View Full Version : New DX entities

09-04-2010, 04:24 AM
The five islands of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea are to undergo constitutional status changes next month and result in a four new DXCC entities.

Sint Maarten PJ7, Curacao PJ2, Bonaire PJ4, each are to become a DX entity, while Saba PJ6 and Sint Eustatius PJ5 combined, are set to be a single entity due to their close proximity.

There are two announced DXpeditions to Sint Maarten, and one each to Saba, Bonaire and Curacao, with that island also being the venue at the time for the Global Amateur Radio Emergency Conference GAREC-2010.

The DX community is waiting for the 10th day of the 10th month 2010 for the new DX entities

Two existing DXCC entities, PJ2/PJ4 Leeward Islands and PJ5/PJ6/PJ7 Windward Islands, is said to be set for deletion at the same time.

Aruba P4 seceded from the Netherlands Antilles in 1986 and gained DXCC entity status at that time.


09-07-2010, 10:14 AM
What took you so long? I wrote about this is my club newsletter months ago!

09-10-2010, 09:09 AM


09-10-2010, 10:28 AM
I'm no DX minded person...

Good you were a lightyear ahead of me ;)

09-10-2010, 08:03 PM
All kidding aside, no problem.

09-23-2010, 01:49 PM
From an email sent a few minutes ago:

To clarify the administrative process by which the anticipated changes to the two existing Netherlands Antilles DXCC entities will be made, the ARRL Awards Committee has determined that at 0400Z (12:00 AM local time in the islands) on 10 October 2010, the two Netherland Antilles DXCC entities will be deleted.

Commencing at 0400Z (12:00 AM local time) on 10 October, 2010, operation from the islands of Curacao, Bonaire, Sint Maarten, Saba, and St Eustatius will count for a yet-to-be-determined number of new entities under the DXCC List Criteria, and Political Entities, Rule 1 and/or Rule 2 Geographic Separation Entities. When the Awards Committee determines what Rule 1 or Rule 2 actions apply, it will announce the final disposition of the entities on the DXCC list.

The DXCC desk will not accept confirmations for these new entities until after 1 January, 2011.

09-28-2010, 03:34 AM
Cool! I can use some new ones. After 27 years, i finally got 7X...thats the last new one i got. It had been quite a while since the last one before that. Once you get past 220, it slows way down.

09-28-2010, 08:15 AM
I know what you mean. I'm looking forward to finally breaking the 300 worked/confirmed plateau!

09-28-2010, 05:28 PM
I am not counting Lebenon since Puzant has a nasty habit of ignoring my request for a simple little piece of cardboard, ive sent him money on numerous occasions through the most secured means i can...oh well. I have to wait for another OD station i guess.

I have a weird log, i have some great and rare ones confirmed, but i still dont have commons like 4X or SV. Still waiting for the bands to really pop, ive seen some signs of life lately, but its sporadic, nothing i can do about that unfortunately.

09-28-2010, 06:22 PM
Still waiting for the bands to really pop, ive seen some signs of life lately, but its sporadic, nothing i can do about that unfortunately.

Night time 40m has been getting pretty lively out here on the Left Coast. Lots of JA, VK and LOA action lately.

09-28-2010, 07:25 PM
It sure has, ive been enjoying it. AF and EU coming in nicely on the subband.

09-28-2010, 08:13 PM
I am not counting Lebenon since Puzant has a nasty habit of ignoring my request for a simple little piece of cardboard, ive sent him money on numerous occasions through the most secured means i can...oh well. I have to wait for another OD station i guess.

I have a weird log, i have some great and rare ones confirmed, but i still dont have commons like 4X or SV. Still waiting for the bands to really pop, ive seen some signs of life lately, but its sporadic, nothing i can do about that unfortunately.
He used to be very good about responding. I have 2 confirmations from him -- one direct QSL, but one of my own cards (sent and returned via WF5E's service) returned marked "confirmed" and signed by him. It's about that time that I started hearing people kvetch about his QSL returns (or lack thereof).

I believe he has also had, the last few years, a horrible problem with mail theft. V51AS has the same problem, although he finally arranged for a mail drop. I think it's a matter of pride with some of these hams... they refuse to acknowledge a mail problem, even though it is happening beyond their control.

There have been a few OD5/ stations on of late. I worked OD5/DL6SN back in April. Hang in there!

09-29-2010, 12:31 AM
Ive heard a few OD's on so ill just be patient. Mail theft is all too familiar a subject to the average DXer, and WF5E is a great service. Im still waiting on my VK9W cards, i sent them $10 with my card too....they cashed it. Maybe the issue was on the return trip so ill try again. As for Puzant, whatever...im certainly not going to go into cardiac arrest over a card and a few bucks. Live and learn, i suppose.

No matter what the hangup or irritation, i just love DXing. :yes:

10-13-2010, 03:01 PM
Just posted on the ARRL web site:

Dissolution of Netherlands Antilles Creates Four New DXCC Entities

10/13/2010 The dissolution of the Netherland Antilles has caused changes to the DXCC List (http://www.arrl.org/country-lists-prefixes). As per the DXCC rules (http://www.arrl.org/rules-1), the two Netherland Antilles DXCC entities will be deleted and moved to the Deleted Entities List. Four new entities will be added to the DXCC List: (1) Curaçao; (2) Sint Maarten; (3) Saba and St Eustatius, and (4) Bonaire. The event date and time for these changes will be 0400 UTC, October, 10 2010. Confirmations for these new entities will be accepted for credit starting January 1, 2011. Other administrative changes and actions will be announced as they are finalized.

10-13-2010, 11:09 PM
Sounds great! I just need one more...and in addition to that, this is the first time in many years that ive had 5 new ones on a single logpage! I picked up OJ0/Market Reef right before the PJ operations commenced.

Wow, that first night of the 10th, the pileups were HUGE! Ive worked PJ2T maybe 50 times, they were so easy to nail down...but now, they are like North Korea, at least for the first week. ;)

Happy dance for new DX! :bbh:

10-26-2010, 12:04 PM
Courtesy of N1DG, be aware that the PJ7E log is now online. And they have set up an "Online QSL Service" at http://www.stmaarten2010.com/qsl.html

Always nice to see that you're in the log!

10-26-2010, 12:26 PM
Courtesy of N1DG, be aware that the PJ7E log is now online. And they have set up an "Online QSL Service" at http://www.stmaarten2010.com/qsl.html

Always nice to see that you're in the log!

80, 15, and 10. :rock:

10-26-2010, 02:53 PM
40, 30, and 12 here. 17 would have been nice, but I'll get it soon enough.

The one I was happy about was 5V7TT. Got him on 40 2 nights before they shut down, and was quite happy to see an all time new one in their online log!

10-26-2010, 06:58 PM
The one I was happy about was 5V7TT. Got him on 40 2 nights before they shut down, and was quite happy to see an all time new one in their online log!

Only bagged them on 15 and 20. Would have liked to have done 40. Such is life....

10-27-2010, 08:56 AM
Only bagged them on 15 and 20. Would have liked to have done 40. Such is life....

Count your blessings; I only got him on twenty.

I had been off the air so long that I had forgotten the benefits of spotting. Fortunately, DM780 has a very efficient spotting feature that graphically depicts the entire band, showing the active stations (even highlighting them in color to show "needed" entities based on your log). Had it not been for that, I probably would not have gotten him at all. I was working PSK at the time I saw the spot.

Guess I'm just not "serious" enough; I only have about 68 confirmed countries/entities on LoTW, though I have more than a hundred when those on paper are added. Not really sure how many I have. Every time I saw "the fat guy" at a ham fest, I never thought to bring the cards. Of course, I haven't been to a ham fest in three or more years.

10-27-2010, 09:02 AM
Count your blessings; I only got him on twenty.

I had been off the air so long that I had forgotten the benefits of spotting. Fortunately, DM780 has a very efficient spotting feature that graphically depicts the entire band, showing the active stations (even highlighting them in color to show "needed" entities based on your log). Had it not been for that, I probably would not have gotten him at all. I was working PSK at the time I saw the spot.

Guess I'm just not "serious" enough; I only have about 68 confirmed countries/entities on LoTW, though I have more than a hundred when those on paper are added. Not really sure how many I have. Every time I saw "the fat guy" at a ham fest, I never thought to bring the cards. Of course, I haven't been to a ham fest in three or more years.

Well, if you don't mind a little drive, the Washington County (PA) club, WACOM, has their hamfest on November 7th. It's at the Washington County Fairgrounds, about 2 miles off of I-79 (north of the I-70/I-79 North interchange). The local card checker is supposed to be there, and I'll have my 40 meter cards ready.

My club's hamfest will be on February 27th, and you can consider yourself invited. If you don't mind a little drive.

10-27-2010, 09:10 AM
TU for the invite, Ron. I would love to do it, if for no other reason than an eye-ball QSO. And, it IS a "little drive." Fer sure. What's the talk-in? Any PL? Is there a website. Too early to say for sure, but I really would like to give it a shot.

10-27-2010, 10:20 PM
There's nothing like the rush of snagging an all time new one (T33) using a low dipole on 160m.

10-27-2010, 10:24 PM
There's nothing like the rush of snagging an all time new one (T33) using a low dipole on 160m.

Nothing like the rush of snagging an all time new one using any sort of antenna, Doug!

Good going--that's what ham radio is all about.

10-27-2010, 11:31 PM
I guess that means I will have to update my DX countries listing that I rely on for DX contacts while at the radio in the mancave.

10-28-2010, 09:07 AM
TU for the invite, Ron. I would love to do it, if for no other reason than an eye-ball QSO. And, it IS a "little drive." Fer sure. What's the talk-in? Any PL? Is there a website. Too early to say for sure, but I really would like to give it a shot.

For those reading who don't realize the distance, it's probably a 4 -5 hour drive for W3MIV to reach either of the hamfests mentioned.

The WACOM hamfest has it's information (including directions & talk-in) at http://www.wacomarc.org/hamfest.html and http://www.wacomarc.org/documents/HamfestFlyer10.pdf. (I guess I didn't get my table reservation in in time to make the list of vendors! Not that I have much anyway :-D).

WASHFest 2011 in Feburary will have more information soon at www.n3sh.org (http://www.n3sh.org) -- which reminds me, I have to throw a preliminary flyer together for WACOM. I WILL have more info on that one posted here in a month or so, in the hamfests section. (Free coffee all day, by the way)

10-28-2010, 09:08 AM
There's nothing like the rush of snagging an all time new one (T33) using a low dipole on 160m.

Considering that I've only made one QSO on 160 west of the Rockies on my inverted "L" (KH6ZM, which is probably more testament to his antenna than mine!), I'm impressed.

10-28-2010, 09:52 AM
Considering that I've only made one QSO on 160 west of the Rockies on my inverted "L" (KH6ZM, which is probably more testament to his antenna than mine!), I'm impressed.

My 3 best so far on 160m phone are Pitcairn Island, Ducie Island, and The Gambia.

One of these days I have to get a compact RX antenna set up so that I can work on getting DXCC on that band. CW wouldn't be a problem, but I'm shooting for phone.

10-28-2010, 10:21 AM
W3WH is on my case, and rightly so, to get more radials under the "L". It should work better.

Now the one neighbor was kind enough to let me use his tree as a skyhook (it's right on the property line), and the other neighbor (who's in the military and overseas a lot) was kind enough to let me use one of his tree's to keep it up in the air. But running radials, as opposed to a wire 50 of 60 feet in the air, that's a harder sell...

10-30-2010, 03:20 AM
The five islands of the Netherlands Antilles in the Caribbean Sea are to undergo constitutional status changes next month

nothing to do with radio, but ... honestly ... why? three "special municipalities" and two new countries within the kingdom which, collectively, add up to a few percent of the population of the kingdom of the netherlands. what purpose is solved by rearranging the islands this way?

10-30-2010, 03:27 PM
nothing to do with radio, but ... honestly ... why? three "special municipalities" and two new countries within the kingdom which, collectively, add up to a few percent of the population of the kingdom of the netherlands. what purpose is solved by rearranging the islands this way?
That has to do with political changes that are desired by the residents of those islands, in terms of which islands became more independent from the rest, and how the remaining islands changed from territories to (politically) part of the Kingdom itself.

The DXCC list reflects the political changes. At least in this case.

Why? Danged if I know, but they did.