View Full Version : Spotting a Commie
12-20-2010, 05:04 AM
How do you spot a dirty , rotten, good for nothing commie ? This video should help.
12-20-2010, 05:12 AM
12-20-2010, 06:31 AM
Ah, the "good old" Mc Carthy days....:roll:
Ah, the "good old" Mc Carthy days....:roll:
Don't you miss them, Cor? When men were men, women were women and homos, commies and other deviants stayed in the closet where they belonged?
12-20-2010, 11:58 AM
It never went away, and the virus is spreading. Thanks to propaganda.
12-20-2010, 12:00 PM
Boy, the way Glenn Miller played. Songs that made the Hit Parade.
Guys like us, we had it made. Those were the days.
Didn't need no welfare state. Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee, our old LaSalle ran great. Those were the days.
And you know who you were then. Girls were girls and men were men.
Mister, we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.
People seemed to be content. Fifty dollars paid the rent.
Freaks were in a circus tent. Those were the days.
Take a little Sunday spin, go to watch the Dodgers win.
Have yourself a dandy day that cost you under a fin.
Hair was short and skirts were long. Kate Smith really sold a song.
I don't know just what went wrong. Those Were The Days.
12-20-2010, 12:05 PM
Back when my hair was short
I was a white socked sport
Wore pointed shoes and pegged pants
Drank till my eyes were red
Hid Playboy neath my bed
Slicked my d.a. for the dance
Back when my hair was short
I met some friends in court
For stealing hubcaps from cars
Chain smoking under the stars
Played all night pinball in bars
And dreamed about love
We were experts on love
We talked our way all around it
And even if we had found it
We couldn't respond
Slowly, I changed my ways
College and long-haired days
Seeing three concerts a week
An honest to God hippie freak
Too busy eating to speak
Except about love
We held rallies for love
But no one knew what they stood for
How many months were they good for
The meaning is gone
Soon when my hair is short
I'll make a full report
Of how I came back alive
And what it takes to survive
Wringing the truth out of jive
I'll tell you of love
More than ever, it's love
No lack of faith undermines it
'Cause its the hope that we'll find it
That makes us go on
Back when my hair was short
I was a white socked sport
Holding beer parties till three
College appealed to me
Eastern Philosophy.....
12-20-2010, 12:11 PM
If you like that you'll love these... Those lying, dirty, shrewed, godless, murderous,determined commie rats !!
I hope you're not only shocked... I hope you're aroused !!
12-20-2010, 12:15 PM
"No less authority than J. Edgar Hoover."
Nuff said.
12-20-2010, 12:25 PM
Yes, just what we were (not) waiting for....
Though the time was much simpler, i never would like to see that back.
Looking at the latest developments and the direction your right takes......i wish you luck..
Don't you miss them, Cor? When men were men, women were women and homos, commies and other deviants stayed in the closet where they belonged?
12-20-2010, 12:51 PM
But but but... there were no COMPUTERS!
But but but... there were no COMPUTERS!
Yeah. How did people look busy when they were slacking off at work back then?
12-20-2010, 01:56 PM
Don't you miss them, Cor? When men were men, women were women and homos, commies and other deviants stayed in the closet where they belonged?
Although I was quite young I do miss those days. I wouldn't mind being a youngster growing up in the 1100's AD.
Although I was quite young I do miss those days. I wouldn't mind being a youngster growing up in the 1100's AD.
Assuming, of course, you made it past infancy, which wasn't a very good bet in those days.
12-20-2010, 04:25 PM
Kids were not getting education too, just working as soon they could carry a load.
I think you overestimate the "happiness" of that time.
The dark middle ages weren't called that without reason.
12-20-2010, 04:42 PM
Kids were not getting education too, just working as soon they could carry a load.
I think you overestimate the "happiness" of that time.
The dark middle ages weren't called that without reason.
True, but the name "dark ages" was applied in retrospect relative to later times. The thing I find interesting about that period is how much some things have changed yet how many things are pretty much the same today.
12-20-2010, 06:47 PM
Let's see
A few wealthy and influential people controlled the masses, and had all wealth. - check.
The people had no healthcare - check
Average age to die 35 - 40 doing better now.
Church controlled the masses with the rich, and got rich in the process as well, seems they lose money now paying the bill for all priests that raped children, they could do that then free without being prosecuted.
60% of the children died before the age of 9 years, doing better now.
No birthcontrol, families got lots of children so they could work to maintain the family when the parents were old ( at 35 - 40), same now, just being born with a debt of 50K+
People stayed within 10 miles of their birthplace.
Working 7 days a week, from sunrise to sunset.
Housed in miserable shacks, hot in summer cold in winter.
No dental care, no doctors, get better or die.
plagues like the pest killed off millions
So, actually life was a mess.
Life was short, hard working, no play, and die early with lots of pain, and no care.
Life was short, hard working, no play, and die early with lots of pain, and no care.
You forgot the most important thing: No radio!
Sounds like a good time, eh Cor? I think John would love it.
12-20-2010, 08:07 PM
What is it of the good old days that you like?
For me the good old days never left.
If I want to run a tractor for a few hours I can do so now, with A/C and stereo radio and DVD even!
Prior to the innovations brought by automation and the internal combustion engine things were back breaking and boring.
Whip out a Sears and Roebucks catalog from the eras, see how much goods have improved.
And things are getting better every day.
Moores law is proving itself and in a short period of time we will have computers with immense power in the hands of the masses.
And is is only only going to get better.
Communism? the USA can not decide if Communism is bad (Cuba), good (China), or really does not matter (Vietnam).
North and South Korea will be a deciding factor.
12-20-2010, 08:28 PM
Let's see
A few wealthy and influential people controlled the masses, and had all wealth. - check.
The people had no healthcare - check
Average age to die 35 - 40 doing better now.
Church controlled the masses with the rich, and got rich in the process as well, seems they lose money now paying the bill for all priests that raped children, they could do that then free without being prosecuted.
60% of the children died before the age of 9 years, doing better now.
No birthcontrol, families got lots of children so they could work to maintain the family when the parents were old ( at 35 - 40), same now, just being born with a debt of 50K+
People stayed within 10 miles of their birthplace.
Working 7 days a week, from sunrise to sunset.
Housed in miserable shacks, hot in summer cold in winter.
No dental care, no doctors, get better or die.
plagues like the pest killed off millions
So, actually life was a mess.
Life was short, hard working, no play, and die early with lots of pain, and no care.
True but I romanticize the past. and there is still many things in common today and then. Human nature and need doesn't change.
12-20-2010, 08:36 PM
"What Jimmy didn't know was that Ralph was sick, a sickness that wasn't visible like smallpox but no less dangerous and contagious, a sickness of the mind. You see, Ralph was a homosexual..."
You mean I can catch homosexuality from someone else? Oh, shit, I'm never gonna to use an interior decorator ever again.
12-20-2010, 08:45 PM
Ah yes, those Sid Davis ephemeral productions were classic. I remember in high school a friend of mine hitched a ride. When they were stopped for a light the driver looked out at him from the corner of his eyes and rolled his eyes and and went, "ha ha ha hahhhh! ha ha ha hahhhh". At that point my friend opens the door and gets out of the car and said... "see ya".
What is amazing is that in those days they got away with typecasting gay people as "mentally ill" and stereotyped them as molesters
12-21-2010, 03:20 AM
Sounds like a scene from a B teenage horror flick.
12-21-2010, 04:25 AM
Yeah. How did people look busy when they were slacking off at work back then?
You would sit with a slide rule in your hands and your forehead cringed making it look like you were in the midst of solving some deep problem and could not be interrupted. Or, you sit in front of a typewriter or adding machine occasionally punching keys and pretending to carefully read whatever was being printed on paper. If you were luckiy enough to have a job where you DID actually have computers you had it made.
12-21-2010, 04:25 AM
"No less authority than J. Edgar Hoover."
Nuff said.
In those days Hoover was a trusted name in America/
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