View Full Version : fedora 14 gnome 64bit

03-06-2011, 06:17 PM
well I got a new tower, 2.4 amd quad 4gb ram blah blah.

1st I installed kubuntu 10.10 64bit its not bad but dont play with my wifi card all that nice. so on a whim i downloaded the fedora 14 64bit gnome live cd. (took me almost 24hours to download it) anyway burned it to disk. ran it.

pretty impressed. it seems to play nice with my alfa wifi card (rtl8187 driver) i just have to set rate to 11M

anyway now i just got to get used to yum and rpm.... (so used to a apt-get or a slapt-get)

only issue is my 40gb hdd where i keep backups of stuff... well i have no perms to do anything with anything in there :(

other then that im pleased so far

03-06-2011, 06:53 PM
Sounds good. I like Fedora as it tends to have more leading edge drivers for newer hardware packaged with the distro. I haven't tried the 64 bit versions here at home yet since my machines here are all on 32 bit architectures. Yum and rpm are pretty easy to get used to and are quite flexible for the most part. Out of the box Fedora sometimes has some shortcomings with respect to certain multimedia formats. However, it's generally just a matter of installing the proper codecs and add ons... which can generally be installed within minutes via yum. Fedora does have a rather rapid release cycle, so, for example once you are comfortable with Fedora 14 they are already up to Fedora 16 or 17. In any event I generally don't upgrade with every release so irts no real problem. Gnome is pretty good but I generally prefer KDE

03-06-2011, 07:03 PM
if fedora would have had a legacy kde 3.5 release i would have went that way. (KDE4 is ok, its just not my thing) I think fedora has a 6 month cycle just like ubuntu dose. but between ubuntu and fedora 64bit. ubuntu everything works well but the wifi card. fedora wins as it plays nice with my rtl8187 card (i do have to set the rate to 11M) but im getting 300kb/s down with ubuntu i was only doing 50kb/s down so honestly at this point fedora gets the win

03-06-2011, 07:14 PM
FWIW, Ubuntu works very well with the Wi-Fi (Atheros chipset) built into my MacBook Pro—ironically, I think it's actually more reliable than Apple's own wireless networking stacks.

03-06-2011, 08:08 PM
I think my Compaq AMD clunker laptop also uses an Atheros wifi chipset. Unbuntu 64-bit v10.10 is working well on it. No issues. Just today, on a whim, I upgraded from 10.04 and the download/install was flawless, taking about an hour from start of download to reboot. Didn't change any of my settings and everything came up and was running on the reboot. Best part of 10.10 to me is that log-in to my WiFi router (Apple AP Xtreme) is now automatic, whereas in 10.04 I had to enter a p/w each time I booted the system in order to log on.

03-06-2011, 08:54 PM
well searching you find ubuntu and rtl8187 dont play well together. on 32bit systems with rtl8187 i had to nidiswrapper it. but fedora plays well with it

03-14-2011, 09:29 AM
only issue is my 40gb hdd where i keep backups of stuff... well i have no perms to do anything with anything in there :(

other then that im pleased so far

When you set up the backup account for the new install, set the GID and UID to the old backup account (If your old backup HD is showing 601:601 as the owner, then set your new backup user to 601:601 by specifying the GID/UID at account creation).

Or, with root, just chown everything to the currently logged in user:
chwon -R tony:tony /mnt/backup

Change 'tony' to the appropriate user and group name.

03-14-2011, 07:16 PM
When you set up the backup account for the new install, set the GID and UID to the old backup account (If your old backup HD is showing 601:601 as the owner, then set your new backup user to 601:601 by specifying the GID/UID at account creation).

Or, with root, just chown everything to the currently logged in user:
chwon -R tony:tony /mnt/backup

Change 'tony' to the appropriate user and group name.

well goofing around the other day i kinda wiped out the 40gb ide drive..... so i lost me backup files

03-14-2011, 08:01 PM
well goofing around the other day i kinda wiped out the 40gb ide drive..... so i lost me backup files

Well, at least you lost the backup... You still have the master copy :)

03-15-2011, 01:14 PM
Well, at least you lost the backup... You still have the master copy :)

i got most of the master copies