View Full Version : Whacker busted for being STUPID. What a shock!;_ylt=AgSstH45uieEvrfhvd 9wFrCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNyM3NsbG9nBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMT AwNDI2L3VzX29iYW1hX25jX2FpcnBvcnRfYXJyZXN0BGNjb2Rl A21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDMwRwb3MDMTEEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2 tlBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2FybWVkbWFuYXJyZQ--
His car was equipped with clear LED law enforcement-style strobe lights in the front and rear dash, Smith said. The car also had a mounted digital camera in the front window, four large antennas on the trunk lid, and under the steering wheel was a working siren box. Smith said McVey was not in law enforcement.
When McVey got out of the car, he was listening to a handheld scanner and radio that had a remote earpiece, Smith said. Police said he was monitoring local agencies and had formulas for rifle scopes on a note in his cup holder.
The guy looks like he's about 12.
I doubt he was there to off the President. However he gets an A+ in the clueless department. I'm sure someone will have fun with last name word association.
*Edit* The guy appears to be a ham. There's a registered amateur operator with his name in the home town listed for the whacker.
This guy?
This guy?
That's him.
Of course, you cannot say "Whacker" on the other site...and all the EmComm Apologistas will be along shortly to defend their protege ... :wall
ETA - mention of the event has been let's see how long it remains:
Well his last name is Mc Vey. Thought he was related to Tim. And a Whacker. Well on his way to stardom, And a few Good nights with Bubba by his side... Don't drop the soap WHACKERBOY !!!! :rofl: :rofl:
Sheethead lives about 50 miles south of my area. If you know the locale you'd probably understand. :roll:
Wonder how this event is going to fit in with the ARRL's incessant "Public Service- Served Agencies" image campaign?
04-26-2010, 08:11 AM
Not a lick of common sense.
Wonder how this event is going to fit in with the ARRL's incessant "Public Service- Served Agencies" image campaign?
This years theme... All whacked out and ready to serve. :rofl:
Wonder how this event is going to fit in with the ARRL's incessant "Public Service- Served Agencies" image campaign?
This years theme... All whacked out and ready to serve. :rofl:
Of course...the ARRL association is being downplayed elsewhere, but if WhackerBoi were to state during questioning that the League's Public Service angle is WHY he got into ham radio in the first place... :roll:
ARFCom is having a field day with the idiot:
04-26-2010, 05:08 PM
I think some of you guys have gone around the bend in your anti public service attitude on ham radio.
Which is opposite but equivalent to the "whacker" attitude.
I'm no "whacker" but I did spend a solid week transporting people and supplies during a rare blizzard here.
I think some of you guys have gone around the bend in your anti public service attitude on ham radio.
I cannot speak for the rest of the people in this thread...but in regards to the Amateur Radio hobby, I'm not "anti-public-service".
I am, on the other hand, vehemently opposed to the ARRL's insistence on jumping into bed with a number of federal agencies and pushing the "When all else fails!" agenda solely for the purpose of swelling their ranks with wannabe 'First responders'.
The approach is irresponsible, and when some friggin' idiot buys into their "Save the World!" spiel hook, line and sinker then proceeds to pull some extremely boneheaded move and lands his sorry butt on the national evening news, it makes every one of us look bad.
(Doubly so because the damned moron had a the Brady Bunch will be jumping all over THAT.)
Those of us who still give a sh!t about the amateur radio service have every right to be upset when some a$$hat does something like this.
04-26-2010, 05:33 PM
(Doubly so because the damned moron had a the Brady Bunch will be jumping all over THAT.)
Those of us who still give a sh!t about the amateur radio service have every right to be upset when some a$$hat does something like this.
Have you not taken note of the strange firearm charge leveled against the lad? A misdemeanor. He is NOT charged with illegally carrying a firearm.
So I have presumed that the lad was also in possession of a CCW.
Multiple antennas on the car, we got those here.
The strobe lights are perfectly legal.
So far, I haven't heard of a single serious charge being leveled against the lad.
So for now, I'm fairly uninterested in the lad, unless something interesting arises.
I think some of you guys have gone around the bend in your anti public service attitude on ham radio.
I cannot speak for the rest of the people in this thread...but in regards to the Amateur Radio hobby, I'm not "anti-public-service".
I am, on the other hand, vehemently opposed to the ARRL's insistence on jumping into bed with a number of federal agencies and pushing the "When all else fails!" agenda solely for the purpose of swelling their ranks with wannabe 'First responders'.
The approach is irresponsible, and when some friggin' idiot buys into their "Save the World!" spiel hook, line and sinker then proceeds to pull some extremely boneheaded move and lands his sorry butt on the national evening news, it makes every one of us look bad.
(Doubly so because the damned moron had a the Brady Bunch will be jumping all over THAT.)
Those of us who still give a sh!t about the amateur radio service have every right to be upset when some a$$hat does something like this.
While you do not presume to speak for others , I couldn't have summed up my own thoughts any better . add my +1 .
Da Zed yanked this story off the board. And dilly I don't have not one thing against service. But as a very old ham told me years ago. THEY DON'T NEED US. If they do they will let us know. If you want to do something that really matters, Work with the weather service. Thats where amatuers are needed. NOT playing junior policeman whackerboy.. :yes: Edit: they moved this story to T&O :oops:
04-26-2010, 07:09 PM
It is to laugh.
Before we drag the ARRL (correctly or incorrectly) into this schmuck's story... did you notice in the AP story that before he became a ham, he was an active member of REACT, and he was defended quite strenuously by the local head of REACT.
Not all whackers are because of the "if all else fails" push. Some were whackers long before they got their amateur license.
This is neither to defend nor attack the ARRL's campaign... just sayin' that it may have had nothing to do with this putz.
Before we drag the ARRL (correctly or incorrectly) into this schmuck's story... did you notice in the AP story that before he became a ham, he was an active member of REACT, and he was defended quite strenuously by the local head of REACT.
Not all whackers are because of the "if all else fails" push. Some were whackers long before they got their amateur license.
This is neither to defend nor attack the ARRL's campaign... just sayin' that it may have had nothing to do with this putz.
That being the case, the seeds of whackerdom were planted long before this person became involved with the ARS.
I could tell ya stories involving fact, I will when I see you at Butler.
04-26-2010, 09:40 PM
Well, darn, 'YX...regale the rest of us with said stories. You can [strike:tq87rwq0]alter[/strike:tq87rwq0] change the names/callsigns to protect the [strike:tq87rwq0]guilty[/strike:tq87rwq0] innocent. :snicker:
But yeah, REACT...I'm not surprised.
04-26-2010, 10:25 PM
I had to Google REACT to see what the hell it was. :rofl:
Now that bunch does look like the epitome of "whackerdom". :rofl:
Let's see now, if the REACT whackers sprung into service at the very peak of a very good sunspot cycle they just might be able to communicate effectively. If they could convince the DX hounds to shut the hell up for a second. :rofl:
Before we drag the ARRL (correctly or incorrectly) into this schmuck's story... did you notice in the AP story that before he became a ham, he was an active member of REACT, and he was defended quite strenuously by the local head of REACT.
Not all whackers are because of the "if all else fails" push. Some were whackers long before they got their amateur license.
This is neither to defend nor attack the ARRL's campaign... just sayin' that it may have had nothing to do with this putz.
That being the case, the seeds of whackerdom were planted long before this person became involved with the ARS.
I could tell ya stories involving fact, I will when I see you at Butler.
Is that a promise or a threat? :snicker:
No problem, we should be in the same old place. And feel free to stick around for lunch.
Someone say LUNCH !! I'm On the way. :cheers:
Interesting commentary here:
04-28-2010, 11:01 AM
Interesting commentary here:
He makes a very important and undeniable point.
Interesting commentary here:
He makes a very important and undeniable point.
There's more:
Interesting commentary here:
He makes a very important and undeniable point.
Which is...?
Consider the source. During the time that Chuck W3YNI was having difficulties over his tower, Lee had the audacity to tell us that K3AIR -- Chuck's lawyer -- was wrong on quite a few points, all without Lee's knowing (a) the zoning laws in Chuck's community, (b) the laws in PA are different than the laws in VA on many points, and (c) all the facts in the case. And that's just what he posted on the Zed and on eHam, he also had a lot more things he said direct to Chuck that can not be repeated here.
Lee also routinely had negative comments about the PA PRB-1 bill last year and what it did and didn't mean... usually by picking apart very minor points out of context.
We don't even need to get into his very-anti ARRL comments over the years.
Suffice to say that while I am no expert, nor do I pretend to be one on TV or online, I will not accept as gospel anything Lee says without verifying it on my own.
Interesting commentary here:
He makes a very important and undeniable point.
Which is...?
The constant emphasis on EmComm as the end-all, be-all 'savior' of the amateur radio service.
It ain't.
04-28-2010, 05:50 PM
Sounds like some ham-cop wanta bee's from Wausau, Wisconsin. They petition the state to have red and blue light bars on their cars. Thank God, the state assembly saw how ridiculous it was and said no!
04-29-2010, 08:54 PM
This guy?
That's him.
Of course, you cannot say "Whacker" on the other site...and all the EmComm Apologistas will be along shortly to defend their protege ... :wall
ETA - mention of the event has been let's see how long it remains:
Is'nt can excercise full ridicule of "whackers" here on the Island with total freedom whereas at QRZ ones posting priviledges can go way of the great Ghandi even mentioning them :rofl:
Maybe a "Whacker" of the month thread can be started....if one does'nt exist already... :spin:
Interesting commentary here:
He makes a very important and undeniable point.
Which is...?
The constant emphasis on EmComm as the end-all, be-all 'savior' of the amateur radio service.
It ain't.
Well, I respectfully disagree... to a point.
Do they emphasis EmComm? Yes. Too much? Probably.
But as the be all, end all savior? No. Not from what I've seen. In fact, it seems to be only the whackers way out on the one limb, and the anti-whackers way out on the other, who seem to insist that this is the case.
Just ask the guys who think that the ARRL's be-all end-all is contesting. Or Dx'ing, to name two.
Well, I respectfully disagree... to a point.
Do they emphasis EmComm? Yes. Too much? Probably.
But as the be all, end all savior? No. Not from what I've seen. In fact, it seems to be only the whackers way out on the one limb, and the anti-whackers way out on the other, who seem to insist that this is the case.
Just ask the guys who think that the ARRL's be-all end-all is contesting. Or Dx'ing, to name two.
The view of things from your neck of the woods is evidently different than ours. Here, the EmComm agenda is seemingly ALL that's pushed vis affiliated clubs. Very little emphasis on anything else is evidenced.
Well, I respectfully disagree... to a point.
Do they emphasis EmComm? Yes. Too much? Probably.
But as the be all, end all savior? No. Not from what I've seen. In fact, it seems to be only the whackers way out on the one limb, and the anti-whackers way out on the other, who seem to insist that this is the case.
Just ask the guys who think that the ARRL's be-all end-all is contesting. Or Dx'ing, to name two.
The view of things from your neck of the woods is evidently different than ours. Here, the EmComm agenda is seemingly ALL that's pushed vis affiliated clubs. Very little emphasis on anything else is evidenced.
Who is doing the pushing? This may be the personal agenda of the SEC, or the SM... and you're being told that it's the League's agenda, but that may not be entirely accurate.
I've noticed over the years (and it's been way too many years) that there are some people who get a position and try to maximize it for their own agenda or benefit. The late EC for Beaver County was one of these. I liked Dave personally, but to hear him talk, EmComm was the be-all and end-all of Amateur Radio. (No, he wasn't a whacker, but he could get pretty darn close sometimes). But that was HIS agenda... which he pushed because of his position. It was NOT the League's agenda... but many people assumed it was because of his position.
Who is doing the pushing? This may be the personal agenda of the SEC, or the SM... and you're being told that it's the League's agenda, but that may not be entirely accurate.
Of the situations that I'm familiar with, the biggest snafu was emplaced courtesy of the SEC. Visions of sugar plums faeries, grant money and "official" status must have proven too strong a lure.
Unfortunately, these shenanigans have the very real potential to take at least one otherwise respectable club right down the tubes...but d@mn it, this is 'Post 9/11' and we gotta be see-cure!
Who is doing the pushing? This may be the personal agenda of the SEC, or the SM... and you're being told that it's the League's agenda, but that may not be entirely accurate.
Of the situations that I'm familiar with, the biggest snafu was emplaced courtesy of the SEC. Visions of sugar plums faeries, grant money and "official" status must have proven too strong a lure.
Unfortunately, these shenanigans have the very real potential to take at least one otherwise respectable club right down the tubes...but d@mn it, this is 'Post 9/11' and we gotta be see-cure!
And this is what I'm getting at.
Your SEC is pushing this. Not the League.
Oh, certainly, he's getting some level of encouragement from the League to be a good SEC, but it sounds like he's personally pushing it to the next level -- where Amateur Radio crosses the line from Amateur to Professional services rendered. And I'd betcha that if the League staff knew what was really going on, they wouldn't be so encouraging of this guy, especially of this push.
This is the problem I have. I don't think a lot of people (especially the League bashers) know or care about how loosely a lot of the field organization is actually tied to HQ; there's a lot of flexibility there. Has to be, because what works for one section won't neccesarily work as well, if at all, in others, for a variety of reasons too numerous to mention. But instead, it's a lot easier to say "the SEC? He's an ARRL Officer, therefore, he sets or follows ARRL Official Policy." And in cases like this, that ain't neccesarily so, more often than not.
Take, for example, a certain troll that has lost his welcome on QRZ, didn't last here too long (remember? he wanted to get us investigating someone he had a bone to pick with, court document searches and all that) last seen dropping neigh-bombs over on eHam. (Neigh bombs... as in Nay, nada, negative... as in You can't do this, you can't do that..) He has a big beef with the ARRL, because some local EC or equivalent got into a hassle with him over the use of a simplex frequency. That the local yokel had a section appointment was all he needed to blame the whole mess on the entire ARRL staff, management, and membership.
04-30-2010, 04:31 PM
This is the problem I have. I don't think a lot of people (especially the League bashers) know or care about how loosely a lot of the field organization is actually tied to HQ; there's a lot of flexibility there. Has to be, because what works for one section won't neccesarily work as well, if at all, in others, for a variety of reasons too numerous to mention. But instead, it's a lot easier to say "the SEC? He's an ARRL Officer, therefore, he sets or follows ARRL Official Policy." And in cases like this, that ain't neccesarily so, more often than not.
I think most of us understand that, Ron, and I could also understand why you might consider me one of the League Bashers, if you do.
I grew up having a profound respect for the ARRL, hell...I actually learned how to read "big boy words" by cutting my teeth on QST and other publications at a very young age. I had ARRL stickers on school notebooks, skateboards, bikes...whatever. My dad was a member, and did the civil defense stuff as an amateur in his youth.
I have watched this organization for a long time, 35 or so years...all things that wouldn't be readily apparent by my relatively new callsign. I care about this hobby deeply. I always knew I would become licensed when time and life allowed.
Lately, I've been looking at it like this:
It's like flies to shit.
The ARRL has emblazoned what was once a secondary, as needed, aspect of our hobby on their welcome mat...It's used as a draw, to recruit new hams. Be special- Be psuedo-public service. You can say it's a local problem, but dammit, just look at the ARRL's websites, advertising, slogan's, regulatory positions...etc and then try to tell me that again, with a straight face. This problem is loaded from the top down.
Exactly what do they expect to attract with that shit? Whacker flies, that's what, and they're coming.
They're coming, and they're trying to change amateur radio to suit THEIR needs. Their efforts have little regard for historical perspective, longstanding rules, amateur culture, or anything else that matters to those of us who came to appreciate ham radio in the traditional manner.
If you ask me, their approach to EMCOMM is totally ass-backwards. Instead of enlisting PS wannabe's who don't wannaradio for anything other than it's officicialistic appearance, let's try to get this done with the people who find themselves licensed because their interest in radio is strong enough to follow through with it.
It is my opinion that the ARRL is not doing us any favors by attracting many of those who would be wooed by such a front page EMCOMM strategy.
...and it IS front page, in your face, totally whacktastic, and top loaded from Newington.
(and yes, I took great creative liberties with coining new terms here. :lol:)
If you ask me, their approach to EMCOMM is totally ass-backwards. Instead of enlisting PS wannabe's who don't wannaradio for anything other than it's officicialistic appearance, let's try to get this done with the people who find themselves licensed because their interest in radio is strong enough to follow through with it.
It is my opinion that the ARRL is not doing us any favors by attracting many of those who would be wooed by such a front page EMCOMM strategy.
...and it IS front page, in your face, totally whacktastic, and top loaded from Newington.
In marksmanship circles, we term that type of summary an "X-ring" hit.
Theres a local individual who i won't say his name or title. He's allways right there to mug it up for the TV cameras at every chance. He has a handheld. He been licensed for years. Has never ever been heard on a repeater, simplex, Nothing. But he's there shooting his mouth off driving the police nuts. don't ask me what drives these guys. I don't have a clue.
04-30-2010, 07:39 PM
don't ask me what drives these guys. I don't have a clue.
It's the FIFE gene.
04-30-2010, 10:26 PM
It's the FIFE gene.
Ya gotta nip it, nip it in the bud.
There a few that need a whole lot a nippin.
05-02-2010, 08:46 AM
Gimme the bullets, Barney.
You know what's really scary? Some of the whackers ARE on the Police Force. (Maybe we should call them Fife-er's?)
They went ape-sputz yesterday morning during the Pittsburgh Marathon. OhMyGahd, someone spotted a Suspicious Device outside the Greyhound Terminal at 8:30 AM! (Never mind that it had been reported the night before, several times, and ignored).
It Looks Suspicious! :scared:
They cordoned off the area (disrupting the Marathon route... already in progress... sending the runners from the Marathon AND the Half-Marathon into the crowd and into the barriers that nobody bothered to move), sent in a Robot and Took An X-Ray. It showed there was something SUSPICIOUS inside the Suspicious Device. So they blew it up.
Yes, we have been Saved from the Terrorists, the Pittsburgh Police blew up a microwave oven that contained a styrofoam shell with the dangerous contents of ravioli.
Any time now, they're going to order an All Points Bulletin for Chef Boyardee. :lol:
...sarcasm aside, I know the Police have a tough job, and they wanted to take no chances. But why didn't they check it out the evening before when it was first reported? And if they couldn't tell from the "X-Ray" that the contents were raviolli, either they need a new remote controlled x-ray device, or need to retrain whomever read the damned thing in the first place.
05-03-2010, 10:27 AM
All Points Bulletin for Chef Boyardee
aka, Gut Bomb.
The threat level was high.
The threat level was high Red.
Tomato sauce red, that is ... :whistle:
05-03-2010, 03:06 PM
The new glut of money being poured into emcomm whackerdom has a lot to do with the whole mess. Our own beloved Vinnie/K7VV got a $250K grant from the governor of OR for winlink nodes. From what I find on the net, all Fed and state gov agencies are pouring out those dollars like water on the emcomm whackers.
Your "recovery act" and "stimulus dollars" at work in ham radio.:vomit:
The new glut of money being poured into emcomm whackerdom has a lot to do with the whole mess. Our own beloved Vinnie/K7VV got a $250K grant from the governor of OR for winlink nodes. From what I find on the net, all Fed and state gov agencies are pouring out those dollars like water on the emcomm whackers.
Your "recovery act" and "stimulus dollars" at work in ham radio.:vomit:
Prove the Vinnie accusation, and the recovery act smear.
This sounds like another one of your (many) fabrications.
Yes, I'm calling you a liar.
Prove the Vinnie accusation, and the recovery act smear.
This sounds like another one of your (many) fabrications.
Yes, I'm calling you a liar.
He posted as much on the 'Zed at one time, and IIRC on eHam as well. Without searching, I don't know if the 'Zed stuff is still there or not. May have been deleted...
Thanks for that. I'll look over there. I wasn't able to find anything on a google search.
05-03-2010, 03:55 PM
Prove the Vinnie accusation, and the recovery act smear.
This sounds like another one of your (many) fabrications.
Yes, I'm calling you a liar.
You are such an uninformed, clueless ninny:
There's the OR governor's $250K grant for Winlink, from last year. Try to come up to speed there Dave.
You are such an uninformed, clueless ninny:
There's the OR governor's $250K grant for Winlink, from last year. Try to come up to speed there Dave.
Thanks for the link and proving my point, Dilly boy.
There's no mention of Vinnie or the Recovery Act in that article. Nobody was disputing the money was granted.
Who's the uninformed, clueless, ninny, who has to inject his peculiar politics into EVERYTHING , and as a Bonus, can't read? That would be you, Dilly Boy.
We'll start gauging your lies by using the DB (Dilly Boy) system. Just like signal strength, the lie or distortion will be measured in Dilly Boys.
"That whopper was 10 DB over Nine". BIIIG Whopper!"
Thanks for your contribution!
05-03-2010, 04:57 PM
Thanks for the link and proving my point, Dilly boy.
There's no mention of Vinnie or the Recovery Act in that article. Nobody was disputing the money was granted.
Who's the uninformed, clueless, ninny, who has to inject his peculiar politics into EVERYTHING , and as a Bonus, can't read? That would be you, Dilly Boy.
We'll start gauging your lies by using the DB (Dilly Boy) system. Just like signal strength, the lie or distortion will be measured in Dilly Boys.
"That whopper was 10 DB over Nine". BIIIG Whopper!"
Thanks for your contribution!
If every turd you deposit via your fingertips on your keyboard could only bring you a nickel, you'd be busting Warren Buffett out of first place by the end of the year.
If every turd you deposit via your fingertips on your keyboard could only bring you a nickel, you'd be busting Warren Buffett out of first place by the end of the year.
Take your pick. You'll get better some day...
05-03-2010, 05:10 PM
Take your pick. You'll get better some day...
Dayum man! It takes that much dope to keep you under control??? No thanks, you keep the stuff.:whistle:
05-03-2010, 06:07 PM
Been there camping in that area when I was a teenager. That is right in the heart of Amish territory too...
What scares me most about the vast majority of these government grants is that we don't always know what strings (visible or hidden) are attached.
One of these days, I suspect, someone from The Government is going to come around and want to see what was done with their money (never mind that it's from our taxes and is really OUR money, that's another story), and then start making 'suggestions' on what happens next. Some of these Whackers and Fifers are in for some rude surprises.
It makes me quite happy, in retrospect, that my club didn't take a dime of government-doled money to build our mobile tower-trailer. I've had a few whackers poke fun at us for turning down the "free" money, but the end result is that it is OURS with no strings. Unless, of course, they find some excuse to outright confiscate it, but with a good lawyer in the club, I'm not worried about it.
(We raised our money, btw, three ways. One was donations & contributions from members. Second was profits from our club's annual hamfest. Third... we sold advertising, just like good capitalisits...)
Thats it. It's not free money. Now one old fart with the Eau clair club has a 10.000 grant or whatever hanging over his head. He put his name on it. It is his. Will most likely die with it still in his name.
05-23-2010, 11:58 PM
OK, we have gone from guy who is a whacker putz to screwing with the police.
First off, if you are going to say you screw with the police you need the facts.
I can give you great details on my encounters with the police, not that much ever happens.
But, yes, a guy with a bunch of radios as well as a firearm and a ranging chart might draw a bit of attention when anywhere near the POTUS.
Facts be known, I draw attention when near the POTUS, and I have enough sense to not carry a firearm.
My POV does not have a siren or lights, why?
When I ride around in the company truck I have lights, yellow or white all around.
Radio? yes, a CB and company channel as well as Nextel.
That is it.
But, I am an active Democrat, and an excellent fund raiser, so I am involved.
The best I can ever hope for is Obama might shake my hand, that is it.
05-24-2010, 12:17 AM
And now back to the original subject matter.
As I'm sure we all know by now, this lad was a licensed gun toter and violated no laws at all.
Charges will probably be quietly dropped and the whole thing swept under the rug.:bfd:
05-27-2010, 09:25 AM
OK, we have gone from guy who is a whacker putz to screwing with the police.
First off, if you are going to say you screw with the police you need the facts.
I can give you great details on my encounters with the police, not that much ever happens.
But, yes, a guy with a bunch of radios as well as a firearm and a ranging chart might draw a bit of attention when anywhere near the POTUS.
Facts be known, I draw attention when near the POTUS, and I have enough sense to not carry a firearm.
My POV does not have a siren or lights, why?
When I ride around in the company truck I have lights, yellow or white all around.
Radio? yes, a CB and company channel as well as Nextel.
That is it.
But, I am an active Democrat, and an excellent fund raiser, so I am involved.
The best I can ever hope for is Obama might shake my hand, that is it.
The best I can ever hope for is that someone will take the checkbook away from him. As for the Whacker (Whacker, Whacker, Whacker) that felt good, as for the Whacker, he is in a heap of trouble and anyone his age should know better. Wow, I just might say K1MAN or 14.275.
Anyway, I know that some of you disagree but I hold the ARRL responsible for all this Whacker crap. There would still be Whackers in any case but a whole lot less of them and probably not one Government grant for ham equipment. By the way, who actually owns that equipment? How much you want to bet it finds it's way into some SEC's shack in a couple of years when it get's replaced with newer stuff.....
Anyway, I know that some of you disagree but I hold the ARRL responsible for all this Whacker crap. There would still be Whackers in any case but a whole lot less of them and probably not one Government grant for ham equipment. By the way, who actually owns that equipment? How much you want to bet it finds it's way into some SEC's shack in a couple of years when it get's replaced with newer stuff.....
Brother John scores a 10-ring hit with the obvious.
That grant money is a friggin' poison pill for amateur radio - regardless of how emphatically Newington claims the contrary.
05-28-2010, 06:00 PM
"The best I can ever hope for is Obama might shake my hand, that is it."
I hope you're prepared for 3rd degree burns.
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