View Full Version : What are you reading?

03-15-2011, 01:50 PM
In light of my new "habit" of taking a bus to and from work lately, I've been doing lots of reading. So,here it is: What are you currently reading, what have you read recently, and what's on your "Soon to start" list?

Me? I just finished "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow. Great book, even if it's considered "Young Adult". I'd recommend it for everyone :) It's set +5 years from today (Today can be any day).

Currently, I'm reading "Makers", by the same. So far so good, and it's the story of Kodak merging with Duracell, trying to right themselves in "today's economy" (Today being the time period of the book).

Next up on the list: "Day Trips to Narnia", by Bruce T. Forbes.

03-15-2011, 02:00 PM
Just finished reading Blind Man's Bluff, by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew and am now working on The Darwinian Tourist, by Christopher Wills. After that, it's Musicophila, by Oliver Sacks.

I need some good fiction in the mix, though. Seems like it's been a couple of years since I've read a really good novel.

03-15-2011, 02:07 PM
Just finished reading Blind Man's Bluff, by Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew and am now working on The Darwinian Tourist, by Christopher Wills. After that, it's Musicophila, by Oliver Sacks.

I need some good fiction in the mix, though. Seems like it's been a couple of years since I've read a really good novel.

I was into some heavy reading for a while. My first week of commuting, I read the "Federalist Papers", and "On The Wealth of Nations". Had to switch to "brain candy" for a while :)

I'd recommend "Little Brother" to anyone who digs dystopic novels (ie "Nineteen Eighty Four", "Brave New World", et al); so if that's your thing I'd jump into it. It's pretty short, and you could knock it out in about 4 hours or so.

03-15-2011, 02:27 PM
Still working on Mark Twain's autobiography. All written in the narrative form 100 years in the making per his wishes. Sam is one of the wittiest men I have read. My on deck book is about the Jain Darshan religious philosophy, and quantum mechanics.

03-15-2011, 02:35 PM
Just finished Brave New World. Second reading -- first was 45 years ago.

Some of the conditions in that "brave new world" and spookily close to what we have today.

Just started Joseph Heller's "Picture This". It does to (for?) the world of art what Catch-22 did for the military.


The book starts out discussing Rembrandt's painting, Aristotle with a Bust of Homer. Mr. Heller almost immediately points out that we're not even sure Homer was a real person, much less know what he looked like. Same for Aristotle. Gets funnier from there.


03-15-2011, 02:57 PM
W.E.B. Griffin's series "The Corps", about USMC prior to WW2 and through Korea. Fiction, and very good.

03-15-2011, 04:09 PM
Some technical stuff from my personal library

03-15-2011, 04:18 PM
ON4UN Low band dxing.....

Steven King IT

Yeah, i know, nothing spectacular...

03-15-2011, 04:22 PM
ON4UN Low band dxing.....
Ah yes, the Gospel of John. Good stuff!!!

03-15-2011, 04:59 PM
ON4UN Low band dxing.....

Steven King IT

Yeah, i know, nothing spectacular...You are a hopeless HAM to the core, Cor.

03-15-2011, 05:21 PM
I know, it has been said to me before since i was 14.....not planning to change it now ;)

You are a hopeless HAM to the core, Cor.