View Full Version : 2010 CQWW SSB Contest
10-29-2010, 03:32 PM
Who from the Island is in? Back to QRP for me this year. I'm going to use the new Flex 1500 I got. At least I'll get to use it in one contest before I have to ship it back for some warranty work.
KS3D will be on intermittently. Working on Saturday, as usual. May have to yield operating to a backlog of yard work on Sunday, as well.
Who from the Island is in? Back to QRP for me this year. I'm going to use the new Flex 1500 I got. At least I'll get to use it in one contest before I have to ship it back for some warranty work.
I'll be operating at WE5DX . Likely to be just 3 of us , AD5OW , KC5NMB , and myself . Jim may teach the others of us to be real contest ops yet .
10-29-2010, 04:08 PM
I won't get a lot of op time for the contest but I'll get what I can. I've had a blast the last few days snagging a few new ones on 15 and 12M. Tonight is pretty much shot taking the kidling to the haunted forest and then to the community Halloween party. Tomorrow morning I have a semi-regular breakfast with a couple of my ham buddies. Tomorrow afternoon I have to go to my moms to cut up some trees that came down in the wind the other day. Sunday is going to be the best time for me to work what I can. QRP signals seem to get trough better near the end of the contest anyway.
10-29-2010, 04:10 PM
Oh, and I might go call CQ Contest on 14.300 a couple times just to rattle the animals cage a bit.
Oh, and I might go call CQ Contest on 14.300 a couple times just to rattle the animals cage a bit.
If you really want to rattle some cages, do it right. Call CQ Contest phone on 18.070MHz.
I'll be on from time to time. Body work on car, wiring on bike, washing another bike and yard work all await.
I'll pop up on the bands from time to time.
Those of you on the West, please take pity on my mediocre signal on 160!
10-29-2010, 05:35 PM
At leasst you have a signal on 160. One of these days...
10-29-2010, 07:35 PM
Gave away some points on 160 all over Europe, heard several US stations with Brian on 1844, inverted L working fine with EWE antenna.
Next: mount new MFJ 988 Intellituner ( 1.5 Kw) outside in waterproof box and connect to Inverted L.
Lets see what that brings on 80 and up.
10-30-2010, 01:07 AM
Just spent an hour on the radio, worked a few states, two islands in the Caribbean, Hungary, Austria, and Germany. Since the shack is right off the bedroom and the XYL is trying to sleep, I have to call it a night. Not bad for a station with only a 43 foot vertical with four radials with 80 watts.
I'll play more radio in the morning.
10-30-2010, 07:02 AM
I am not a serious contester, but I will be working when I can -- given my humble wire. Alas, "fall" has hit here with a vengeance in the last two or three days and the outside chores are piling up fast -- literally, piling up. Nevertheless, I hope to chuck my call into the fray from time to time on lebenty-five and above.
As predictably as fall solstice rolling around, the "owners" of 14.300 are yet again crying, kvetching and bawling about those "damned contesters" this morning.
As predictably as fall solstice rolling around, the "owners" of 14.300 are yet again crying, kvetching and bawling about those "damned contesters" this morning.
Oscar Echo Five Tango........ Oscar Echo Five Tango........
:rofl: :rofl:
Someone accused the contesters of not having a receiver.
I say it's more a case of the net members not having a signal.
Someone accused the contesters of not having a receiver.
I say it's more a case of the net members not having a signal.
The net members think the net owns the frequency, FCC (or equivalent) rules be damned.
I want them to show me the deed.
Contesters were being told to vacate 14.300 because it was being announced as a "priority traffic frequency".
With no declared emergency in progress, mind you.
I would love to see the NCS who uttered that statement get cited by the FCC for false and/or deceptive communications - because when you boil it down, that's exactly what is going on.
10-31-2010, 03:44 PM
14.3 much like 14.227 has been deleted from my VFO. I'm thinking I'm going to be kind of glad when this contest is over and I can go back to working random contacts here and there. I'd like to see an all QRP version of this contest.
10-31-2010, 08:58 PM
Just finished my meager log, converted it to Cabrillo and sent it in electronically. Two things I found out from doing the contest, one is contesting is addictive, and two, my antenna switch is boned. Taking it out of the feedline really improved reception and transmission. I worked as far east as Bosnia, as far west as British Columbia, and as far south as Brazil, all on a MFJ vertical and 90 watts out of my Yaesu FT-950.
Now, if I can only get my tower up and find a good, used triband beam...
10-31-2010, 09:59 PM
I think I worked everyone in Brazil this weekend. I have two antennas here for HF, a G5RV and a Hustler 6-BTV. I went out early this morning and unhooked the G5RV and put up a monoband 15M wire dipole just to compare. Not much difference. In any event it was as good an excuse as any to wander around the yard with a cup of coffee and a fist full of wire. I like 15M, I wish there was some more activity on it. Now if we would just got a good 6M opening again. There was a 6M sprint of some sort on Saturday night but of course I remembered it long after it was over and done with. SS to look forward to now.
I like 15M, I wish there was some more activity on it.
This is a joke, right? :wtf:
15m was full of stations all day today, from one end of the phone section to the other.
Or are you saying you wish it had more activity on a regular basis? :-?
11-01-2010, 05:03 AM
Yes, on a more regular basis. It's almost always alive with activity during a big contest.
When propagation cooperates, 15, 12 and 10 are among my favorite bands.
I remember late fall and winter mornings in the very early 80s...high sunspot count, low noise...I was a DXing fiend on the low end of 10. Same thing with 15, although it was several years until I could use the bottom 25KHz of that band.
One doesn't need a lot of antenna to work DX above 21MHz but it sure does help when conditions are marginal.
11-02-2010, 05:39 PM
TOUGH Contest for me.
Operating low power with limited antennas, I screamed my head off for Q's and few heard me.
Last year, I had 190,400 points (post log checking) this year, I was LUCKY to break 100,000.
I don't know what was different. The Flux was higher than last year and the A & K indicies
were decent.
Only thing I can figure was more participants, higher noise levels (from greater participation)
limited my ability to be heard.
One thing I did notice...
The number of stations with distorted, over processed audio, and splattering several kc's
seemed to be much greater. In past outings, the garbage sounding stations were usually
limited to Italy, Spain and a bunch in South America.
This year, they were from EVERYWHERE !!!
Even a bunch of US stations.
I honestly thought that the US guys were more attentative to the quality
of their output, but this year there were just too many with the
"All knobs to the right" syndrome.
Too bad they don't realize that IF they would keep their gain proper, and the
splatter to a minimum, EVERYONE would be able to hear better and
EVERYONES Q rate would be improved.
And NO, I did NOT have my noise blanker on...before someone decided to
blame ME for improper receiver setup.
I am beginning to appreciate CW and RTTY contests more and more.
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