View Full Version : XP and shared printer

02-16-2011, 05:04 PM
I've got an XP machine with a printer connected to it, and I'm trying to use the printer as a shared device so that I can print via my wireless LAN. Every time I try to print with a laptop via the LAN, the spooler service crashes on the XP machine. I did some research, uninstalled the HP software and drivers, deleted all the registry entries for printers, and then reinstalled the drivers and the HP software. It printed one page, and now the spooler service crashes again on the XP machine. Anybody got any ideas on how to make this go? SP3 and all updates are installed. The new driver install was from a fresh download from the HP site.

02-16-2011, 06:42 PM
Try installing Apple's Bonjour, a zero-config network stack--essentially the old AppleTalk protocols adapted to TP/IP. That's how I do printer sharing on my XP machine. It's free, it's easy to set up and it works. It does increase the amount of traffic on your network which makes it unsuitable for heavily-used networks but it shouldn't be a significant a problem for most home users.

02-16-2011, 08:18 PM
I'll give that a try Carl but as it's the XP spooler service that's crashing, not a TCP/IP issue, I'm not sure that it's gonna do the trick. I'm using a Cisco configuration utility for the share. Thanks!

02-16-2011, 08:26 PM
there is a way to disable the spooling function in XP. i dont remember how to do it but did it at one time to do exactly what you are trying to do. i now use a wireless printer and dont have the issue.

02-16-2011, 08:31 PM
Maybe this?


02-16-2011, 08:35 PM
Try installing Apple's Bonjour, a zero-config network stack--essentially the old AppleTalk protocols adapted to TP/IP. That's how I do printer sharing on my XP machine. It's free, it's easy to set up and it works. It does increase the amount of traffic on your network which makes it unsuitable for heavily-used networks but it shouldn't be a significant a problem for most home users.I agree. That's how I have my OfficeJet 6500 hooked to my home network. Any computer on the network, from a Windows box to my stable of Macintosh computers, can access the printer. Even my landlord who lives next door can print to my printer.

02-16-2011, 09:20 PM
Maybe this?

I'll give this a try when I get home this weekend. Thanks, Dave.