like that.
On to 11m. Im a DXer, thats pretty much it, i started on CB, i worked into "skippy land" from Alaska all the time, but i simply wanted to work the big league DX so i upgraded, thats all. I realize now that absolutely nothing at all can, or will, be done about cleaning up 11m. Like 2 meters, i havent been on CB in nearly 30 years, so it just doesnt bother me that its there and that guys use massive amounts of power there, or its a madhouse zoo, different from 2 meters, really. The problem i have is when they roll into 10 meters and act like punks ass bitches right on top of existing qsos that i KNOW they hear. Its not as bad down in the cw subband, and most of it is spanish or portugese speaking fishing boats anyway....but i hear them on 17, 20 and 40 too! They are using ham gear and they are not just staying on 10/11m.
At this point, enforcement is becoming more of a formality. Elitism is something i try to guard against. If you want to play around on 11m, you will likely get away with it and have a good time. All of this is rapidly becoming a moot point anyway.
09-09-2011, 10:34 AM
At this point, enforcement is becoming more of a formality. Elitism is something i try to guard against. If you want to play around on 11m, you will likely get away with it and have a good time. All of this is rapidly becoming a moot point anyway.
Yes, probably. However, you still risk your amateur privileges for breaking ANY of the rules in place for class D service.
Our names are now Slappy, Scooter, Bunky, Skippy, Scooby, Poopoo, etc....we could start an old school baseball team with names like that.< snip >If Scooby hooks up with Poopoo, does that mean that the offspring thereof would be named Scooby Doo-Doo?
Besides, if we're going to use the nicknames as the basis of an old-school baseball team, I'd rather go with Who, What, I Don't Know, Today, Tomorrow, Why, Because, and of course, I Don't Give a Darn.
But then we have Nobody to play right field.
09-09-2011, 12:15 PM
Great routine.
09-09-2011, 04:43 PM
If Scooby hooks up with Poopoo, does that mean that the offspring thereof would be named Scooby Doo-Doo?
Besides, if we're going to use the nicknames as the basis of an old-school baseball team, I'd rather go with Who, What, I Don't Know, Today, Tomorrow, Why, Because, and of course, I Don't Give a Darn.
But then we have Nobody to play right field.Pitching Woo. Lesser known baseball player of Chinese descent.
09-09-2011, 05:13 PM
The Dragon known as Who Flung Poo, aka Poop Dragon.
A Prankster who co-inhabits minds for the joy of flinging it.
Will frequently haunt those daring to visit our very own Alpha Hotel. :)
Would be good to hear from the "Pope" about this scary apparition,
I suspect more lulz with enough Holy Water from The Bartender. :spin:
Here's the Poop Dragon ( :)
Pitching Woo. Lesser known baseball player of Chinese descent.
No relation to the famous Chinese bluesman, Blind Lemon Chicken.
Yes, probably. However, you still risk your amateur privileges for breaking ANY of the rules in place for class D service.
I didnt say *I* was going to do it! No siree!
09-09-2011, 09:54 PM
Very true, although it would be oddly satisfying to blast some of the CB knuckleheads with a little RTTY or PSK31 when they start their "AUDIO" or *whistle* antics and keep cranking up the wattage while you're trying to have a meaningful conversation.
09-10-2011, 12:49 AM
Very true, although it would be oddly satisfying to blast some of the CB knuckleheads with a little RTTY or PSK31 when they start their "AUDIO" or *whistle* antics and keep cranking up the wattage while you're trying to have a meaningful conversation.
If they get on 10m, ole Riley was A-OK with that kind of willful interference.
09-10-2011, 12:51 AM
The Dragon known as Who Flung Poo, aka Poop Dragon.
A Prankster who co-inhabits minds for the joy of flinging it.
Will frequently haunt those daring to visit our very own Alpha Hotel. :)
Would be good to hear from the "Pope" about this scary apparition,
I suspect more lulz with enough Holy Water from The Bartender. :spin:
Here's the Poop Dragon ( :)
If they get on 10m, ole Riley was A-OK with that kind of willful interference.
Yep! He made that clear at Visalia and Dayton. I agree too.
09-10-2011, 11:16 AM
:lol: excellent
09-10-2011, 03:20 PM
:lol: excellent
He made the Quizno's commercial that got pulled here in the US. Silly Americans were offended by what they thought was a rat, when in reality it was a Sponge Monkey.
09-12-2011, 06:54 AM
Our names are now Slappy, Scooter, Bunky, Skippy, Scooby, Poopoo, etc....we could start an old school baseball team with names like that.
On to 11m. Im a DXer, thats pretty much it, i started on CB, i worked into "skippy land" from Alaska all the time, but i simply wanted to work the big league DX so i upgraded, thats all. I realize now that absolutely nothing at all can, or will, be done about cleaning up 11m.
Actually 11 meters can be cleaned up. All they have to do is round up violators and start hanging them. The General public won't care less and the message will reach the rest of the violattors quickly. Unfortunately our government doesn't have the moxie to do the job the way it needs to be done.
Like 2 meters, i havent been on CB in nearly 30 years, so it just doesnt bother me that its there and that guys use massive amounts of power there, or its a madhouse zoo, different from 2 meters, really.
Around here 2 meters is quite different than CB, or at least what I remember CB to be like. On 2 meters (at least around here) you can still have a sensible conversation without stupidity. On 11 meters all you could do is shout boring skip, or try to talk to some local for a minute or two before some imbecile with no functioning brain cells comes on frequency and steps all over him with some gibberish that is a direct result of not having a functioning brain in his skull. These days locally CB is dead around here so, if you use CB about all you can do is shout skip when the conditions permit. And the ironic thing is, you don't need an over driven "16 pill" amp, although I guess its considered a status symbol to have one.
The problem i have is when they roll into 10 meters and act like punks ass bitches right on top of existing qsos that i KNOW they hear. Its not as bad down in the cw subband, and most of it is spanish or portugese speaking fishing boats anyway....but i hear them on 17, 20 and 40 too! They are using ham gear and they are not just staying on 10/11m.
Bootleg operation is and has always been a problem, even on the broadcast bands. Nothing a few good ol' fashioned public hangings wouldn't remedy. :-D
Actually 11 meters can be cleaned up. All they have to do is round up violators and start hanging them.
Bootleg operation is and has always been a problem, even on the broadcast bands. Nothing a few good ol' fashioned public hangings wouldn't remedy. :-D
In rem seizure of equipment and very large fines (along with possible jail time) is a far better way to accomplish this. One can blame congressional budget cuts and accompanying lack of FCC funding for the dearth of proactive enforcement operations. The department is complaint-driven these days and will only target violators if they're brought to the attention of one of the field offices.
09-12-2011, 12:34 PM
I always thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if the FCC was told the only furnacing they would receive would be from revenue they generated.
I always thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if the FCC was told the only furnacing they would receive would be from revenue they generated.
The same thing that's occurring with the so-called War on Drugs:
Instances of fabricated evidence and unlawful seizures.
Bootleg operation is and has always been a problem, even on the broadcast bands. Nothing a few good ol' fashioned public hangings wouldn't remedy. :-D
The big diff there is BC stations run 500kw, and they dont turn it back for a reply...they just go!
As for the hangings? Hmm....could have a good idea for revenue there.
09-12-2011, 04:38 PM
A Country and Western version of "Strange Fruit"? :chin:
09-18-2011, 12:59 PM
I'll admit, I operated CB illegally (w/o proper license) and I ran way way way over the legal limits. However, I never transmitted out of band. For the majority of my CB career I mostly operated a old tube 23 channel radio. Once I got my license I pretty much quit CB although I must admit I did fire up the Viking 2 with the vfo in the 11 meter position once or twice. These days CB is pretty much dead around here.
'Bowl's rolling at the moment, folks...all the usual haunts are filled with activity. Anyone in the SW up for some 10M fun?
09-18-2011, 06:32 PM
Just got home, 10's still open here. Am I SW enuf? :)
My rig seems to like 10m, it loads up perfectly on the 20m dp. Ive been checking the beacons up there and its been nice the last two days. Ill be on the air at some point tomorrow.
Went to dinner with some back in the shack around 10 and the band was as dead as a doornail. That quick.
09-19-2011, 06:50 AM
I worked five stations pretty quickly on 10. Some of the bigger guns with beams and amps were QSO'n with OZ, but I could just barely hear them.
The Gap Titan with barefoot power works well, but I could sure use a beam. I have a portable YP-1 Superantenna, but I want to keep that portable. Really should build something, but I hope to move in less than a year. Negotiation on a house of interest has started. It's pretty beat up, but may be sound in structure, and is on almost a half acre with no HOA's.
Enough room for a 100'+ tower, and cheap enought that I might be able to afford to plant a bigass metal tree. Just my luck I'll get into a new place in January or February. I don't want to hassle with moving in the winter. Looking around at other places too. Evil plans for more gain continue....
I didnt get anything on 10 today, but i got 3 new band countries on 17m, which was hopping! I did hear some activity up there, though. Its good to hear 10 open every day, even for a little while.
09-19-2011, 07:13 PM
Does anyone use 10 metres for local ground wave communications ? Years ago we used to have some great local conversations on 10 metres late at night. Unfortunately most of the people I used to chat with moved away, lost interest in ham radio, etc. These days its either the band is open or bupkis.
Ive been hearing the east coast every day since i got the antenna back in the air, John.
Does anyone use 10 metres for local ground wave communications ? Years ago we used to have some great local conversations on 10 metres late at night. Unfortunately most of the people I used to chat with moved away, lost interest in ham radio, etc. These days its either the band is open or bupkis.There's still a local group, the Breezeshooters, who meet on Monday evenings at 9 PM Local time, on 28.480 MHz. You can often find ragchewing before & after the weekly net on & about that frequency.
There's still a local group, the Breezeshooters, who meet on Monday evenings at 9 PM Local time, on 28.480 MHz. You can often find ragchewing before & after the weekly net on & about that frequency.
The Akron, Ohio (and vicinity) crew all hang out on 28.337. Rare is the time you won't find someone on the frequency, with the possible exception of a workday.
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