View Full Version : W0TKX Brother Dave's turn on the coochie
09-14-2010, 12:50 PM
So, what's a decent, bright, amiable guy like you doing here in this pack of misfits?
How's that hand/wrist coming along?
What do you think the country needs to get it straightened out?
Are you a Denverian from birth or one of those insufferable transplants?
Are you mentally unsound, OCD, M/D, AAADD, anorexia bulimia, PTSD, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, AC/DC?
09-14-2010, 02:09 PM
Wow, that's a lot to take in... stats first. Insufferable transplant since '90. Been a hopeless alpine
skiing addict since 1968, frequently teaching part time at local hills. Skiing is my muse.
Born in Connecticut in '56, Dad was in grad school but got hired before he's finished his masters,
out east for a few months while he got started with American Cyanamid as an Agriculturist.
Back to Portland for the first few years to finish school, moved to the Minneapolis area by the time I was two.
This was right in the middle of Dad's huge territory. He traveled a lot, which drove Mom nuts.
My sister Katie was born while we were still renting a house just before the "House on Quinn". Things got weirder,
more on that later... But basically I "grew up" in the Minneapolis suburb of Bloomington, till Montana State in 1974.
As far as finding the IOMH, I've always been a "misfit"... noticed the "rift" on QRZ. So I lurked... then made noise.
That leaves the current health situation, the "our country" scenario, and my "state of mind". I'll ruminate on those
and think about how to pull it off appropriately and clearly, without "causing harm". HmmMMmmm. ;)
09-14-2010, 05:16 PM
nutty mom, that's credentials right there....
Ooh...ooh, were you ever marry-ed, any kids?
All inquiries are optional to answer of course.
09-14-2010, 06:08 PM
You seem to have gravitated between ski bum and techie grunt a bit in life. Explain that.
Ever meet Hunter Thompson?
09-14-2010, 07:59 PM
Uhh yea, I got really 'effin drunk and worse in a Snowmass, bar in the 80;s on vacation. Hunter Thompson held us captivated for about two hours with rants and stories. All you had to do was holler "Nixon" and he'd go off again. He would have been hilarious in Congress if he could have stayed sober... :lol:
No kids... due to my nature and nurture, I decided it might not be a good idea, for a variety of reasons. I really dig teaching kids tho, more so than adults. Teaching and training seems to be a talent, spreading the "grok" creates joy and excitement. Some people have a minor pro music or acting side, for me it's teaching skiing, and sometimes tech courses.
But I really love building, designing, maintaining and tinkering with electronics, gadgets, and software. Take my brain to a different "place" and try to figure out the puzzle, and understand it's "song". Like a moth to a flame, tinker tinker.
Maybe a shop teacher or something... and I do like farming, more on that later. :dunno:
09-15-2010, 08:02 PM
Well, let's do the current health thing. My right hand is still pretty locked up, my left leg is improved a lot. Bicycling is do-able, and I want to try skating.
Mostly I try to walk a lot, especially up and down hills, via traversing. This works the atrophied lateral balance muscles. I WILL SKI AGAIN, and soon.
I've almost quit taking the Tramadol, once or twice a week if I over do it, and before therapy, as one visit a week is as vigorous as I can stand it.
09-15-2010, 08:32 PM
Don't give up, Broham.
09-15-2010, 10:22 PM
I've almost quit taking the Tramadol,
Did you ever do oxy? How does it compare to oxy?
I can't take Hydro/apap (Norco) anymore it makes me feel worse.
Mebbe I should try Tramadol?
09-15-2010, 10:25 PM
Tramadol dances on the edge of being an opiate in the brain.
That's all I can say. Hope it helped.
09-15-2010, 10:50 PM
Tramadol dances on the edge of being an opiate in the brain.
That's all I can say. Hope it helped.
I read it's page on Wiki. Does that serotonin uptake thing like the anti depression meds. Never had any luck with them.
09-15-2010, 11:59 PM
I read it's page on Wiki. Does that serotonin uptake thing like the anti depression meds. Never had any luck with them.
Depends on your individual chemistry. It really is different for everyone. Tell that to the marketing guys though.
09-16-2010, 06:46 AM
Oxy doesn't do crap for me, nor does vicodin. Opiates work, but most are too effective, and my digestion stops. Tylenol 4 with the Codeine was my favorite for dental pain. Tramadol kills the pain, no drowsiness or drooling for me. It does mess with my digestion, and I get really constipated... at least it doesn't stop.
Seems all the 'caine pain relievers don't work on me, except topically. :shifty:
Years ago, during a very stressful stint at an IT gig, I talked to my Doc about it. He gave me a prescription for Zoloft for a while. It kind of mellowed me out, but too much. Apathetic and lazy like the stories you hear about lazy stoners. It was barely pleasant, and very ANNOYING for fixing puzzles. Lost my intuition, my techie senses, visualization... very weird.
I quit, and the intricacies of ugly Winders NT Domain trusts became obvious again, and stuff.
I quit, and the intricacies of ugly Winders NT Domain trusts became obvious again, and stuff.
Jeeze, if there ever was a good reason for Zoloft abuse, that's got to be it.
Oxy doesn't do crap for me, nor does vicodin. Opiates work, but most are too effective, and my digestion stops. Tylenol 4 with the Codeine was my favorite for dental pain. Tramadol kills the pain, no drowsiness or drooling for me. It does mess with my digestion, and I get really constipated... at least it doesn't stop.
Seems all the 'caine pain relievers don't work on me, except topically. :shifty:
I'm hep, brother.
I got vicodin for my back 7 years ago and it didn't do anything except make me feel itchy all over and totally awake.
I had a high power Oxycontin prescription when I feel off the roof in MS., and it didn't do anything either.
I don't get how people get addicted to that stuff. It didn't do anything to help the pain. It wasn't even fun! My pills were stolen by TSA during a baggage check, so I couldn't even give them away. Weak.
09-16-2010, 12:30 PM
I've taken Oxycodone (Percocet) for mouth surgery fairly recently. Does a good job of knocking the pain out and if you take too much, it'll make you so high, you'll barf. At least, that's how it affects me. :whistle:
09-16-2010, 12:37 PM
Remember Rush was addicted to Oxy. (Duh Man in his cape)
Jack Osborne, son of Ozzy Osborne was addicted to "O" and he described it as being very high but walking and talking normally so that no one could tell. It puts a smile on some people's faces and that, is why they get addicted to it. Not to mention that it is a synthetic opiate. These synthetic opiates have some of the nastiest withdrawal symptoms. If you are wealthy and want to quit, they will give you something to mask those symptoms while you detox. If you are arrested and do not have representation, they just strap you down to a bunk so you don't turn your head and neck into a bloody stump.
09-16-2010, 12:42 PM
They don't even mention the see-through skin.
09-16-2010, 12:54 PM
Fixed it.
09-16-2010, 12:57 PM
09-16-2010, 05:39 PM
So it's the hives that makes your nuts itch, and scratching it gives you a rash?
09-16-2010, 05:56 PM
Whenever anyone mentions "Brother Dave," I always think of "Brother Dave Gardner," who was a Suthrun comedian about a half-century or so ago. "Is you gonna be heah whin Jahn gits heah?"
09-16-2010, 06:01 PM
I can't take oxy (IR) without eating something. If I take it on an empty tummy the whole 4/5 hours it's numbing the pain I took it for are voided by the stomach upset.
I'm taking it pretty much every day now but only a small amount (12.5 mg), and only after dinner.
The mild rush of taken by mouth oxy is kinda nice.
I sure feel like crap most mornings though, and if I stop it cold turkey I feel lousy for about 3 days, then it wears off.
I think it shifts your pain around. It kills or seriously deadens it while you're on it but when it wears off you feel more pain than usual.
I absolutely refuse to be on it (even very small dose) 24/7. I know someone who is on it constantly (approx 100mg daily). He gets cold sweats and the shakes sometimes when I see him.
Metamucil helps with the constipation, but your body builds an immunity to it, making larger and more frequent doses necessary.
When I lived in Yuma I ate a fair amount of dates daily and never had constipation problems then. Dates up here are stale, horrible, and expensive as all hell.
09-16-2010, 06:03 PM
Whenever anyone mentions "Brother Dave," I always think of "Brother Dave Gardner," who was a Suthrun comedian about a half-century or so ago. "Is you gonna be heah whin Jahn gits heah?"
any relation to Moms Mabley?
09-16-2010, 07:27 PM
any relation to Moms Mabley?
HA! I'd forgotten all about her. I remember the first time I saw her was on some daytime variety show like Mike Douglas or something. Then I heard one of her routines on a record or tape. What a hoot. Funny as all hell. Kind of the female Redd Foxx.
09-16-2010, 08:14 PM
My turn, my turn. Dave, what part of the Mighthy Mouse cartoon series bothered you, and why? What is your favorite animated art? Crunchy or creamy?
09-17-2010, 02:04 PM
he's consulting with his attorney
09-17-2010, 03:03 PM
My Attorney Bernie! :snicker:
09-17-2010, 06:10 PM
Well. OK. Family stuff, a little harder. Proverbial "black sheep first born" here. Oh well.
I'm fairly estranged from my family, simply because Mom is a total pill, and Dad mops up after her, no matter what. It's a pretty scary Narcissist/Inverted Narcissist Tango.
So much so that for the most part staying out of the picture honors my parents more than being around a lot. It's better now, but it will always be strained. However, looking
back with an adult eye at things I observed my Grandparents (both sides) doing... I certainly forgive them. Trust is another issue, and I continue to "dust my sandals".
Gently.It's more peaceful that way. Just my "being there" stresses Mom out. Oh well.
Despite it all, Dad and I had a strong relationship, and he had the wisdom to kick me in the butt and put me to work. Unlike a lot of kids, I liked to work, especially when
paid. I wasn't even 16, and I was working all summer in a company vehicle with an expense account and a huge list of things to get done. After a few silly teenager stunts,
"getting 'er done" became a JOY. I loved that. Thanks Dad! Yea, he knows. But I stay away, for the sake of peace. ;)
I could go on and on, but some family dynamics scapegoat children, and it's just sad. Takes a long while to get over it.
Using Religion as a punishment instead of a comfort doesn't help. I've linked to this before:
Suddenseer would probably understand this more than most... There is a psychic weight of nastiness I feel, a timeline of hurt.
Over and over, it that messes with the kids, and they mess with their kids... sigh.
So, I made a decision a long time ago to not have kids. Just in case I would be mean as a snake.
I'd rather hurt myself than be nasty to a little bright mind... even the obnoxious ones.
I think this is why I have always had rescue/stray pets. I get it, man. 'Lil four legged misfits.
Sigh, That was not easy, my friends. And now, a very appropriate song:
09-17-2010, 06:23 PM
Oh yeah!?...I'm starting to feel better about myself now. I got away without mentioning my mother was M/D (and I'm pretty sure I have a trace of it myself). Did I admit that?
No lithium for me though.
When my dad is disappointed in me he says "You're like your mother". Never liked her much, but since her passing 10 yrs ago I feel like sticking up for her at times, but it's all water over the dam now.
You can't spar mentally with a 93 year old father, it's kinda like cheating, although he had me many times when I was a kid and he in his prime.
Tnx Dave.
09-17-2010, 06:45 PM
Could get into some deep psyche here. You're not alone, Dave, but I have a feeling that most of us have some seriously odd family stuff.
Thanks for sharing. Seriously. Makes me feel a little bit better, too.
09-17-2010, 06:54 PM
What really freaks me out is that early picture of Cat Stevens. Looks like a LOT like me, when I was in my 20's with a lot of hair.
I was aware (been told) of the resemblance, in years gone by, but I had no idea that the link to the song would do that. Spooky.
09-17-2010, 07:31 PM
I been told I look like Donald Sutherland. Or the Unibomber.
Take your pick; it's useless in the Grand Scheme. But I do like Cat Stevens. :lol:
09-17-2010, 07:34 PM
I still like him, very much. Tearjerker.
09-17-2010, 07:42 PM
09-17-2010, 07:46 PM
We all need to play, brother. Play is the crux of the biscuit of creativity.
09-17-2010, 09:46 PM
Yep. After learning what my Dad went through, it's easier to understand why he is the way he is. Of course since he became older, he isn't the same person and that's a good thing. PTSD takes many forms. One part of me wishes I knew sooner in the hope that it would have made a difference. The other part still thinks it could have been different and yet a third part says, well, whatever. Ya takes what ya gets.
09-17-2010, 09:59 PM
Well, that's a lead in for Bill's alphabet soup. ADHD, likely from prenatal smoking and drinking. PTSD, from the environment.
Learned to escape in books, the woods, and later... shortwave radio and music.
My first Out of Body Experience was when I was about eight, laying on my back staring at the stars. Falling into the sky.
I repeated it often, and later was told it was a form of meditation. Found the sensation delicious, and a really good giggle.
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