View Full Version : QCWA

02-07-2011, 11:45 PM
What's up with QCWA lately? Have they gone batshnitz or something?

I made a quip to someone on a particular radio manufacturer reflector the end of last week, next thing I know I'm dealing with some regional muckety-muck who insists that I have to join. Won't take "no" for an answer. Insists I have to go the next meeting... and gives me the address for a restaurant that closed 2 years ago. I tell him, again, thanks but no thanks. He tells me he'll get me the correct information and get the local guys in touch with me! Another "thanks, no thanks, don't bother" is sent.

Today I get an email from the local chapter. *sigh* Big fat PDF sent -- to a mailing list. Oh, goody, now I've been added to another mailing list without my consent. So I send a note to the sender, politely declining the invitation and asking to be taken off the list.

I get an "Okee Dokee". And a congratulations on my upgrade.

My upgrade? I got my Extra in the mid '80's.

Suffice to say, now I know I don't belong in the organization. Or at least the local chapter. I may be a grumpy old seasoned operator... but I haven't gone senile. Yet.

02-07-2011, 11:49 PM
So, you shootin' for secretary at the next election? :rofl:

02-08-2011, 12:17 AM
So, you shootin' for secretary at the next election? :rofl:
Funny you should say that...

The local 10 meter club is called the Breezeshooter's. (They predate 10-10 by quite a few years). One year, I showed up at the annual picnic a little late, after work, and was informed that I had been elected the new Checker. Why? Because I wasn't around to decline.

02-08-2011, 05:31 AM
Funny you should say that...

The local 10 meter club is called the Breezeshooter's. (They predate 10-10 by quite a few years). One year, I showed up at the annual picnic a little late, after work, and was informed that I had been elected the new Checker. Why? Because I wasn't around to decline.:rofl::rofl: That is what you get. I have been eligible to join the QCWA for 10 years now. I still do not think I am old enough yet, The only reason that I would join, I have heard the local chapter has an awesome cook book compilation. They have very special field day recipes. I also have been told there is an annual chili contest. In case of an eating emergency, the QCWA is prepared.

02-08-2011, 07:58 AM
I've been eligible to join that outfit for several years now and I'm not even 50.

Were I seeking company to hang out with and reminisce about the "good old days" of ham radio, there's always Jim and Jack.

02-08-2011, 09:04 AM
Suffice to say, now I know I don't belong in the organization. Or at least the local chapter. I may be a grumpy old seasoned operator... but I haven't gone senile. Yet.

You may not have but the fine folks at the old farts radidio operators club sure the hell have.

02-08-2011, 10:00 AM
QCWA members around here are gentle old duffers, most of whom seem to enjoy meeting for breakfast once a month to discuss lumbago and incontinence f-to-f instead of over the air.

02-08-2011, 10:11 AM
I've been eligible to join that outfit for several years now and I'm not even 50.

Were I seeking company to hang out with and reminisce about the "good old days" of ham radio, there's always Jim and Jack.
I was eligible to join the year I was 40. Suffice to say, that's a birthday more than far enough in the rear view mirror.

The, ah, gentlemen who ran the local QCWA chapter at the time... how should I put this... didn't want any "youngsters" hanging around. So, I didn't.

02-08-2011, 01:02 PM
I was eligible to join the year I was 40. Suffice to say, that's a birthday more than far enough in the rear view mirror.

The, ah, gentlemen who ran the local QCWA chapter at the time... how should I put this... didn't want any "youngsters" hanging around. So, I didn't.

I thought it would be cool to join until I was eligible. I looked into what it was and saw nothing there of any interest.

I would have been eligible at the tender age of 43. Wow. I have been licensed for 35 years now. Whoop de effen do.

02-08-2011, 01:16 PM
I thought it would be cool to join until I was eligible. I looked into what it was and saw nothing there of any interest.

I would have been eligible at the tender age of 43. Wow. I have been licensed for 35 years now. Whoop de effen do.
I think that's a large factor here. And no disrespect to people in the organization, but when I look at the local chapter, what is there in it for me? Nothing. Just obligations to be at events, to check into nets, get an upset stomach once a quarter at the greasy spoon du jour, and so forth.

A few years ago, I did almost get talked into joining by an old friend (he was the trustee of my college club station -- and I recruited him for the post as the club president way back when). Only it was the chapter up at my old college, not the local guys. At least that made some more sense; most of the current members of that chapter were people I knew from when I first got active on HF, both through the club and then once I got my General. He promised me an application. It never came. So much for that.

02-08-2011, 01:22 PM
No worries here. I'll probably be dead by the time I'm eligible anyhow.

02-08-2011, 01:25 PM
No worries here. I'll probably be dead by the time I'm eligible anyhow.

I hope you don't die at the age of 35.

02-08-2011, 01:32 PM
I hope you don't die at the age of 35.

I was 55 years old when I got my ticket. You have to have been a ham for 25 years to be eligible, meaning I'll be 80. Given that people in my family tend to be relatively long-lived, in truth I probably won't be dead. It's likely I won't be much interested in joining any new clubs, though.

02-08-2011, 01:34 PM
I was 55 years old when I got my ticket. You have to have been a ham for 25 years to be eligible, meaning I'll be 80. Given that people in my family tend to be relatively long-lived, in truth I probably won't be dead. It's likely I won't be much interested in joining any new clubs, though.

You don't post here like you are older. Very good.

02-08-2011, 01:40 PM
You don't post here like you are older. Very good.

I'm a survivor of the anti-war movement of the Sixties and Seventies who didn't sell out in the Eighties.

02-08-2011, 02:17 PM
I was 55 years old when I got my ticket. You have to have been a ham for 25 years to be eligible, meaning I'll be 80. Given that people in my family tend to be relatively long-lived, in truth I probably won't be dead. It's likely I won't be much interested in joining any new clubs, though.
Which explains why you know that
you ain't got no friends on the left (you're right!), Sgt. Bradshaw.

02-08-2011, 02:18 PM
I'm a survivor of the anti-war movement of the Sixties and Seventies who didn't sell out in the Eighties.So you took two Sixties and moved right on into the Nineties?

02-08-2011, 02:20 PM
I was 55 years old when I got my ticket. You have to have been a ham for 25 years to be eligible, meaning I'll be 80.

You do know that you will get a 20% discount on depends when you activate your QCWA card

02-08-2011, 02:23 PM
Which explains why you know that

you ain't got no friends on the left (you're right!)
, Sgt. Bradshaw.

You ain't got no friends on the Right!
You're left!
Hound Dog!
One! Two!
Poon Tang!
Tree Frog!
Hound Dog! Poon Tang! Coon Town!
I's white!

02-08-2011, 03:12 PM
I wanna be a recon-ranger....
Beat mah meet and run from danger...

02-08-2011, 03:19 PM
I wanna be a recon-ranger....
Beat mah meet and run from danger...That's from the Breakfast Club. You need to go see Nancy.

You may remember her as Melanie Haber.

Audrey Farber?

Susan Underwood?

How about... Betty Jo Bialowski? (Everyone knew her as Nancy)

Nancy: "I-I feel faint, the whole world is spinning."
Nick: "Why that's lucky for us, if it were flat, all the Chinese would fall off."

02-08-2011, 03:23 PM
Oh my god. Castor Oil Flakes are REAL! http://www.tradekey.com/product_view/id/83483.htm

Doesn't say if they come in Glycerin Vibrofoam though.

02-08-2011, 04:00 PM
I've got another 5 years and 3 months to go. Not that I'll be joining, mind you.

02-08-2011, 04:05 PM
I've got another 5 years and 3 months to go. Not that I'll be joining, mind you.

Great! If they keep bugging me, I'll them that I'll join after you, my friend, join. That will take care of THAT!

02-08-2011, 04:27 PM
Great! If they keep bugging me, I'll them that I'll join after you, my friend, join. That will take care of THAT!

Oh, yeah, that'll work... :roll:

I can't find a reason to join the ARRL. What chance do you think the QCWA has? :lol:

02-08-2011, 05:58 PM
I can't find a reason to join the ARRL.

It's cheaper than buying QST off the newstand?

(Actually, I've been kind of disappointed with the last few issues of QST.)

02-08-2011, 10:31 PM
Great! If they keep bugging me, I'll them that I'll join after you, my friend, join. That will take care of THAT!
Oh, yeah, that'll work... :roll:

I can't find a reason to join the ARRL. What chance do you think the QCWA has? :lol:

02-08-2011, 11:55 PM
I can't find a reason to join the ARRL.
It's cheaper than buying QST off the newstand?

I haven't bought a QST mag in over 9 years.

(Actually, I've been kind of disappointed with the last few issues of QST.)

It takes me about 5-10 minutes to leaf through the ones at HRO, decide there's nothing in it worth reading, and put it back on the shelf. :lame: