View Full Version : Adding computer "horsepower".

12-13-2010, 10:49 PM

As you are well aware, most hams are downright cheap, trying to get that last ounce out of everything.
As you must also be aware, electronics manufacturers are the same way.
Some computers use things like the Geode processor, where the video card is a soft option of the CPU, along with the modem, sound card, pretty much everything.
I had somebody kill a laptop with combo baby barf and formula so I took the hard drive out and put it in one of the super cheap all in one desktops.
Of course it ran slow, but worse, the graphics are off, not the correct driver.
I decide to plug in my USB port replicator, wow! all of a sudden things came alive!
The port replicator really is a sub-computer that is dedicated to IO functions and has its own processor.
Once I disabled most external functions on the all in one it runs somewhat respectable.
I am not saying do this as the norm, but when you have a cloned harddrive that you nearly forgot about that has 6 months+ of team effort work on it, it is worth a shot.
That and the big boss has already said my Christmas present is a new company truck and whatever Mac I want.
That and someone else gets to keep his job.
Food for thought.