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View Full Version : I'll bet this guy was embarrassed

07-30-2011, 06:35 PM
The FCC pay a visit to a California ham...


07-30-2011, 06:49 PM
As well he should have been . Not even a cat involved this time , just a careless op . We'd all do well to let this serve as a reminder .

07-30-2011, 07:00 PM
Happy ending?

07-30-2011, 07:33 PM
Reminds me of a night on 75M many years ago which featured Aitch Yell Arr, an irate customer of his and a D-104 which somehow became trapped between a desk drawer and the edge of the desk...at just the right position to key the transmitter. The ensuing f-bomb campaign was a spectacle to behold. I still have a tape of it somewhere around here.

07-30-2011, 07:41 PM
How the hell do you NOT know your radio is transmitting if you're in the room with it? :wtf:

Maybe next time you should turn off the Break-In when you're done using the rig. :roll:

Better yet, turn the fscking thing off when you leave the shack, dumbass! :roll:

07-30-2011, 09:36 PM
Snoring on the air is just as good on 2m as it is on HF except there is no repeater time out on HF. On the other hand, snoring on HF gets a wider audience and having heard both, HF wins hands down.

07-31-2011, 12:56 PM


07-31-2011, 01:04 PM


07-31-2011, 03:39 PM
Reminds me of a night on 75M many years ago which featured Aitch Yell Arr, an irate customer of his and a D-104 which somehow became trapped between a desk drawer and the edge of the desk...at just the right position to key the transmitter. The ensuing f-bomb campaign was a spectacle to behold. I still have a tape of it somewhere around here.

post audio

08-01-2011, 11:36 AM
How the hell do you NOT know your radio is transmitting if you're in the room with it? :wtf:

Maybe next time you should turn off the Break-In when you're done using the rig. :roll:

Better yet, turn the fscking thing off when you leave the shack, dumbass! :roll:Whether or not this was an accident... and I have a sneaking hunch it probably was (dumbkopf should keep an eye on his equipment... OK, we've all left the rig on meaning to get back to it & didn't, but for days on end? Schmuck)... I think the afflicted induhvidual will soon be able to tell us from personal knowledge if the FCC Pink Slip is actually still pink.

08-01-2011, 12:29 PM
OK, we've all left the rig on meaning to get back to it & didn't, but for days on end? Schmuck.

I'm not defending the guy but I know a number of ham who leave their rigs on continuously because they say they're much more stable that way. I experimented doing the same with mine for a while because it drifts a bit on 6m but stopped when all I got out of it was a burned out lightbulb on the display.

08-01-2011, 02:00 PM
I'm not defending the guy but I know a number of ham who leave their rigs on continuously because they say they're much more stable that way. I experimented doing the same with mine for a while because it drifts a bit on 6m but stopped when all I got out of it was a burned out lightbulb on the display.
OK, fair enough.

Leaving your rig(s) on in stand-by is understandable -- if you're using thermionic valves, that is to say, vacumn tubes. They do need to warm up, and I know from experience that when you only have 20 minutes here & there to operate, waiting 10 to 15 minutes for the rig to warm up is ridiculous. And other extenuating circumstances.

But if you choose to do so, you should NEVER leave the equipment in a state where by accident of one sort or another (including "what's this do?" curious children and cats) the rig(s) starts to transmit. Never. Not ever. That means you disable VOX, you unplug the keyer or paddles or bug, you turn the RF output to the lowest possible setting (however you can do it), whatever it takes.

Otherwise, you're setting yourself up for trouble. Including the stories of the barking dog on 40 meters and stories like this one.