View Full Version : What crazy chit did you do as a kid?
09-02-2010, 11:47 PM
My buds and I would go swimming off this enormous rock along the shoreline of the Springton reservoir (strictly verboten to swimming). The quite large reservoir was patrolled occasionally by an old man in a 12' aluminum boat with a 6hp outboard.
He would sometimes catch us and chase us out.
One day we had a load of cherry bombs and slingshots hoping he'd show up. Sure enough he arrives and tells us to get out. We got up to our clothes then started shooting the cherry bombs at him.
He got outta there quick.
Pretty stupid looking back, the gas tank could have blown up from a close hit.
09-03-2010, 12:43 AM
Mooning old people on Miami's South Beach.
Having fire extinguisher fights after hours at school.
Target practice with a .44 magnum in the Everglades.
Getting to third base with my girlfriend on Hollywood Beach, only to be interrupted by the local constabulary.
I confess to all of this because the statute of limitations has long expired.
09-03-2010, 12:51 AM
Getting to third base with my girlfriend on Hollywood Beach, only to be interrupted by the local constabulary.
ah yes...Been there in tandem. A friend, myself, 2 fine young birds, very steamed windows (It was Oct. at night), and a flashlight shining into the windows by the park security guard. He actually asked why we were there.
09-03-2010, 04:23 AM
Loading a couple of 6 packs in the back seat of the 55 Chevy on Friday nite, then going red light drag racing on rt. 130 with a couple of my buds.:nuts:
09-03-2010, 04:37 AM
Loading a couple of 6 packs in the back seat of the 55 Chevy on Friday nite, then going red light drag racing on rt. 130 with a couple of my buds.:nuts:
C'mon George, I know you did crazier stuff than that.
09-03-2010, 06:03 AM
4 wheeling in the subaru brat with the rear slider open and the tap hose from the half barrel running through it.
09-03-2010, 06:39 AM
C'mon George, I know you did crazier stuff than that.
With the same car, Driving around in the rain with 7" slicks on the back? :lol:
09-03-2010, 06:49 AM
seeing how many of my spare tires i could burn off my 69 plymouth satellite in the parking lot next to the bergenfield nj police dept before getting run off.
throwing the empty beer bottles through the hole in the floorboard of my old dart as the cop lit me up for a traffic stop.
doing donuts in the snow in the old scout and grenading the dana 44 in the rear.
09-03-2010, 07:30 AM
Next door neighbor's dad was a welder. Would take his oxy-acetylene setup and pump a "few" shots of gas mix into a 55 gallon drum then toss a match in.
Draining a case of beer and eating Marathon bars with a my high school friends at the drive-in and driving home afterwards. Not smart. The car smelled like puke until I replaced the carpet.
09-03-2010, 12:34 PM
Evel Knievel was popular back in the day and lumber to build ramps was free. Nuff said, LOL!
Driving my Jaguar flat-out (~150 mph) down California Route 1 while stoned off my ass on some really potent weed. Repeatedly. Buying an old Pontiac for $50 so I could roll it over in a field just to see what it was like. There's more but I'm not sure about the statute of limitations on some of it.
09-03-2010, 12:39 PM
Aw, I guess I have to add mine. I jumped from about 30 feet out of a tree with a parachute made from garbage bags and knitting yarn. I think I was about 10.
Drag racing one of my motorcycles.
In front of the police station.
09-03-2010, 12:53 PM
There's more but I'm not sure about the statute of limitations on some of it.
09-03-2010, 12:54 PM
Drag racing one of my motorcycles.
In front of the police station.
That's resume material.
09-03-2010, 12:54 PM
Next door neighbor's dad was a welder. Would take his oxy-acetylene setup and pump a "few" shots of gas mix into a 55 gallon drum then toss a match in.Holy Schitt, I have done that just using a paper cup and it was loud.
Holy Schitt, I have done that just using a paper cup and it was loud.
Try doing it with an earthmover tire's inner tube.
Buddy supposedly got the WV National Guard called out on him and a few of his cohorts for that trick.
09-03-2010, 01:46 PM
Thinking back I can't think of any things I did that could be labeled as "crazy". Dangerous perhaps... When i was a kid me and a couple of friends went through the "fire" phase. That is the phase of youth when kids become enthralled by the "fire God". One of the things we did was we would take a large sponge soaked in benzene. Then we would light it and play hockey with it kicking it around the street trying to get it past each other to score a "goal". It was street hockey with a wildly blazing puck. One time we were playing it and the sponge went out. So I decided to refuel it. I began pouring benzene on it and all of a sudden WHHHOOOM !! The puck burst into flames and the flames traced back to the can and it nearly blew up in my hands.
Then there was the time that my friend poured some benzene into an empty fish food container and lit it... in my BASEMENT. He thought it would burn like a lamp, But instead it blew up showering the basement with fire. Lucky there was a hose nearby and I got it out quickly,.
There were other fire related stories but these 2 stand out the clearest. Fortunately I outgrew the "fire worship" phase of my youth before I either killed myself or burned down the house. It was a miracle I survived.
Based on these memories, if I had kids of my own and caught them playing with fire they'd be in one big heap o trouble.
09-03-2010, 01:50 PM
Try doing it with an earthmover tire's inner tube.
Buddy supposedly got the WV National Guard called out on him and a few of his cohorts for that trick.
A few years ago there was a story in the news about a guy who filled a large latex balloon with some flammable gas mixture. He had it in his car when it blew... It blew out the windows of the car, did significant damage, and he was burned and injured pretty bad. Police believe that static electrical charges caused the balloon to blow.
09-03-2010, 02:13 PM
throwing the empty beer bottles through the hole in the floorboard of my old dart as the cop lit me up for a traffic stop.
I like this one.
09-03-2010, 02:19 PM
the "fire God".
How about fire bombing ants with the drips off a burning blob of plastic on the end of a stick?
09-03-2010, 02:29 PM
When I was a kid I picked an old AC/DC AM radio out of the trash. The speaker was bad so I hooked up an old pair of headphones to it. The headphones had metal rivets that contacted my ears. Somehow through the wiring, they were also in contact with the hot chassis of the radio. One day I was sitting in my chair listening , and I leaned back and put my bare feet on the metal radiator. This completed the 115 VAC circuit . My legs locked straight out launching me over the back of the chair and I landed against the wall upside down. Some of lifes lessons can be very unpleasant. :(
09-03-2010, 02:32 PM
How about fire bombing ants with the drips off a burning blob of plastic on the end of a stick?
Never did that. I was always afraid that if I did something like that then in the next world God would turn me into an ant living in the yard of some kid who enjoys burning plastic near anthills.. :)
09-03-2010, 02:36 PM
Beating up 5 kids that jumped me when I was 6 years old. Must have been a big deal. The kids parents "hired" a couple of black kids and one white kid from another neighborhood to jump me. I "won" if you will but it pissed off my dad. He was pissed off because it was a school day and I had my school clothes on even though it was well after school.
Let me check on the statute of limitations and I'll get back to you.
09-03-2010, 05:11 PM
While building the treehouse mandatory for males to build in order to achieve "manhood", we cut down a very tall oak tree which promptly fell across some high tension feeders, knocking power out to several modest neighborhoods. They never figured out who was responsible.
On graduation night, after hiring some geeks as designated drivers to haul us to Va Beach (another ritual of passage), two of us climbed out of the passenger windows at 55 mph in the Hampton Roads Bridge/Tunnel and rode through the tunnel lying on the hoods of our cars. The Norfolk Police were waiting for us on the other side. They were impressed that we had designated drivers, so they let us go after a lot of hassle. I got locked up several hours later in Va Beach for public intoxication.
There's more, but some stories are best untold ...
09-03-2010, 05:48 PM
Next door neighbor's dad was a welder. Would take his oxy-acetylene setup and pump a "few" shots of gas mix into a 55 gallon drum then toss a match in.
Oh cool !! when I was kid I did the same thing ....instead I took pop cans and filled them with acetylene I took from the neighbours welding torch kit he left sitting at the side of house, and stuffed the can opening with a wad of paper,set a match to paper and tossed them like grenades! ...oh the bang!! ....and that aluminum shrapenel!!.... sort of lost the enthusiasm when a chunk of shrapnel went into my leg.... but hey... we were kids!! ;)
09-03-2010, 05:57 PM
In High School, we once had a religious guy give an all-school assembly (1200 kids). I think it was an anti-drug thing, not religious, but the guy was wearing a white suit, white shoes and driving a white Caddy. We wrapped a buddy's head in a cloth and had him "streak" the stage (1973, streaking was still "in"). Me and another buddy provided cover (I had a master key to the school). The streak was done BEHIND the speaker, so he had no idea what hit him -- just that all of the sudden, the audience went nuts. Streaker buddy was "closeted" in a locked dressing room backstage seconds later, which went unnoticed during the subsequent search for the offender. They never did figure out who was behind it, but it got a nice write-up in the paper. ;) A few of the teachers were "mortified."
I went on to smoke pot. :rofl:
I filled up my uncle's heatin oil tank with about 400 gal of water from the garden hose playing "Oil Man" one time.
Yeah, I was into the emulation thing...Fascinated with garbage men as well..riding and hanging on the side of the truck was ultra cool, IMHO.
Painted my unc's dog with some house paint right on the belly one time.
The dog loved it, but got pissed when they tried to clean him up.
As a side note..that same dog bit the shit of my dad when he was giving me an ass whoopin in the yard one time.
We always liived next door to my unc so effin up was always a 2 family affair.
My cousin was learning to drive and she musta put their big ass Galaxy 500 wagon in the wrong gear or something and took out a fence and my dads workshop...
"She musta hit it going about 30 mph" I remember my dad saying. All I remember was some noise and some screaming.
Good times with the extended fam.
09-03-2010, 06:03 PM
There's more, but some stories are best untold ...
Yeah, I agree, but I'll allow myself one...
Boon-dockin' in my dad's Subaru 4x4 wagon, after midnight, in a Corpse of Engineers designed levee system around Las Cruces. (It was our daytime moto-cross track, where we rode our dirt bikes) About 3AM, I dropped the whole car-bumper to bumper, in a newly washed out ravine/arroyo. The car lights gave me away and the sheriff showed up right on Que.
Well, drunk as a skunk, with a carton of cigarettes and a second bottle of whiskey (that one of the local natives purchased in exchange for a ride somewhere), by my side.
I was 13.
Pretty much went downhill from there...for a while anyway.
I went on to smoke pot. :rofl:
Me too.:rofl:
09-03-2010, 06:39 PM
I went on to smoke pot. :rofl:
As did so many. When I was in High school it was impossible to avoid. I used pot, alcohol, and dabbled with "harder stuff" i.e. cocaine, heroin, acid, etc. And I will admit, I liked it. However, it was so common in those days I hardly even consider it unique. So did so many others as I did. heck, I remember the mother of one friend of mine telling us how she and her friends were partying at jazz clubs and getting high on all sorts of drugs back in the 1930's. Guess she was a cool swingin "reefer madness" kinda dame.
09-03-2010, 06:44 PM
When I was a kid I picked an old AC/DC AM radio out of the trash. The speaker was bad so I hooked up an old pair of headphones to it. The headphones had metal rivets that contacted my ears. Somehow through the wiring, they were also in contact with the hot chassis of the radio. One day I was sitting in my chair listening , and I leaned back and put my bare feet on the metal radiator. This completed the 115 VAC circuit . My legs locked straight out launching me over the back of the chair and I landed against the wall upside down. Some of lifes lessons can be very unpleasant. :(
video please
09-03-2010, 06:45 PM
Walking up the side of a mountain on acid and not being able to do it again on a sober day. The next time I tried it, I had to climb it. The mind is a powerful thing. The mind on acid is an unleashed whirlwind of what would be normally suppressed potentials. Just goes to show you, if you believe it, it will come true. The thing is that the normal rational mind is always told that such and such is impossible.
09-03-2010, 06:45 PM
I filled up my uncle's heatin oil tank with about 400 gal of water from the garden hose playing "Oil Man" one time.
Yeah, I was into the emulation thing...
I was fascinated by power lines and line work. I remember stringing wires between trees playing "lineman" as a kid. My mom was furious when I borrowed her new extension cord and ran a drop to my window. I even energized some of my overhead lines with a low voltage train transformer and I wanted to get hold of an ignition coil or neon sign transformer so I could run a high voltage feed line across the yard. That earned me a big NO!! from mom & dad.
i was also fascinated with street lighting and I rigged up lights on photocontrols to emulate street lights.
Walking up the side of a mountain on acid and not being able to do it again on a sober day. The next time I tried it, I had to climb it. The mind is a powerful thing. The mind on acid is an unleashed whirlwind of what would be normally suppressed potentials. Just goes to show you, if you believe it, it will come true. The thing is that the normal rational mind is always told that such and such is impossible.
Yeah, I also did some things in an altered state that I never would have been able to accomplish normally. In particular, I remember holding timed races with my friends to see who could climb to the top of a 60-foot Douglas Fir the quickest. I don't recall the exact times now (they were all less than 2 minutes, though) but I do remember being incredulous when I looked at them the next day.
BTW, these races held at night which added both to the challenge and the stupidity.
09-03-2010, 06:59 PM
Given up for dead on a fishing trip. 2 man blow up "fishin boat" bench weight anchor, garden rake paddle.
local police, fire, park service..... scanning the river for my body. If I didn't show up they were going to drag for me the next day. friend violating probation by being "out of state" fishing had to report me missing...........
09-03-2010, 07:04 PM
A friend, I and 2 babes dropped some acid, then went to visit a guy I worked with. After a while we decided to leave his second floor apartment and the 4 of us together fell down his carpeted stairs (leading to the ground level that seemed to extend into infinity) in SLOW MOTION. I'll never forget it. We were all laughing our butts off.
I knew I could drive ok, it was 11 PM when we passed by a theater that was letting out. All the cars that rushed to be the first out & headed towards the carless 4 lane road I was on turned into turtles in vivid color. I managed to remember I was driving and hitting a turtle was a no no.
Man, I can't believe all the old acid freaks on this site! I knew there was a reason I felt at home here...
09-03-2010, 07:12 PM
Man, I can't believe all the old acid freaks on this site! I knew there was a reason I felt at home here...
Click in, click on, drop out.:lol:
Set the standard.
09-04-2010, 06:17 PM
When I was 17 me & hommes were cruising the east side (of Springfield). We 4 lads were a wee bit intoxicated after 36 little kings cream ale, and a nickle bag of weed. We all had the munchies, stopped at a Long John Silvers fish & chips place. While waiting in line we spotted a treasure chest full of goodies for the kiddies. We put on the pirates hats, and eyepatches. We were threatening each other with the cardboard swords talking like pirates. The older people eating at the tables were not amused. I spotted a decorative sword on the wall. I was able to unlatch it, it slid right out of the holder. I was now armed with a real metal sword. I went after my friends with greater vigor. The manager spotted my actions. He came around the counter and yelled "give me the sword". I thurst the tip of the sword at his throat, and he backed up against the counter. I yelled in my best pirate accent "Avast there ye landlubber before I runs yea through". He jumped over the counter, and ran in the back room. We decided to get while it was still an option. We ran outside still wearing the paper pirate hats, and eyepatches. I tossed the sword up on the roof. we got out of the neighborhood with much haste. I called my ham buddy on my ht. I asked him to monitor the Springfield PD. Yes indeed they were dispatched. We went to my house to sober up.
My friend told a kid at school about it. He told me that the incident made the local paper. The article mentioned a young pirate took his role too seriously and threatened the manager with the decorational sword. The article further stated that the young pirate tossed the sword on the store's roof. The police took the report, and stated if they caught the young man they would not know what to charge him with, except petty swashbuckleing. I had my 15 minutes of fame , and didnt realize it.
The police took the report, and stated if they caught the young man they would not know what to charge him with, except petty swashbuckleing.
Aggravated mopery with intent to lean...
On the farm we liked to blow stuff up. Favorite thing I liked to do was to tape three cans of spray paint around a road flare. Light the flare and run like hell. Would make a pretty nice fireball most of the time. Sometimes the spray nozzle would burn out first and would make a flame thrower out of them till another can blew up.
Had the sheriff stop by every now and then saying that someone reported an explosion. :whistle:
Thermite was also fun to play with.
09-04-2010, 09:15 PM
One of my buddies had a sister who was depressed (lost a cat or something). She was missing the gas cap on her Pinto, so to cheer her up, we drove around for several nights, stealing Pinto gas caps. Had a big box full when we were done.
For YEARS, I'd see Pintos driving around with primer gray gas caps. Some still had rags sticking out years later.
I'll go to hell for that.
09-04-2010, 09:28 PM
Then there was the time that my friend poured some benzene into an empty fish food container and lit it... in my BASEMENT. He thought it would burn like a lamp, But instead it blew up showering the basement with fire. Lucky there was a hose nearby and I got it out quickly,.
There were other fire related stories but these 2 stand out the clearest. Fortunately I outgrew the "fire worship" phase of my youth before I either killed myself or burned down the house. It was a miracle I survived.
Based on these memories, if I had kids of my own and caught them playing with fire they'd be in one big heap o trouble.
That you Pugsley? Hows the train set? :snicker:
09-04-2010, 10:33 PM
How about fire bombing ants with the drips off a burning blob of plastic on the end of a stick?
We did that using the burning drips from plastic bags. This was also entertaining for the sound it made as the plastic dripped.
Of course there was a time when the sound was a lot louder and not so entertaining. I still have the scars on two fingers
from that one.
Other things I'll have to read up on the statute of limitations laws before I post too much.... Or I mean we never did anything. We were perfect angels. :angel:
09-04-2010, 10:34 PM
One of my buddies had a sister who was depressed (lost a cat or something). She was missing the gas cap on her Pinto, so to cheer her up, we drove around for several nights, stealing Pinto gas caps. Had a big box full when we were done.
For YEARS, I'd see Pintos driving around with primer gray gas caps. Some still had rags sticking out years later.
I'll go to hell for that.
See you there. I'll be in the third bungalow on the left as you pass the fire pit.
09-04-2010, 10:51 PM
Other things I'll have to read up on the statute of limitations laws before I post too much....
oh playing doctor with all the girls in the hood.
I (12) went over to play with a friend across the street once only to find his older sister (14) home. She was acting really strange and talked me into the house to wait for him to get back. I sat on the couch and she promptly sat right next to me, one thing led to another, and..... Let's just say the thing I remember the most were some really unusual smells. I was happy as all heck to get outta there...
09-04-2010, 10:59 PM
On the farm we liked to blow stuff up. Favorite thing I liked to do was to tape three cans of spray paint around a road flare. Light the flare and run like hell. Would make a pretty nice fireball most of the time. Sometimes the spray nozzle would burn out first and would make a flame thrower out of them till another can blew up.
Had the sheriff stop by every now and then saying that someone reported an explosion. :whistle:
Thermite was also fun to play with.
Sounds familiar, we would take a peanut butter jar lid, put a CO2 cartridge (the ones for the pellet guns) in it and a few tablespoons of gasoline then light. The CO2 cartridge would explode quite loudly when it got hot enough. Really stupid for the shrapnel that would fly.
Made many copper tube bombs with match heads and Jet-X fuse. We would buy that stuff up so much the hobby store was often out of it.
You could take a ball of medium steel wool, dip it in kerosene, (then shake off most of the kerosene or it wouldn't work) hold it to a propane torch for one second then throw it. It would burn like a meteor as it passed through the air.
09-04-2010, 11:02 PM
http://forums.hamisland.images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by kc7jty http://forums.hamisland.images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://forums.hamisland.showthread.php?p=259205#post25920 5)
How about fire bombing ants with the drips off a burning blob of plastic on the end of a stick?
We did that using the burning drips from plastic bags. This was also entertaining for the sound it made as the plastic dripped.
Of course there was a time when the sound was a lot louder and not so entertaining. I still have the scars on two fingers
from that one.
Other things I'll have to read up on the statute of limitations laws before I post too much.... Or I mean we never did anything. We were perfect angels. :angel:
Empty shotgun shells age 9. Plastic Q-tips age 7.
New Years Day, age 6. I was scanning the curb along the road of the apartment complex we lived in for unexploded dud fireworks. Found a couple of bottle rockets. You know, little skinny mini rockets on a long stick. Earlier in the day I met a kid who was holding a bottle rocket he found over the flame in the little door at the bottom of a gas clothes dryer in the laundry-mat. The dryer was running and producing the flame it was designed to produce. Usually the bottle rocket would just flare up real good with a loud "pop."
Well, the kid left and I had gone home for lunch and came back later for more bottle rocket burning. Often the thermostat would shut off the large flame and you would have to switch dryers. While I was doing this, a washer/dryer repair man happened in and saw me holding a bottle rocket and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was looking for the big fire in the dryer but they kept going out. Well guess what happened next? You ready? Seriously, are you ready?
He showed me where the pilot light was! It was little but it stayed on. The repair man left the laundry-mat and I proceeded to hold the end of an unexploded bottle rocket over the pilot light of a dryer that was not being used. This was great. It stayed on and I didn't have to find a running dryer that was in heating mode.
Five minutes later
09-05-2010, 12:01 AM
Never did the gas dryer bit with bottle rockets but I can tell you what it cost
to replace street signs if, let's say for sake of argument, one was to light off
an M-80 or two between the two sides. They were expensive back then, I'd
hate to think what they would cost today.
09-05-2010, 12:01 AM
oh playing doctor with all the girls in the hood.
I (12) went over to play with a friend across the street once only to find his older sister (14) home. She was acting really strange and talked me into the house to wait for him to get back. I sat on the couch and she promptly sat right next to me, one thing led to another, and..... Let's just say the thing I remember the most were some really unusual smells. I was happy as all heck to get outta there...
I plead the 5th.
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