View Full Version : A first for me... Not sure what it's gonna mean
09-24-2010, 10:26 AM
Some of you know I have cardiomyopathy. I was diagnosed seven years ago this October. It's been mild to moderate and until this summer other than being fatigued a lot and having other odd symptoms, I've been OK. Not great, but OK. I've not been "bad" enough to qualify for better treatments.
Well, I went to the cardiologist today and I'm now in active congestive heart failure. I'm on new meds and I have another echo scheduled for Thursday. Depending on what the echo reveals, I may be eligible from and greatly benefit from a synchronizing pacemaker, as I have an extremely elongated QRS interval (otherwise known as LBBB or left bundle branch block). My EF has been as low as 38% and the qualifying number is anything below 35%. The symptoms I've been having suggest it's probably pretty low. Among other things, I nearly passed out on a walk the other day.
Not sure what this means for me and ham radio... I'm guessing nothing over 10 watts. No idea. Life just got interesting.
09-24-2010, 10:36 AM
Sorry to hear that.
I wish you the best.
09-24-2010, 10:42 AM
That sucks to hear Kelli :(
I wasn't aware of your medical condition Kell, and I'm sorry to hear about it.
My limited understanding is that most pacemakers these days should not be affected by amateur level RF. If one is, it is most likely malfunctioning. But I am not a medical practioner or anything close to it, so don't go by my opinion. As your doctor if and when it comes to that point in time.
That aside, if you have good quality coax feeding the antenna, and the antenna is far enough away, I suspect transmitting would be unlikely to have a direct impact, as the field strength near you won't be that relatively high. Again, check with your doctor and with the manufacturer. But hell, you're a broadcast engineer (non practicing), so you already know this.
Also check into a remote-controlled rig. The TS-480S with a remote head comes to mind, as does a Ten-Tec Omni VII that can be completely controlled via it's Ethernet port, or so they tell me...
09-24-2010, 10:51 AM
Sorry to hear that.
I wish you the best.
That sucks to hear Kelli :(
Thanks guys. It's not all bad news. I've actually been hoping for better treatment anyway. This could make things a LOT better for me in the long-run, the only disadvantage being that I won't be able to be near a high RF field. When I was first diagnosed they put me on meds that made me feel 10 times worse than I already did (Coreg) and then told me I wasn't "bad enough" to qualify even for temporary disability until my body adjusted to the meds. I could hardly function, was extremely fatigued and dizzy all the time and as a result I voluntarily took a leave from work for almost two years until I felt better. I fixed computers and my other half went to work during that time. I felt better after those two years but not at all like I did before the time that led up to the diagnosis. I've never felt the same and have been told even though I am very fatigued and have memory problems and such, I should just suck it up and live with it. Thank you insurance companies, because it's their restrictions that have disqualified me from better treatment options... Not trying to turn the thread political, but it's true.
So to me, this is actually good news. I may actually get my energy and memory back after seven years of absence.
09-24-2010, 10:57 AM
I wasn't aware of your medical condition Kell, and I'm sorry to hear about it.
My limited understanding is that most pacemakers these days should not be affected by amateur level RF. If one is, it is most likely malfunctioning. But I am not a medical practioner or anything close to it, so don't go by my opinion. As your doctor if and when it comes to that point in time.
That aside, if you have good quality coax feeding the antenna, and the antenna is far enough away, I suspect transmitting would be unlikely to have a direct impact, as the field strength near you won't be that relatively high. Again, check with your doctor and with the manufacturer. But hell, you're a broadcast engineer (non practicing), so you already know this.
Also check into a remote-controlled rig. The TS-480S with a remote head comes to mind, as does a Ten-Tec Omni VII that can be completely controlled via it's Ethernet port, or so they tell me...
Thank you. All very good thoughts and information. I never thought about a remote control rig before. It would be worth doing, for sure. Right now my setup is an RF nightmare. I'd need some help putting a better antenna together for sure. At this point I'm not up to climbing a ladder or being anywhere high up where falling would be a bad thing.
As for the engineering, yes that part of my life will most definitely be over. I've been asked to do some contract stuff on the side here and there and that would be a no-no.
The silly thing about all this is you'd never know by looking at me that I've got this effed up heart. I try to stay active and fit and I'm not fat. I'm always by far the youngest one in the cardiologist office.
09-24-2010, 11:04 AM
Sorry to hear that Kelli, you will be in my positive thought forms. I have no real clue, but I would avoid being around UHF, or even UHF harmonics. My grandmother went through this, and I was her medical advocate. I was concerned about her living with us being around rf. Her md consulted with the pacemaker manufacturer. They indicated (without warrant of course) to avoid uhf rf. That was just her md, this may not work for you. This is the only time I was ever involved with anything this close. I have absolutely no real knowledge on this. I only had an al811 amplifier which I hardly used, so it was not an issue. I did not xmit my 2meter fm mobile rig when she was in the car.
All the best
ps, you cannot escape the genetic material you inherited.
What are you doing as far as an exercise and diet regimen is concerned?
I recently changed mine. No sugar, HFCS and limited fats. Lots of chicken, turkey, fish and fruits/vegetables. Simple foods - as simple as I can readily buy. Am working out like a fiend 2-3 times per week. This will increase to 4-6 times once I'm past the conditioning phase.
Lost 5 lbs at the most but my clothes are hanging off me now (vastly increased muscle density) and I have no more cardiovascular issues that I'm aware of. Doc said my lungs and overall pulmonary condition are 'excellent'.
I really don't care if I lose weight. I want to lose the remaining body fat I have, getting down to the 9-11% area. I could easily carry 270lbs on my frame but don't want that in the form of a high percentage BMI.
You might run the notion of a cardio-conditioning regimen by the doc and get some feedback.
09-24-2010, 11:59 AM
Sorry to read about your condition Kelly.
A friend of me got his pacemaker/shocker, he can use his radio normally with 100 watts, ( all he has in power).
The latest pacemakers are quite well H.F. hard, no problems with RF on any frequency.
Ask your physician always about your make/model if you get one.
09-24-2010, 01:09 PM
Get the ARRL on the horn and ask them what research they may have on the topic. They may well have some information about brands that are suitable (or more importantly, unsuitable) for use by amateurs. Email Ed Hare ( and ask him to help you find out what is open to you. Ed is good people.
Kelli, my mother-in-law has the same problem; she's lived with it for many years with only minor restrictions on her lifestyle and she's quite a bit older than you. If she can do it at her age, you can too. Hang in there. I think I speak for everyone on The Island when I say we're wishing you the best.
As for RF, well, maybe we can get an antenna party together to move/raise your antenna up to a point where the RF levels in your shack are acceptable.
09-24-2010, 01:34 PM
That's a pisser to hear about. I wish you well, and hope the treatment and meds help out. As far as pacemakers go, I have read that as long as there is some distance between the antenna and the pacemaker, there isn't a problem. This is at amateur RF levels. The higher the frequency, above HF and VHF, the more cautious I would be. As stated above, if it were me, I would want to talk to some manufacturers and perhaps other hams that have pacemakers, too. I seem to recall the ones that have a builtin difib unit are more suseptable to higher RF fields. Just the same, I'd feel more comfortable talking to the tech staff at one of the pacemaker companies. Best of luck Kelli.
As for RF, well, maybe we can get an antenna party together to move/raise your antenna up to a point where the RF levels in your shack are acceptable.
If that isn't justification for the installation, of a big, honkin' tower in the backyard...I don't know what is.
09-24-2010, 01:39 PM
Positive energies your way.
09-24-2010, 01:51 PM
Thanks everyone. I've lived with this now for 7 years. Well, 7 years that I've known about it. I feel fortunate actually. A guy who was diagnosed about the same time I was and was about the same condition I was in initially, took a major turn for the worse about two years later and died. I've been hanging on this long, I'll likely be around for a while longer. I want addresses now though, because when I finally do kick it one of these years I want to haunt each and every one of you. I'm going to put salt in your sugar bowls and make your doors slam at 2am...
'YX -- I have a cardio diet I've followed somewhat loosely for seven years now. I'll probably tighten it up a bit ;-)
09-24-2010, 01:54 PM
I want addresses now though, because when I finally do kick it one of these years I want to haunt each and every one of you.
You've already been to my QTH. I saw you floating over me. Sorry about the garlic fumes.
09-24-2010, 02:00 PM
You've already been to my QTH. I saw you floating over me. Sorry about the garlic fumes.
Hmmmm, when was this? I do tend to travel a bit.
09-24-2010, 02:03 PM
Oh, about 3 and 4 weeks ago.
The garlic fumes are stronger now. Eating it daily in it's freshest form ... raw.
09-24-2010, 02:06 PM
Oh, about 3 and 4 weeks ago.
The garlic fumes are stronger now. Eating it daily in it's freshest form ... raw.
Ah, so it did work... I hope I had clothes on. Sometimes I forget to wear clothes. Garlic is good. Keeps werewolves away. Or is that vampires? I can never keep those things straight.
09-24-2010, 02:08 PM
Ah, so it did work... I hope I had clothes on. Sometimes I forget to wear clothes. Garlic is good. Keeps werewolves away. Or is that vampires? I can never keep those things straight.
Nobody ever wears clothes by default and in that state it does not seem to matter to anyone.
09-24-2010, 02:13 PM
Nobody ever wears clothes by default and in that state it does not seem to matter to anyone.
It's a wonderful state to live in :)
09-24-2010, 02:16 PM
It's a wonderful state to live in :)
Even the SC legislatures are pissed they can not regulate it even though the Feds have been trying since WWII.
09-24-2010, 02:22 PM
Even the SC legislatures are pissed they can not regulate it even though the Feds have been trying since WWII.
They want to get their hands into everything, don't they? Pretty soon they'll be taxing the production of ectoplasm.
They'll take my ectoplasm when they pry it from my cold, dead, insubstantial fingers!
09-24-2010, 02:54 PM
My youngest brother had a pacemaker since age 38. He's never stopped being a real prick, so it hasn't dented his style.
Long QT syndrome. I have it too but only mild. The whole family except my father spent time in the National Institute of Health in DC doing tests for a few days. It's hereditary.
Good luck Kelly, may you enjoy many years of future nakedness in the Empire state.
Got friends and family praying for you. Hope things work out for the better.
09-24-2010, 04:17 PM
All the best Kelli.
I can never keep those things straight.
Kelli..... you couldn't keep a plumb line straight!!!! :neener: :giggity: :rofl:
09-24-2010, 06:03 PM
sorry to hear mate.
im sure your RF engineer days ain't over. i read somewhere on the net about a eng. who had a pacemaker and did just fine working in the enviorment. just have to know the tollerances of the maker.
09-25-2010, 08:43 AM
All the best, Kelli. The docs are still baffled over my heart condition, they call it "pericardial tamponade of idiopathic origin" which translated means a buildup of fluid in the sac surrounding the heart where they can't figure out WHY. It's good that you know WHAT is wrong with your heart. Take care of yourself, and I think that with just some minor adjustments to your lifestyle, you should be able to nearly everything you do now.
As for you flying over our bedposts in a state of undress...let's just say that I appreciate the nekkid feminine form.:mrgreen:
09-25-2010, 06:49 PM
You're in my thoughts and prayers, Kelli.
The closest that I can relate to this is the congestive heart failure that my brother suffered. A stent in one of the major heart vessels didn't help; we lost him in June of 2009. Of course, he was older and not in the best of shape, but I wouldn't wish a heart condition upon anyone. :(
09-25-2010, 07:58 PM
09-25-2010, 10:14 PM
I decided to research a bit before any comments.
First, depending on the pacemaker, there may be no problem with RFI whatsoever.
The New and Improved current generation of pacemaker is much smaller than in the past and in one piece.
But if there is concern, the very same garments produced to provide TASER and Stun Gun protection provide RF shielding.
Conductive fabric is easy to find now and adding a liner to your garments is easy for that do it yourself bunch.
Wow, a do-it-yourself wearable Faraday Cage. You just couldn't get more nerdy than that.
09-26-2010, 12:12 AM
We're here for you, Kelli.
I meant that to be comforting, of course.
09-26-2010, 01:08 AM
Wow, a do-it-yourself wearable Faraday Cage. You just couldn't get more nerdy than that.
If done correctly it does not look nerdy at all.
The entire goal is to look as normal as any other garment you may have.
To this end there are conductive underwear as well as other means of providing the conductive path.
Denim clothing, something that has little geek appeal, works very well as the liner can be quite thin.
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