View Full Version : The Biker Thread

06-11-2011, 11:20 PM
Forgive me if this has been done before.

All Bikers, past and present, check in here. Pics of your babies too if you don't mind. My baby is a 2011 black and red Kymco Quannon. Will post pics later. I've already put 2500 miles on it since April.

06-11-2011, 11:29 PM
IIRC there was a lengthy thread at one time. No pics atm but I have them somewhere. I had a 1981 Suzuki GS 750, a mid 90s sportster, 82 honda 500, and a fatboy basically on loan from a relative from the 10th grade till graduation lol. No worries, it may be a few years down the road but a HSC is in my future. To hold me over though I am getting a late 90s Vulcan from my aunt for pennies.

06-11-2011, 11:39 PM
Does this count? An anemic 50cc. (http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog Walk/da6385ff.jpg)
(http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog Walk/da6385ff.jpg)[/URL][URL="http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog Walk/da6385ff.jpg"]Walk/da6385ff.jpg (http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog)
Here's a map from that trip.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog Walk/a311df67.jpg
In the first pic, you might be able to see the bullet turn signals I used to replace the ugly rectangles.
Since that pic was taken I've been working on the carb, rejet. Ordered a new set but the guys at Foothills Motorsports don't know how to order jets, They can order spark plugs but I have to take back the slow jet. It looked close but I gave them back the main jet at the counter because it wasn't even close. Shimmed the diaphragm needle too.
I have a spare exhaust to play with. Needing to match it up to the new jets. Opened up the intake for the same reason. Now the intake it way loud. Even though it accomplishes its goals, I want to quiet it down some.
The secret to tearing into an exhaust and then being able to seal it back up is exhaust putty and copper plumbing parts.
Got a bit of a lag right at the last part of the throttle right now the way it is set up but I'm working on it

http://www.bing.com/favicon.ico (http://www.bing.com/search?q=Does this count%3F An anemic 50cc.
Walk%2Fda6385ff.jpg)http://www.youtube.com/favicon.ico (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Does this count%3F An anemic 50cc.
Walk%2Fda6385ff.jpg)https://www.google.com/favicon.ico (http://www.google.com/search?q=Does this count%3F An anemic 50cc.
Walk%2Fda6385ff.jpg)http://forums.hamisland.net/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAATCAYAAAC QjC21AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAAZiS0dEAP8A/wD/oL2nkwAAAAlwSFlzAAAIpwAACKcBMsYCAwAAAAd0SU1FB9kFEw gQLXKnj9oAAAPsSURBVDiNdVRZSGRXEH1Joz8icSIMJsEQEvKv ov4ICoOYIAp+KKISkLiAgij5UGOMjgoug6CiKC64i/sSpVHcl7jv7W6722pcWmyNoqBW6hRpyYSZC8W7975bdU+dOrcU IlL+axYWFq+SkpLybWxsYo17VlZWX/H6DebOzs4/ent7/+Lu7v7z/31h7y8U5fvV1VWNra3tIObGvZqamtaHh4fHxMTExb29vcejoyM KCwt7jIqKWuD/bz4Y0MXF5e319bU2JyfngA99x/YJ22empqZuERERKwcHB9Td3U37+/u0srJCc3NzNDIyQk1NTVcqleonPvv6JSCPL87OznQ8p+TkZC2v v2GzcnNz+83a2joqLy9vCQFnZ2dpfX2dlpaWqLe3lzo7O+WStL S0ORMTE7+XgCkpKTX07/Dz86PIyEhDVlaWISMjgxISEmRfp9PRzs4O7e7uEtMi6EZHRyVw eHg4gp6bm5tbKK958PlbODES+ZmZmQmkxjsE2d3dHWm1WsrOzq a6ujoaGhqigYEBGh4epvT0dCovLyd7e3sfhR3fGR0vLy9fULa0 tMj8/PycNBoNcVGIi0NxcXHU09NDY2Nj1N/fL2mXlZXJJV5eXkXK9va2DojggIDPz8/iuLGxQcvLy8IXEN7c3JBer5f14uKiIOzr66P29naqqqqiiooK8 vf3n1aYbP3ExIQcZkkIKgcHBwJ/BoNB1ltbW8IbF466urrk3OTkpFhDQ4MEZA7Jx8fnSGEJ6I2pHh 4eyvf2ViglVBbBwBMQb25u0sLCgnAXExMjVLS1tVFJSYmkHRoa +pfCmydwPjk5EYf7+3txwBoVRTFmZmZetFdcXEyBgYGUm5srVa 6traWioiIqKCig4ODgVYVJnUE6LGpBhLQQDMjAHeaQzPT0tASG 7iorK0U2kAwC4hIE9PT0HFZYvB7j4+NPQHlxcSGFOD4+Fvnw8x KOUGnwxAWkqakpqSz7CJ/V1dXEmiV+/+To6Pi7CJvFq356ehIHaA2ogPjq6krSRlVbW1ulqoODgyIbyMf X15dKS0spNjYWAf+2tLT8UgLyJAIPHinPz89LFcEXJIJUcdHa2 ppIBAjVajWlpqYSNwcqLCwUdEFBQX9+ysP4llXcSf7gFO6A8PT 0lJqbm4UXvB6kBc6QKgz/sAfu8Ers7OzecYxv3+s2PD53dXX9FVUFCiCqr6+njo4OSRMBwS N3FylKfn4+MQgKCAhAC1N9rB+aODk5vWUU5+ARUoHu8CpQ0cbG RjFcxA3kkjtRAft8/dEGazRuRabcZH8ICQkpjo6OVjNHmvj4+GXuiyMeHh453ATCzMz MXn3I9x8oCiuuorpqawAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== (http://api3.smarterfox.com/wikisearch/search?q=Does this count%3F An anemic 50cc.
Walk%2Fda6385ff.jpg&locale=en-US)https://ff.duckduckgo.com/favicon.ico (http://duckduckgo.com/?q=Does this count%3F An anemic 50cc.
Walk%2Fda6385ff.jpg)http://forums.hamisland.net/image/vnd.microsoft.icon;base64,AAABAAEAEBAAAAEAIABoBAAA FgAAACgAAAAQAAAAIAAAAAEAIAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 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 CABwAAwA8AAOAfAAD//wAA//8AAA%3D%3D (http://search.surfcanyon.com/search?f=nrl1&q=Does this count%3F An anemic 50cc.

06-11-2011, 11:51 PM
Does this count? An anemic 50cc.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog Walk/da6385ff.jpg (http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog%20Walk/da6385ff.jpg)
Here's a map from that trip.
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog Walk/a311df67.jpg (http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c79/bebop5/Dog%20Walk/a311df67.jpg)
In the first pic, you might be able to see the bullet turn signals I used to replace the ugly rectangles.
Since that pic was taken I've been working on the carb, rejet. Ordered a new set but the guys at Foothills Motorsports don't know how to order jets, They can order spark plugs but I have to take back the slow jet. It looked close but I gave them back the main jet at the counter because it wasn't even close. Shimmed the diaphragm needle too.
I have a spare exhaust to play with. Needing to match it up to the new jets. Opened up the intake for the same reason. Now the intake it way loud. Even though it accomplishes its goals, I want to quiet it down some.
The secret to tearing into an exhaust and then being able to seal it back up is exhaust putty and copper plumbing parts.
Got a bit of a lag right at the last part of the throttle right now the way it is set up but I'm working on it

Your bent bicycle has a weed-whacker motor on it. :p

06-11-2011, 11:55 PM
Your bent bicycle has a weed-whacker motor on it. :p
I know and I'm adding a tach, homebrew from an AC meter and some stuff. Also adding AM/FM stereo from a 98 Saturn.
All as soon as I finish changing the way it breathes and rebuilding the pool the GF got last year. I may need to go with a bigger battery. Guess I'll be bending up the old battery tray.

06-11-2011, 11:58 PM
5 Valkyries:

'99 Tourer, '00 Tourer, '00 Interstate, '01 Interstate, '03 Standard.

1 Concours:

'08 ABS model.

My '00 Tourer just went up for sale today. Pix forthcoming.

Women are required to pose with their bikes.

Just sayin'. :snicker:

06-12-2011, 04:24 AM
1981 Honda CB-750. My daily work transportion.
1997 Harley Fatboy,Weekend fun
And I do use it for work from time to time.

06-12-2011, 10:24 AM
5 Valkyries:

'99 Tourer, '00 Tourer, '00 Interstate, '01 Interstate, '03 Standard.

1 Concours:

'08 ABS model.

My '00 Tourer just went up for sale today. Pix forthcoming.

Women are required to pose with their bikes.

Just sayin'. :snicker:

Joo has too many. Collecting bikes like I collect books eh?

06-12-2011, 11:33 AM
1968 BMW R60:

Alas, I have no pictures of my actual bike but this is pretty much what it looked like.

06-12-2011, 11:38 AM
1968 BMW R60:

Alas, I have no pictures of my actual bike but this is pretty much what it looked like.

The handlebars would drive me nuts.

06-16-2011, 10:14 PM
I saw this today while on my ''bike.''

06-16-2011, 10:23 PM
The handlebars would drive me nuts.
Check out how the rear shocks are straight up and down. Olde Skoole!

06-18-2011, 06:53 AM
I saw this today while on my ''bike.''
NS has trackage right next to my shooting club:


Immediately north of the lake.

Right next to it is the rifle and pistol range; the evenly-spaced white dots in the lower right of the satellite photo are the trap houses.

06-18-2011, 12:16 PM
NS has trackage right next to my shooting club:


Immediately north of the lake.

Right next to it is the rifle and pistol range; the evenly-spaced white dots in the lower right of the satellite photo are the trap houses. "Sometimes we shoot at the graffiti on the rails cars. It is often weeks before we figure our scores."

06-18-2011, 06:37 PM
"Sometimes we shoot at the graffiti on the rails cars. It is often weeks before we figure our scores."
For that there's paintball ... :whistle:

06-20-2011, 10:20 PM
Kawi ZX-14
Suzuki gs600x
Honda XR650.

Not too much racing, a little tearing up canyons, embarrassing various sports car drivers on the ZX, and general commuting.

Light trail riding on the XR, but not so much of late.

Trying to sell the Suzi.

06-24-2011, 02:23 PM
This build is INSANE!