View Full Version : Hacktivisim.

02-06-2011, 01:32 PM

The new threat, the Hactivist.
I am a far greater threat to the local Republicans than anything else, or so it would seem.:mrgreen: (1)
It is I who is leading the research into counter taser equipment.
I am the one who proved that wave canceling is an effective means of communications denial, with a live demo for the San Antonio police at the Jack in the Box located at 742 Southwest Military Drive.
The big advantage to wave canceling is that it does not matter what the frequency is, it is simply an equal but opposing signal.
And since it is not trying to counter an entire band but just the frequencies actually in use, power requirements are far less, with the added bonus of being totally undetectable.
No transmitted signal? nothing to cancel, no signal.:clap:
And it does not actually cancel the signal but distorts it to the point that it is unusable.

(1) Based on new information from the 09/11/09 incident at the Islamic Center of San Antonio.

02-06-2011, 02:03 PM
In english please!

02-06-2011, 02:18 PM
In english please!

Rudy no habla Inglés.

02-06-2011, 02:54 PM

No Espanol o English, Tex-Mex y no mas! ;)

In short, I was in trouble at the Mosque even before I got there.
Members of the Republican party of San Antonio were made aware of what I was doing with the Islamic community and tried to alert the FBI.
Failing that they decided to take me in before I "did something".
What they did not know is that I hold a security clearance, and so already have contact with the FBI, they know more about me than I know myself.
My contact with Egypt is done with the full knowledge of the FBI.
They have the drum codes and can translate this to English.
Someone asked about some buildings being gone from near this site.
This is 2200 Andrews Ave, where I work out of if I am not at home.
Notice the sheer number of 3 phase transformers?
It is arranged almost like a baseball field, except for a lot more walkways and it is very heavily fenced off, you do not just walk in.
This was known as Medina base at one time.
It is now home to several hundred translators.

02-06-2011, 04:40 PM
Now it's Egypt? What's (or where's) next, Southern Sudan?

My goodness ku goniff, that black helicopter of yours sure gets around! Must be a heck of an APU!

02-06-2011, 09:02 PM
Now it's Egypt? What's (or where's) next, Southern Sudan?

My goodness ku goniff, that black helicopter of yours sure gets around! Must be a heck of an APU!


I have Nothing to do with Egypt besides communicate and translate.
In fact, if I were to ever go back, there is a chance I might be detained.
My real father wanted me to be an American but afaik he never limited it to any one America. ;)
I am not, and never was, a German in the pure sense of the word, although I was born there.
I have a Soviet passport, long expired.
I have never applied for a Saudi passport, I was simply supplied with one.
I did apply for a Mexican passport, and did one year in the Mexican military.
I applied for Landed Alien status in Canada, no passport.
I am a Mexican American in every sense of the meaning.
http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=ada6aa80ae0647bc7de75 49b9ae8ccf5
I like Mexico but right now everything is a mess.
However, be that as it may, I learned Arabic very early on and have no trouble whatsoever in helping the USA with what amounts to foreign affairs.

02-06-2011, 09:08 PM
Rudy, you forgot to mention your role as Martian ambassador to Earth.

02-06-2011, 10:01 PM
Rudy, you forgot to mention your role as Martian ambassador to Earth.


I applied for the job but was turned down.
I can never remember that phrase? Mexican want a Taco? no, Open says me?, Klaatu barada nikto? perhaps but I will follow the first one!

02-06-2011, 10:07 PM

I applied for the job but was turned down.
I can never remember that phrase? Mexican want a Taco? no, Open says me?, Klaatu barada nikto? perhaps but I will follow the first one!


02-06-2011, 10:17 PM


What is a spring roll?

02-06-2011, 10:18 PM

What is a spring roll?

Often referred to by lound eye as an egg roll.

02-06-2011, 11:12 PM

Veggie egg roll I can deal with.
Spring roll? is there also a summer roll?
Rice is pretty universal, so I pretty much start from there, eliminate things like live octopus and pork.
At that point I look at it from a foodie standpoint, with hummus and guacamole having equal standing, I love the stuff!

02-06-2011, 11:20 PM

I have Nothing to do with Egypt besides communicate and translate.
In fact, if I were to ever go back, there is a chance I might be detained.
My real father wanted me to be an American but afaik he never limited it to any one America. ;)
I am not, and never was, a German in the pure sense of the word, although I was born there.
I have a Soviet passport, long expired.
I have never applied for a Saudi passport, I was simply supplied with one.
I did apply for a Mexican passport, and did one year in the Mexican military.
I applied for Landed Alien status in Canada, no passport.
I am a Mexican American in every sense of the meaning.
http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=ada6aa80ae0647bc7de75 49b9ae8ccf5
I like Mexico but right now everything is a mess.
However, be that as it may, I learned Arabic very early on and have no trouble whatsoever in helping the USA with what amounts to foreign affairs.

Rudy .... have you ever tried to sell this stuff as a script idea to Hollywood?? man ....you could'nt make this stuff up! :rofl:


02-07-2011, 12:17 AM
man ....you could'nt make this stuff up! :rofl:


02-07-2011, 04:35 PM
pancake bunny is needed here

02-07-2011, 05:20 PM

Go to QRZ.
Type in HZ1TX in the search.
Now, there are at least a dozen sites where you can look up an Islamic name.
Or, you can ask the Founder of this site AL2N who looked it up on the actual Saudi Telecom site.
Due to troubles with one WD5GXH sticking his unwanted nose into this I mailed a notarized copy of my station license with an Original letter from the Saudi consulate to the QRZ stating very clearly that this is all 100% legal.
Fred did one quick phone call to the Saudi embassy and it was all settled.
This WA5GXH came up with this "Only a Saudi prince can have a ham license" and tried to cause trouble.
If one cares, look up his call on Google, and if that were not enough, there are 2 letters from the FCC, the latest one from Laura.
The FBI has made it very clear that they are not amused by what has happened so far.
Now, look up my callsign, I am somebody who tries to convey good will and play with radio, there are no federal agencies writing me letters.
Ask the Amateur Radio community about this, the answers you get will get your attention.

02-07-2011, 05:31 PM
pancake bunny is needed here


02-07-2011, 05:39 PM

02-07-2011, 06:03 PM

I applied for the job but was turned down.
I can never remember that phrase? Mexican want a Taco? no, Open says me?, Klaatu barada nikto? perhaps but I will follow the first one!
Now, there's the problem. You're not Klaatu. You don't even look like Michael Rennie when he was well, let alone when he was ill -- that's when he told of us his plan.

02-07-2011, 06:09 PM


Not wow, Shamwow!


02-07-2011, 06:10 PM
< snip >
Type in HZ1TX in the search.
< snip >Sure. Seven results in the search engine. And the first thing that comes up? A post from you with both calls about joining Hezbollah on a board called ShiaChat.

That, and a 2007 post on QRZ where you claim that the tail number of your "ex Military Bell 47" helicopter was changed from N50TX to HZ1TX... but that there's ANOTHER ham with the same call. (And if that's not what you meant, well, that's what it appears to say).

Not exactly bolstering your case there, ku goniff.

02-07-2011, 06:13 PM
Sure. Seven results in the search engine. And the first thing that comes up? A post from you with both calls about joining Hezbollah on a board called ShiaChat.

That, and a 2007 post on QRZ where you claim that the tail number of your "ex Military Bell 47" helicopter was changed from N50TX to HZ1TX... but that there's ANOTHER ham with the same call. (And if that's not what you meant, well, that's what it appears to say).


Talk to the founder of the board, he can explain who the two hams are. ;)

Not exactly bolstering your case there, ku goniff.


Talk to the founder of the board, he can explain who the two hams are. ;)

02-07-2011, 06:17 PM
Rudy, I looked searched for "WA5GXH" on Google and found no letters from the FCC. I also searched the FCC database and found no indications of any administrative action ever being taken against the holder of that call sign. Can you supply specific links?

Oh, and if you just tell me to do it myself like you have in the past, I'll assume that there are in fact no such links and that you are not telling the truth.

02-07-2011, 06:17 PM

Talk to the founder of the board, he can explain who the two hams are. ;)You botched the quote.

Bottom line, ku goniff, is that when we follow up on your suggestion to do a search... the results don't jive with what you're spouting.

But don't worry, we like you anyway. As a friend. Er, acquaintance. From a distance.

02-07-2011, 06:28 PM
Geez. You guys are the dumbest school of fish that ever swam the internets. He casts; you bite.

02-07-2011, 06:35 PM
Geez. You guys are the dumbest school of fish that ever swam the internets. He casts; you bite.

Yeah, no shit, Albi.

Forget it, Rudy.

02-07-2011, 06:39 PM
Rudy, I looked searched for "WA5GXH" on Google and found no letters from the FCC. I also searched the FCC database and found no indications of any administrative action ever being taken against the holder of that call sign. Can you supply specific links?

Oh, and if you just tell me to do it myself like you have in the past, I'll assume that there are in fact no such links and that you are not telling the truth.


Helps if you get the callsign right.
It is WD5GXH.
And yes, I did NOT edit it.

02-07-2011, 06:45 PM
Yeah, no shit, Albi.

Forget it, Rudy.


Let me know if you need any more, there are hundreds.
Now, your turn, the founder of this very board can tell you the rest.

02-07-2011, 07:18 PM
Rudy, I did use the correct call sign in my search, I just mistyped it here. And I went through all those links you provided and while you are right and there was a warning issued to WD5GXH, I can see no evidence that it had anything to do with you or HZ1TX. Also, at least two of the links did not lead to any mention of HZ1TX, WD5GXH or KA5PIU.

Just more of your usual behavior. I'm done here.

02-07-2011, 07:41 PM

The founder of this board is fully aware of, as the saying goes, the rest of the story.

02-07-2011, 07:42 PM

While my contacts at the Saudi Embassy here in San Antonio will attest to: Hacktivism is alive and well in the US.

But, if you look closer into my call sign, you will see the tail number of the Bell is in fact accurate.

Just look at the link below:

That link there tells it all.

When fresh cut grass is thrown out, the Egyptians and the Texas Ranchers both have at it.

You can talk to a ham named Mike, AL2N; he will confirm everything I said here.

02-07-2011, 07:49 PM

While my contacts at the Saudi Embassy here in San Antonio will attest to: Hacktivism is alive and well in the US.

But, if you look closer into my call sign, you will see the tail number of the Bell is in fact accurate.

Just look at the link below:

That link there tells it all.

When fresh cut grass is thrown out, the Egyptians and the Texas Ranchers both have at it.

You can talk to a ham named Mike, AL2N; he will confirm everything I said here.

Corey, how many times have we told you to stay away from them damed Tacos Rudy makes? Can't you see how they mess up your mind? I swear he's using LSD and not meat in them. :)

02-07-2011, 07:50 PM
Corey, how many times have we told you to stay away from them damed Tacos Rudy makes? Can't you see how they mess up your mind? I swear he's using LSD and not meat in them. :)

For a second there, I didn't know what came over me! It's like I was being channeled by someone, or something :O

02-13-2011, 10:27 PM

02-13-2011, 11:27 PM
WART's new pussycat?..... (you know the rest of the lyrics)

02-15-2011, 02:00 AM
Corey, how many times have we told you to stay away from them damed Tacos Rudy makes? Can't you see how they mess up your mind? I swear he's using LSD and not meat in them. :)

And the problem with that is....?

02-15-2011, 07:18 AM
I think the next time I choose to imbibe I will have an internet enabled device close by. I will read Rudy posts, when he starts making sense will be my last call.:mrgreen: