View Full Version : Brother Carl says he's on the coochie.
10-29-2010, 12:37 AM
So, are you college educated, to become a truck driver?
Been a Cali all your life?
Ever wear lipstick?
Shave your privates?
10-29-2010, 04:43 AM
So, are you college educated, to become a truck driver?
Been a Cali all your life?
Ever wear lipstick?
Shave your privates?
Ever Been In A Turkish Prison?
10-29-2010, 06:52 AM
LOL, inquiring minds want to know.
So, are you college educated, to become a truck driver?
Been a Cali all your life?
Ever wear lipstick?
Shave your privates?
Semi-educated. I have an AA degree in graphic design. I'm a third-generation California native but I spent a few years living in Oregon back in the mid to late 1970s. Never worn lipstick and if you want to know about my privates, you're gonna have to check 'em out for yourself, honey.
Ever Been In A Turkish Prison?
No, and I don't like gladiator movies either. But I have seen a grown man naked.
No, and I don't like gladiator movies either.
Damn! That was gonna be my question....
Here's a brief autobiography that I wrote for one of those stupid company "team building" things a few years back. I updated it a bit and added the ham radio stuff. Pretty much tells it all--as you can see, I've led a pretty dull life:
I was born in San Francisco in 1953 and lived there until my family moved down the Peninsula a ways just before I started school. There was nothing particularly noteworthy about my childhood: middle child growing up in the 'burbs with an older sister and a younger brother, bi-polar mother, unavailable father. You know, the typical American family.
I was a less than stellar student who barely made it out of high school and had no interest in college at the time. After leaving school, I worked a large number of mostly skilled labor jobs (a full listing of which would probably result in a file that exceeded the size limit for attachments here on the Island) and wasted far too much of my time driving fast automobiles to their maximum potential while at the same time partaking of various experience-enhancing substances with a group of similarly crazy friends. This went on for the better part of two years but after a few (okay, more than a few) close calls I decided that if I didn't get the heck out of that scene, I was was going to either end up dead with my car down in a canyon somewhere or with my ass in jail for a few years. The latter would be if I got lucky.
So, more or less on a whim, I quit my job, sold my Jag and my Alfa, bought an old Jeep pickup and headed off to a small town in southern Oregon where I made a living doing odd jobs. I also dabbled in small-scale agriculture, producing a highly sought-after herbal supplement. This went on for about five years, until I contracted hepatitis B after unwittingly allowing a "friend" pierce my ear with what turned out to be the needle from a used hypodermic syringe.
Being too sick to work or grow and in need of better medical care than I could get in rural Oregon, I headed back down to my family in the Bay Area. After I recovered, I began looking for a regular job. After a number of false starts, I ended up in the cable TV business as an installer. Yep, I'm a recovering Cable Guy! As was necessary in that business, I became what's called a "Cable Gypsy", following jobs all over the Left Coast and eventually working my way up to chief technician for the CATV system in Bellflower, a suburb of Los Angeles. I loved that job and would still be there today if it had been my choice; unfortunately the company was sold, the new owner brought in his own management staff and I was out of work. Reagan-era deregulation had begun a feeding frenzy of CATV mergers and acquisitions so jobs were scarce at the time. After some time, I managed to find one in Chico, a college town about one hundred miles north of Sacramento. Unfortunately, I ended up on the bottom rung of the CATV ladder again, as an installer. I developed a bad attitude over this and ended up getting fired after using some unprofessional language on a rude customer (who I had just disconnected for non-payment, no less).
My wife left me shortly afterwards, ending a marriage that was unwise to begin with and doomed from the start. Later, it was revealed that she had still been married to her first husband when she married me. Do I know how to pick 'em, or what?
So, in my late thirties, forcibly single and figuring that I was going nowhere in the CATV business, I got a night job, went back to school and studied graphic design, something I'd been playing around with for many years. I got my degree, went out into the field armed with only my portfolio of student work, a positive attitude and…failed utterly. The best I could do was land relatively menial production art jobs with marginal pay. I did work as a technical illustrator for a year, which was fun and reasonably lucrative, but that's about as good as it ever got.
However, it wasn't a total wash. While I was a student, I bought a Mac and discovered a then-obscure, cool thing called the Internet. There, I discovered another cool thing: the woman who eventually became my second wife. We did the long-distance relationship thing for a while, then decided that was getting old. Since she had a good business of her own in San Diego and I had nothing much to speak of going in Chico, it made more sense for me to move. So I did. We've been together for sixteen years now.
Once in San Diego, I did some design work, branched out into freelance Macintosh technical support then, when my consulting business disappeared after the Dot-Com Bust, got my CDL back and hit the road in an 18-wheeler. I'd driven big trucks locally on and off for years but not OTR. I eventually turned that into a local driving job, then turned that into a dispatching job. That's where I am now, although I was laid off in November 2009 and am still looking for work.
As far as ham radio goes, I had gotten interested as a teenager after watching a friend with his new Novice license work a CW QSO and thinking that it was a pretty cool thing. But, lousy student that I was, I didn't have the self-discipline to actually sit down and work at getting my ticket, then got interested in girls, cars and weed. I was an avid SWLer for a long time but gradually drifted away from it over the years. Last year (2009), however, the SWL bug bit me again so I purchased a used Icom IC-R75 receiver on eBay. Well, I tuned around for a month or two and found that, in the era of the Internet, shortwave broadcasting wasn't as big as it used to be. Then, one night, I stumbled into the 40m ham band, listened for a while and my old interest in ham radio was awakened. I went to the ARRL Web site, discovered that I didn't need to learn code anymore and about a month later had my technician license. I joined a local club to meet other hams which, in turn, fueled my interest in HF, so I got my general in December 2009. I'm currently taking an extra upgrade class offered by my ARC and hope to test for that at the end of October.
10-29-2010, 11:41 AM
Hey, Ccchhhhhaaaaarrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllliiiiiiiieeeee ee. Carl's a no-code general!
Sic 'em!
Hey, Ccchhhhhaaaaarrrrrrrrrrlllllllllllllliiiiiiiieeeee ee. Carl's a no-code general!
Sic 'em!
Oh, for the love of...... :bfd:
Oh, for the love of...... :bfd:
Even worse than that: He can run QRO without that "speshul" high-power endorsement...
Even worse than that: He can run QRO without that "speshul" high-power endorsement...
Am I the only one who thinks that QRZ thread has more to do with "leveling" the playing field for those without amps and with lousy antennas?
Am I the only one who thinks that QRZ thread has more to do with "leveling" the playing field for those without amps and with lousy antennas?
Time to quit cryin' and start buyin'. Or building. And I'll lay some good money on the fact that the whiners can't.
Am I the only one who thinks that QRZ thread has more to do with "leveling" the playing field for those without amps and with lousy antennas?
And the fact that in general , the drivel quotient has been steadily rising since last Spring .
I also dabbled in small-scale agriculture, producing a highly sought-after herbal supplement.
My gahd. Are you the model for Doonsebury's Zonker Harris?
My gahd. Are you the model for Doonsebury's Zonker Harris?
Nah. He's an airhead, I was a business man.
10-29-2010, 12:58 PM
Wow. And I thought my life was crazy lol.
10-29-2010, 02:37 PM
Aha Carl, I was in the light agri-biz back then as well. 1979-1981. I retired. Trucking can be a cut throat business since deregulation. Would you have been a ham today if you had not had a friend with a novice ticket? Are ham ops weirder than graphic artists? Oops, I am being summonsed.
Aha Carl, I was in the light agri-biz back then as well. 1979-1981. I retired.
The Biz was getting pretty crazy by '81. When I first started, it was just a bunch of hippies and other misfits and we'd help each other out. No one thought twice about stopping by another grower's patch to say hello and see how he or she was getting along. By the time I was done, patch locations were closely held secrets and people were having to arm themselves and guard their crops from thieves. That wasn't for me so I was ready to get out, even if it did mean a considerable drop in income. The hep B thing just accelerated my exit.
Would you have been a ham today if you had not had a friend with a novice ticket? Are ham ops weirder than graphic artists?
Hard to say for sure but I think it would have been less likely.
As far as weirdness goes, I'd say it's pretty much a wash between hams and graphic designers. They're weird in different ways, though, and being who I am, I don't completely fit in with either group. I was too much of a tech-head for the graphic designers, although as a general rule, our political views jibed pretty well. On the other hand, I don't even discuss politics with my local ham friends, most of whom would have fit in quite well with the guys on the old Zed political forums.
10-29-2010, 02:58 PM
Ever give a cat a bath?
Ever give a cat a bath?
Yeah--and I still have the scars to prove it, too!
10-29-2010, 03:08 PM
Yeah--and I still have the scars to prove it, too!
Did you keep getting fur on your tongue? I find that a solution of boric acid does wonders as a good rinse and gargle.
Did you keep getting fur on your tongue? I find that a solution of boric acid does wonders as a good rinse and gargle.
10-29-2010, 03:38 PM
Did you keep getting fur on your tongue? I find that a solution of boric acid does wonders as a good rinse and gargle.
Believe it or not, I knew that was coming but I decided to play the straight man anyway. For my pal Charles, you know.
10-29-2010, 03:48 PM
Believe it or not, I knew that was coming but I decided to play the straight man anyway. For my pal Charles, you know.
Can't get nuthin past The BeeSO!
10-29-2010, 03:54 PM
Semi-educated. I have an AA degree in graphic design. I'm a third-generation California native but I spent a few years living in Oregon back in the mid to late 1970s. Never worn lipstick and if you want to know about my privates, you're gonna have to check 'em out for yourself, honey.
Semi-educated truck driver? Haaaaaah good one.
10-29-2010, 04:33 PM
Bi-polar moms seem to be common. Back when, I thought mine was unique. Xanax and Lithium were hot.
10-29-2010, 04:56 PM
How has ham radio enhanced your life, Carl?
10-29-2010, 04:58 PM
How has ham radio enhanced your life, Carl?
It cured his erectile dysfunction.
How has ham radio enhanced your life, Carl?
A couple of ways.
First of all, it gave me an outlet for the inherent urge to make something I've had since I was old enough to hold a screwdriver. Mostly antennas, since I'm not sharp enough with electronics to build anything complicated from scratch. Yet.
More importantly, I've found a lot of new friends locally through ham radio. When I moved here, I knew nobody besides my wife. While I'm not unfriendly, I am somewhat introverted so making friends doesn't come easily and I often felt rather isolated. Getting into ham radio and joining an ARC introduced me to a lot of good people. Of course, after that little incident with the mock obituary over on QRZ (, I have a few less friends now than I once did but what the hey--if they can't take a joke, I'm not all that interested in being friends with them anyhow.
It cured his erectile dysfunction.
Nah--Internet pr0n did that.
It cured his erectile dysfunction.
:rofl: :monkeydance: :rofl:
10-29-2010, 07:35 PM
It cured his erectile dysfunction.
Holy crap. Is that even possible? (Oops, not slammin' Carl, but that's some pretty high expectations, given the rep of ham ops).
10-29-2010, 08:12 PM
Holy crap. Is that even possible? (Oops, not slammin' Carl, but that's some pretty high expectations, given the rep of ham ops).There is a cure for that too.
10-29-2010, 08:13 PM
Oh, one last much change is in your couch? Go look now.
There is a cure for that too.
But I've already got one of my own!
10-29-2010, 08:26 PM
But I've already got one of my own!
Like I said earlier: You can't get nothing past, The BeeSO!
10-29-2010, 08:29 PM
Spongiferous yet tumescent? :chin:
10-29-2010, 08:32 PM
But I've already got one of my own!
Is that you in the pic?
10-29-2010, 08:35 PM
that's HIM.
love that silk shirt
Is that you in the pic?
Alas, it is.
that's HIM.
love that silk shirt
Rayon, actually. Good fabric for this climate.
10-29-2010, 08:57 PM
Alas, it is.
lol, you're not at all like I pictured.
lol, you're not at all like I pictured.
Nobody could possibly picture me. The human mind just won't go there.
10-29-2010, 09:02 PM
Nobody could possibly picture me. The human mind just won't go there.
Hey, I didn't say it was bad. Just different than I pictured.
10-29-2010, 09:03 PM
Is that you in the pic?
"Are all those your guitars?" :)
10-29-2010, 09:05 PM
"Are all those your guitars?" :)Wanna take a bath?
Hey, I didn't say it was bad. Just different than I pictured.
I know you didn't, just couldn't pass up the chance for some self-depricating humor. I'm okay with my lot and the photograph isn't exactly flattering. I actually look somewhat less goofy in person.
Oh, one last much change is in your couch? Go look now.
None. I scrounged it all to pay the power bill this month.
10-29-2010, 09:08 PM
The camera does add another 10% of goofy line.
Wanna take a bath?
:lol: Sorry, I don't swing that way! :lol:
10-29-2010, 09:10 PM
Nobody could possibly picture me. The human mind just won't go there.
Damn, you're ugly. I'm in good company!!! :rofl:
The camera does add another 10% of goofy line.
I think that over-modulates my goofy, then.
Damn, you're ugly. I'm in good company!!! :rofl:
I know. My face frightens children and curls the paper right off the walls.
10-29-2010, 09:12 PM
:lol: Sorry, I don't swing that way! :lol:I shoulda put quotes around it, you might have got it.
I shoulda put quotes around it, you might have got it.
Movie quote? I got Charles's
10-29-2010, 09:14 PM
Movie quote? I got Charles's
Then continue with that line in that same song.
10-29-2010, 09:15 PM
Movie quote? I got Charles'sIt's also dialog inside of a Pink Floyd song, that's what I picked up on.
10-29-2010, 09:18 PM
I know. My face frightens children and curls the paper right off the walls.
Where I'm at these days, I call that an asset.
Spongiferous yet tumescent? :chin:
And microwavable as well!
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