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View Full Version : Called to cancel XM Subscription today.........

01-21-2011, 11:29 AM
FWIW, just in case this helps anyone else. I called to cancel our XM subscription today on the two radios we have (one in the boss lady's car, one in mine) after receiving our almost $300 annual subscription bill in the mail.

We have had their service since February 2005, starting with one radio at $10.95 per month and adding the additional one at $7 per month a couple of weeks later. Last year, or year before last, they went to $12.95 per month + royalty fees (which I fully understand and do not have a problem with). When asked why I wanted to cancel, my answer was simply that there was a few other things I could do with $300 at the moment, so they offered to continue service due to our being loyal customers, on a five month basis, beginning today for the grand total of $22.75, this is an all inclusive rate which is for the pair and includes royalty and taxes.

Anyway, as we enjoy their service, I said sure, why not. The customer service rep told me to be sure to call back on June the 20th to check to see what offers may be available at that time, or to unsubscribe, if I should choose, at that time.

Just sayin, for those who subscribe to the 'Dog Star / XM' duo....... don't just let them dip into your credit card to continue your service, but give them a call to see what offers they may have. I am sure that there are many here who can afford to piss away $277.25, but, I am not one of em. ;)

The preceding IOMH Service Announcement has been brought to you buy ARS WV6Z................

01-21-2011, 12:39 PM
love the 40s music channel!


wouldnt they get a lot more subscribers at 22 rather than 300?

01-21-2011, 12:43 PM
love the 40s music channel!


wouldnt they get a lot more subscribers at 22 rather than 300?

Maybe they're buckin' to get bought by the new Comcast/NBC conglomerate , and they're tryin' to drive the price up .

01-21-2011, 01:07 PM
LOL. The only time I've listened to satrad is when I was in either your company, Tom or Fat Boy. Interesting stuff but it reminds me of an AM DJ I used to know. If we were in a car traveling down the highway and having a conversation, everytime we went under a bridge you could not hear what he was saying for a couple of seconds.

01-21-2011, 02:20 PM
musta been a long bridge, they buffer a lot just in case of that

01-21-2011, 04:00 PM
musta been a long bridge, they buffer a lot just in case of thatFour to six seconds of buffer as I recall. I only lose them for about three seconds when I go through the George Wallace Tunnel on I-10 in Mobile, Alabama.

01-21-2011, 05:42 PM
Yes yes, they buffer. Now that you've torn my joke to shreds, which I stole from Steven Wright BTW, you may return to your original upright positions!

01-21-2011, 05:49 PM
Yes yes, they buffer. Now that you've torn my joke to shreds, which I stole from Steven Wright BTW, you may return to your original upright positions!
Now that one is George Carlin's
Please return the stewardess to her original upright position

01-21-2011, 06:16 PM
Now that one is George Carlin's
Why yes, yes it is!
If you, could be Queenie, for a day, what would your prize be?

01-22-2011, 02:02 AM

01-22-2011, 02:05 AM
LOL. The only time I've listened to satrad is when I was in either your company, Tom or Fat Boy. Interesting stuff but it reminds me of an AM DJ I used to know. If we were in a car traveling down the highway and having a conversation, everytime we went under a bridge you could not hear what he was saying for a couple of seconds.

Hmmm, that must have been while we were riding in fat asses P29. Funny thing is, I have pulled in to downtown parking garages and thought to myself, "Damn, I can't believe that thing hasn't shut up yet!" Where as, and I am sure you will recall...... fatty's goes mute in the RF void on I-85 at I-185, or whenever there is a tree within a mile or two, or the moon is full, or somebody farts, etc., etc. Funny thing is, he always brags about how brilliant he is for having the forethought to go ahead and spring $400 in 2004 to Sirius. Damned shame he didn't spend the extra buck or two to get a receiver that's worth a shit.

01-22-2011, 03:14 AM
Tonight we tried to make contact, with him in Calhoun Falls on his manpack @30w+portable ant and me at home on the wires @100w.
He could hear me. I could barely tell anyone was there so there was no deciphering it.

01-22-2011, 04:34 AM
i have two sirius radios (old style--no xm channels). i bought a lifetime subscription for one a few years ago, and the other one was a monthly charge ... last year i browbeat them into only charging me $45 for a year on the second radio, and this year i flat out cancelled. i use the one with the lifetime subscription (which also comes with the formerly-available "free" online streaming) regularly, but the online streaming satisfies my need to have it anywhere else.

i kinda want to get a new radio for the lifetime sub but don't want to pay for it. the radio i have now is UGLY but replacing it will cost me for a new radio plus a $75 change fee ... so not gonna happen.

01-22-2011, 10:57 AM
When I moved into my apartment I didn't get a landline phone. I don't use dial-up for the internet and I have a cellphone that people would call me at first anyway. Why pay for a landline phone if it isn't going to be used ?

I used to have XM radio in my car but something happened to the receiver and it stopped working. I decided then to just cancel it being I only use it in the car and I do not drive far or often.

01-22-2011, 11:15 AM
Hi Charles, yeah, he texted me last night while I was at work looking for a little radio activity. I am off Sunday this week, so that will be my opportunity to play.

And N6HCM, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Dog Star's lifetime subscription include what I can only describe as three radio swaps? That is to say, for my only simple mind to comprehend, the ability to upgrade equipment or purchase a new vehicle and have the subscription transferred to it? The reason I ask is it seems to me that if that's the case then a $75 transfer and activation fee seems a bit out of line. I haven't gotten a new receiver in about three years now (getting a new one after an old one failed) and XM charged me $9, I think it was to delete the old radio and add the new one. Now, if I had one with a lifetime subscription, knowing that a transfer on an annually renewing subscription would cost under $10, I would have gone ballistic when I was told by customer that there would be a $75 charge to transfer.

Anywho, maybe you did prod them to discount this fee based upon you're being a loyal customer and etc....... but, I guess now I am leaning towards thinking that, and correct me if I'm wrong, a lifetime subscription automatically puts a subscriber in the category of 'those we no longer need to impress or try to keep happy'... aka 'thanks for your $400, you no longer qualify for customer service, have a nice life'.

01-22-2011, 11:37 AM
When I moved into my apartment I didn't get a landline phone. I don't use dial-up for the internet and I have a cellphone that people would call me at first anyway. Why pay for a landline phone if it isn't going to be used ?

I used to have XM radio in my car but something happened to the receiver and it stopped working. I decided then to just cancel it being I only use it in the car and I do not drive far or often.

I kinda thought the $99 5 year subscription and dongle purchase fee for Magic Jack was the way to go two years ago. Turns out that with the direction we all seem to have moved in, that $99 would have been better spent on a cheap dinner and a movie. It stays plugged in to the PC in the shack, driving two state of the art cordless phone, one upstairs and one down, that are now ancient relics from the way we all used to communicate when at home. They actually startle us if or when they ever ring, which has recently gone from about one wrong number per week to a once monthly occurance.

Anyway, as far as satellite radio goes, KF4UIP has a 7 mile work commute, but is burdened with the affliction of being compelled to go in to the city and shop, as well as being addicted to XM 80's on 8. If they offered a one channel only subscription for $1 per month, her radio would be swapped to that plan in a skinny minute. My circumstance is a bit different. I cannot seem to be able to find a way to escape the curse of the one way / one hour commute. I used to commute via the freeway for 64 miles = 1 hour, now I commute 34 miles via secondary roads = 1 hour. In a hobby that has quickly become devoid of VHF amateur radio activity, the old XM radio remains my faithful companion. I had considered going the HD radio route, but as my vehicle (actually both of our 'daily drivers'), thanks to the knot heads that designed the interior, is not conducive to an easy radio swap without major modifications requiring the use of a crowbar, 20 pound sledge hammer and explosives, I just opted to continue with XM. Yeah, there are lots of things we can, or could all do without, like a bazillion movie channels on DirecTV and a subscription to Netflix, but hell, we would all be wealthy if we didn't find useless things and services to spend our hard earned money on.

01-22-2011, 12:39 PM
Yes yes, they buffer. Now that you've torn my joke to shreds, which I stole from Steven Wright BTW, you may return to your original upright positions!

srry bout that, my technical side overcame my senses

01-23-2011, 02:28 AM
And N6HCM, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Dog Star's lifetime subscription include what I can only describe as three radio swaps?

that's right ... not only would i have to pay for a radio but i'd also have to pay the swap fee. they've been pretty good, i hear, about waiving the swap fee for the first swap because the current radios also support the xm channels so they get an opportunity to upsell you on the xm content.

i've already gotten my $300 worth out of the deal ...