View Full Version : Im sorry mario the princess is in another castle - the state of US broadband
11-06-2010, 04:47 AM
So. i got talking with someone today about internet speeds and how when it comes to the internet and the USA. well we just f'n suck.
Are we even in the top 10? nope.
top 20? not at all
were 28th down, and 30th up.
I guess one would expect the USA with all its "might" would be one of the top dogs. but looking at that list, id have to say were pretty pathetic.
now lets look at cost.
Comcrap eh i mean comcast what would you get for $30USD Speeds up to 15 Mbps! so they say.. more like creep along at maybe 2 or 3Mbps .... now lets look at another goodie i found. In Japan for around $20USD 160Mbps!!!!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT! 20 bucks for 160meg! yet it costs us 10 dollars more for the crappy 2 to 3 mbs
why are we so far behind? why dose our Internet access suck so much ass?
Oh yea, I forgot we have the Monopoly! yes we have the comcrap with the crappy service they give which will enjoy sucking all that cash right from you and give you shitty service.
What we really need is Multiple Broadband providers in every market. forcing competition. Had we of had this. I bet we would be sitting with 1GB/s connections for $20 a month.
Wouldn't all the competition be the real capitalistic way?
doubt we in America will ever see that. I guess that 3MB/s aint bad for a 3rd world nation.........
11-06-2010, 04:59 AM
Burn your daft card!
11-06-2010, 07:40 AM
Burn your daft card!
Comcast Denver: STILL faster than Korea. (
11-06-2010, 08:17 AM
Suck on that, bitches. :neener:
Oh yeah, and I have the upload throttled for QoS reasons. It's actually 5mbps.
11-06-2010, 08:28 AM
Sorry 'IBC, I modified your thread title to be a little more specific, hope you don't mind. This is a very important subject, as far as I'm concerned. Both the state of our infrastructure & net neutrality, among other issues.
11-06-2010, 08:29 AM
Don't know why the upload is so slow this morning, because it normally runs around five.
11-06-2010, 08:35 AM
251mbps? :bowdown:
That's got to be some sort of burst-able "hey look at how fast we are (on our local network)" non-sense. What's the results if you pick a server half way across the country? The server I was using was in Tampa and that result was to Denver..
Just curious.
11-06-2010, 09:10 AM
I got 29 down and 19 up this morning on Verizon FioS here at work. (
Better than the Ukraine but not as good as Portugal. Latency still sucks, but I'm on Wi-Fi and that probably doesn't help.
11-06-2010, 10:24 AM
251mbps? :bowdown:
That's got to be some sort of burst-able "hey look at how fast we are (on our local network)" non-sense. What's the results if you pick a server half way across the country? The server I was using was in Tampa and that result was to Denver..
Just curious.
It's Verizon FiOS. How about a test using Independence, MO, as the source?
That make you feel better? Still low on the upload.
There is no technical reason why the US could not be rewired for fiber and high speed internet be made available for everyone.
Of course, the cable companies don't want to hear this as it would destroy their industry. The satellite TV companies would be hurt as well. And most importantly, it would mean that the telephone carriers would actually have to spend money, a lot of money for the job to be done right. Instead, they will continue to do things on the cheap to maximize short-term revenue over the long-term rewards.
Why do you think so many pushed BPL for so long? They wouldn't have to rewire, especially in the rural and lighter population areas, just use the electric grid! Much, much cheaper that way!
Follow the money.
11-06-2010, 04:33 PM
Your provider's speed is only valid if you select a server within the network. When your connection is to a server on a slow network or routed through one the test becomes invalid. Just because you select a server in a fast network doesn't say the connection wasn't routed through a slow one so anything out of the network becomes invalid. Here's the results of my test within my network.
11-06-2010, 04:33 PM
on the cheap to maximize short-term revenue over the long-term rewards.
The all American credo in everything. (
$40/mo for suck ass Road Crapper and that's a 12 month special.
11-06-2010, 04:47 PM
Business in America runs on the premise that machines and infrastructure are a one time expense. Then find creative ways to write off maintenance costs as a tax deduction or simply outsource all maint.
11-06-2010, 05:06 PM
Sorry 'IBC, I modified your thread title to be a little more specific, hope you don't mind. This is a very important subject, as far as I'm concerned. Both the state of our infrastructure & net neutrality, among other issues.
its cool.
11-06-2010, 05:10 PM
See just imagine all the jobs that could be created, by upgrading our infra.
we are falling far far behind when it comes to the internet. seriously the slowest speed we should have here is 500MB/s and the fastest speed should be in the 10 to 20GB/s at least by now.
11-07-2010, 02:32 AM
Your provider's speed is only valid if you select a server within the network. When your connection is to a server on a slow network or routed through one the test becomes invalid. Just because you select a server in a fast network doesn't say the connection wasn't routed through a slow one so anything out of the network becomes invalid. Here's the results of my test within my network.Yes, but if your provider doesn't have reasonable peering, what good is that ultra fast connection? There's the theoretical local network speed and then the more practical "this is what you get when we squeeze you through one of our uplinks". If they don't have the network capacity there, why bother paying for the faster speed at all?
Both tests are relevant in their own way.
11-07-2010, 07:36 AM
To be fair just a few years ago dial up was the norm and fiber was being installed at record rates in the late 90s.
Than the dot com went dot gone, the bubble had burst.
Here in the US we require a minimum level of service across the land, universal service.
In Japan there are places where you simply can not get phone or power, uneconomical to provide.
And remember that Japan is this tiny island.
11-07-2010, 12:25 PM
So. i got talking with someone today about internet speeds and how when it comes to the internet and the USA. well we just f'n suck.
Are we even in the top 10? nope.
top 20? not at all
were 28th down, and 30th up.
I guess one would expect the USA with all its "might" would be one of the top dogs. but looking at that list, id have to say were pretty pathetic.
Well at least we rank better in Internet speeds than we do in life expectancy. In life expectancy we rank about 50th.
11-07-2010, 12:52 PM
Klaar 1624.5 KByte/sec
(=12996 kbps)Upload
Klaar 88.9 KByte/sec
(=711 kbps)
I can get the 120 Mbits connection, but it's costly....
This will do for a few euro's a month ;) no restrictions or limits on how much we download.
11-07-2010, 02:57 PM
This will do for a few euro's a month ;) no restrictions or limits on how much we download.
thats getting to be the problem here, they are silently slapping restrictions on us. Use more then 250GB bandwith, consider your account gone.
Use a P2P (legal/illegal dont matter) get your account throttled.
Here with comcrap, something wrong with the service, they may get around to it 2 or 3 weeks later. if your privileged enough to have a job, you may end up with missing 4 or 5 days of work due to them saying they will be here one day, and not showing up. again and again.
11-07-2010, 03:33 PM
I'm going to call Comcast and drop back down to 20Mb service. They called me with a 6 month "deal" - 25Mbps instead of 20 and 'free' Skinemax for $5/mo. Haven't seen anything worth watching on Cinemax and can't really tell the difference in speed. And on top of that, my bill went up $15.
Overall, I've been pretty pleased with Comcast here, outside of it being expensive. Have their HDTV feed and phone, too and it runs $185/mo, before the not-so-special special.
11-07-2010, 03:42 PM
it runs $185/mo
Jesus! That's my entire month's bills minus heat in winter.
11-07-2010, 03:52 PM
Jesus! That's my entire month's bills minus heat in winter.
Yeah... For that $185, we get fast Internet, cable TV (with HD and one DVR) and VOIP phone service with all the bells and LD is free. Does seem expensive -- I think the Internet and phone are about $50 apiece and the rest is TV.
BUT, back in the dial-up days, I was paying $40/mo for the house phone, another $35/mo for a dedicated modem line and $25/mo for a dial-up ISP. Same price for the phone and Internet stuff, but this is a lot better.
11-07-2010, 03:56 PM
I'm on Comcast's DOCSIS 3.0 trial, so far I love it.. but like Rob, I also pay thru the nose.
11-07-2010, 04:33 PM
I'm on Comcast's DOCSIS 3.0 trial, so far I love it.. but like Rob, I also pay thru the nose.
How'd you get in on that?
Overall, I've been pretty pleased with Comcast here, outside of it being expensive. Have their HDTV feed and phone, too and it runs $185/mo, before the not-so-special special.
Damn. For $185, they should at least throw in a blow job once a month.
11-07-2010, 05:55 PM
Damn. For $185, they should at least throw in a blow job once a month.
lol, at least pay for a hooker for the night right
11-07-2010, 05:56 PM
How'd you get in on that?Some guy came to my door and said they were wiring the place for DOCSIS 3.0 and giving out new modems to people who wanted to upgrade for $15/mo + fill out a monthly survey for the next 3 months. They redid every last wire, inside and out.
< snip >Here with comcrap, something wrong with the service, they may get around to it 2 or 3 weeks later. if your privileged enough to have a job, you may end up with missing 4 or 5 days of work due to them saying they will be here one day, and not showing up. again and again.
Comcrap? Not bad. Maybe that's why they've suddenly adopted the service name "Xfinity" around here.
They really gave themselves a black eye when they absorbed some of the old Adelphia franchises a few years back. I come home from work one Friday evening, there's an "authorized contractor" truck on the pole right in front of the house (looked like a fly-by-night operation too, but I digress). I ask the guy what he's doing, he tells me they're checking the wiring now that Comcast owns the Adelphia franchise for Mt. Lebanon.
Only I don't live in Mt. Lebanon, I live in Castle Shannon. Well, except for the last 10 feet of my back yard. Anyway, we're on DirecTV at the time, so I don't pay much attention.
3 hours later, my next door neighbor (she's in her late 70's) comes over and asks if I can help her husband. Seems they're cable suddenly went out, and he's giving himself a stroke dealing with support. Having a thick Eastern European accent from The Old Country doesn't help. I don't get much done except a promise that Support will look into the matter... 8 AM Monday morning.
Then we start hearing from some of the other neighbors.
Seems that Fly-By-Night Contractor didn't notice, when he crossed the borough line (or didn't care). [It's not like there's, say, a BIG sign or anything...] And since the line numbers on the poles in Castle Shannon matched the valid numbers he was supposed to have for Mt. Lebanon... he reported the entire neighborhood as cable thieves and had the service to 3 dozen homes shut off.
And they didn't want to do anything to fix THEIR contractor's mistake until Monday morning.
Fortunately for the neighborhood, I had an ace in the hole. Seems there's a ham working in Comcast tech support (on the broadband side, though... and that was out too). I made a phone call, he called a supervisor, and at 11:30 that night, there was a real Comcast truck in front of the house.
Nobody ever officially apologized for the little error... imagine that.
11-07-2010, 07:22 PM
Damn. For $185, they should at least throw in a blow job once a month.
I thought that was part of the Cinemax (Skin-e-max) deal, but it sure hasn't worked out that way. :dunno:
11-07-2010, 07:24 PM
Some guy came to my door and said they were wiring the place for DOCSIS 3.0 and giving out new modems to people who wanted to upgrade for $15/mo + fill out a monthly survey for the next 3 months. They redid every last wire, inside and out.
Kewl. I need to move to your neighborhood. We only seem to get the stuff after it's tested.
11-07-2010, 08:33 PM
The big rip here is water and SEWER, comes to $68/mo for both.
We pump all the town's sue-ahge 7 miles to the next town, let them take care of it
11-07-2010, 08:54 PM
Kewl. I need to move to your neighborhood. We only seem to get the stuff after it's tested.I don't believe we're all that far apart, but I think they started with the apartment complexes because they can get a bigger sampling -- I don't know that for certain, but it'd makes sense. I know the guy next door in a house wasn't offered it.. and trust me, he tells me every day. :P
Since they rewired everything, the switched DTV is much faster in terms of response time for ondemand stuff & even just flipping from channel to channel. I'm not going to say Comcast is the great, but compared to the last cable company I had.. they're the best thing since sliced bread.
11-07-2010, 09:04 PM
funny you say that. we used to have Insight, never had a problem with them when comcast got them and took over this area. its been nothing but hell
11-09-2010, 05:50 AM
After giving a bit of praise to my cable provider in this thread, I may have to retract it.
I ordered a digital box in the second bed room (expecting a house guest) and this evening a cable contractor came out to install it. He said he couldn't install a 3rd jack in the bedroom because of "policy regarding apartments", so I said "fine, run a cable around the base board and make sure it's secure.." -- While I was making dinner he completed his installation...
When I objected, he said "it's the best I can do, we can only make the cable a certain length." I told him it was unacceptable and in his lame ass broken English he tried to apologize. At that point, I was yelling and kicked his lazy friggin ass out of my apartment.
What the f' happened to craftsmanship and pride in one's work?
11-09-2010, 05:53 AM
And I'm so annoyed, I'm willing display my pathetic Mexican and Korean made guitars. ;)
11-09-2010, 11:39 AM
thats getting to be the problem here, they are silently slapping restrictions on us. Use more then 250GB bandwith, consider your account gone.
Use a P2P (legal/illegal dont matter) get your account throttled.
happened to a friend of mine, of so he says. he used a P2P client to download Linux and they throttled back his speed because he was downloading "illegal software"... Linux is "illegal" ?? Coulda fooled me.
Here with comcrap, something wrong with the service, they may get around to it 2 or 3 weeks later. if your privileged enough to have a job, you may end up with missing 4 or 5 days of work due to them saying they will be here one day, and not showing up. again and again.
I use Verizon. We are fortunate to have FiOS in our area. Every now and then my parents get letters and/or visits from the cable company
. The look at the side of the house and if the see an ONT they take down the address and target cable ads to that home. They are always sending reps to my parents house, or notices in the mail, urging them to drop FiOS and sign up for cable which they claim is faster and so much more reliable.. Huh ? more reliable than fibre optics right to the house ? I always tell my folks to stick with FiOS and stay away from the cable companies. Thus far they have heeded my advice.
This is not to say cable is all bad, it does work, and several people I know are quite happy with it. But I think it's better to stick with fiber. I consider switching from fiber to cable a downgrade.
11-10-2010, 12:00 AM
happened to a friend of mine, of so he says. he used a P2P client to download Linux and they throttled back his speed because he was downloading "illegal software"... Linux is "illegal" ?? Coulda fooled me.
I use Verizon. We are fortunate to have FiOS in our area. Every now and then my parents get letters and/or visits from the cable company
. The look at the side of the house and if the see an ONT they take down the address and target cable ads to that home. They are always sending reps to my parents house, or notices in the mail, urging them to drop FiOS and sign up for cable which they claim is faster and so much more reliable.. Huh ? more reliable than fibre optics right to the house ? I always tell my folks to stick with FiOS and stay away from the cable companies. Thus far they have heeded my advice.
This is not to say cable is all bad, it does work, and several people I know are quite happy with it. But I think it's better to stick with fiber. I consider switching from fiber to cable a downgrade.
Yea. Comshit dose throttle people (they claim they dont but they do) as not long ago i used a torrent to download debian dvd iso. 5 total. by the time i got to the 2nd dvd iso my speed had been killed to about 10KB/s for about 3 weeks after i couldnt download anything worth a shit due to the crappy speed.
11-10-2010, 12:08 AM
Yea. Comshit dose throttle people (they claim they dont but they do) as not long ago i used a torrent to download debian dvd iso. 5 total. by the time i got to the 2nd dvd iso my speed had been killed to about 10KB/s for about 3 weeks after i couldnt download anything worth a shit due to the crappy speed.
Well, all I can say is that if there are any alternatives available then dump Comcast.
11-10-2010, 01:28 AM
I get 30/1.5MB from Time warner.
Be nice if it was this:
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