View Full Version : Just a thought
04-02-2010, 11:08 AM
I have often thought about getting my extra. Though Im not entirely sure why. TBH and everyone knows this, my interest is in listening and learning. Im not really that big on the communications aspect of the hobby (well, my communicating anyway). I suppose that part of me wants it so that if there is someone that I want to strike up a conversation with in a segment of a band that I can not currently use then I could do so.
Another thought was to get it and become a VE. This is mostly because we do not have a great deal of VE's at the local testing session and sometimes sessions get canceled because we dont have enough VE's. Guess there is a lack of interest in becoming a VE.
I havent studied for my extra many months I lost interest and never have taken it. But after taking a practice test today and a few nights ago (took three at that time) I scored 65% + without studying each time. :chin: So I am thinking about giving the theory a once over every weekend for the next two weeks and giving it a whirl.
What says you? OFC I know there isnt a downside to taking my extra. I was actually wondering about the VE thing. Any naysayers and if so, why?
04-02-2010, 11:12 AM
I don't see any negatives.
Just how much time are you willing to devote to being a VE? I can be a fulltime job on occasion.
ETA: I've been considering my Extra. I prefer to have a hard copy of the book. It didn't cross my mind to pick one up at Charlotte last month. A couple of other small items also slipped my mind while I was there.
ETA: I've been considering my Extra. I prefer to have a hard copy of the book. It didn't cross my mind to pick one up at Charlotte last month. A couple of other small items also slipped my mind while I was there.
Way back when, I made the jump from Novice to Advanced in one test session. Once completed, I thought I had all the spectrum I needed...but there was something missing. Namely, freedom from QRM in the CW bands. That lower 25 was mighty inviting to someone who homebrewed a lot of QRP stuff and couldn't compete with all of the Kalifornia Kilowatts which were present in the General band at the time.
After a hiatus from ham radio in the mid 80s I once again took up the QRP challenge - and found that I really needed to get serious re: the exam. Days upon days of QRQ CW QSOs got my copying prowess to the point where I could pass the Element 1 portion with little trouble.
The written given at the time wasn't that difficult, all things considered. The Advanced test that was administered by the FCC, on the other hand, WAS. FWIW, I - along with many others - found the old Extra test to be easier than the Advanced and I probably should have taken all of the exams at one sitting.
When the new materials were put in place and I went for the exam, I set a record at our VE session for Element 4 that as far as I know has never been beat: 5 minutes start to finish. I was advised to double-check it so back to the table I went.
100%. To be honest, anyone who is willing to invest the time can duplicate this feat.
Get the and digest them...if it would help the membership, we'll create an Elmer-oriented forum for purposes of only exam study.
04-02-2010, 12:45 PM
I'll gloss through the thick part of the theory then go to the questions and answers and make mental notes and purposeful commitment to hard memory of things I'm not very familiar with. During this process, I take the practice tests on QRZ. The process takes about a week. Well it did for General. At the testing session I answered the questions in under ten minutes including proofreading. Missed one question about the 60m power limitation. I confused it with the 30m power limitation.
About a month ago I took the practice test for General three times on the Z site to test my memory retention. Scored 92%.
I know my method is shunned upon by some but the real learning comes in actual practice. The testing just gives you a background to start with. I over emphasize the importance of electrical safety in practice and when discussing simple home electricals with others. Familiarity can breed complacency with dangerous current and it must always be treated as if it is a loaded gun with a hair trigger or dynamite that has sweat. An over abundance of excess for safety in this area should always be observed.
I have often thought about getting my extra. Though Im not entirely sure why. So you can go over to 'da Zed' and ask how to build a fan dipole or complain about there being too many phone contests every bloody weekend!
But seriously (I will try not to make a habit of that!), being a VE is one of the reasons I got my "big ticket" (other than the obvious reason of being able to work anywhere in the amateur spectrum).
But the main reason for me to "go all the way" just isn't as much of a factor today as it was in "the goode ole days". Back then, the Amateur Extra license really meant something. In order to get your Extra, you had to first pass the Advanced test (assuming you were already a General). Let me tell you, this was the mother of all tests! I think because there was no Morse code test associated with this license, the written test was particularly difficult (for me anyway!). It was also the longest test at 50 questions which means the test pool was over 500 questions. Yikes!
Of course the real stumbling block to the Extra was the dreaded 20 WPM Morse code test. Quite often people would come in to take the code in one test session and the written in another. The written test was really not any harder than today's Extra test.
As you can tell by now, I am one of those people who was not happy about the elimination of Novice and Advanced tests and all of the Morse code tests. I did it, so how hard could it have been? I actually sold ALL of my gear and was off the air for several years I was so pissed off! Well I eventually got over it and realized that I really did miss amateur radio. I bought all new stuff (new to me anyway) and am back on the air.
At least I see that nothing has changed over at 'da Zed'.
It took six long months of study for me. Those who say the extra is easy are so full of Sh#t there eyes are brown. You have to want your extra. Or you will simply not get it. Memorize.. Bullsh*t.. I can't remember what i did yesterday. Study.. And study hard !!
04-02-2010, 01:18 PM
It took six long months of study for me. Those who say the extra is easy are so full of Sh#t there eyes are brown. You have to want your extra. Or you will simply not get it. Memorize.. Bullsh*t.. I can't remember what i did yesterday. Study.. And study hard !!
Yeah, I have that CRS syndrome happening but reading to study works differently for some I suppose. The General really was an easy test so, I'm not at all feeling a bit too full of myself over the prospect of studying for Extra. I do know that I will know the reality when I crack that book roger.
I know there are alot on here with an electonics background. But for a farm kid / Heavy equipment operator / Truck driver, It was damn hard..
04-02-2010, 01:31 PM
I was just a curious kid. I ain't got no proper skoolin'.
Right... I was thrown out at sixteen. Dad picked me up in the semi and said, No school.. Get a JOB.. So i did.
I know there are alot on here with an electonics background. But for a farm kid / Heavy equipment operator / Truck driver, It was damn hard..
To yours and Charles' post above, that's why the 'Elmer' concept exists.
I wasn't born knowing all of this stuff. Neither is anyone else.
04-02-2010, 01:54 PM
I surprise myself still with what my brain is capable of. The problem sometimes is tuning out the distractions. It is also good to know when it's time to put the book down.
I have to admit an advantage in that at age 11, I taught myself to read schematics. I was the only guy (in my peer group) applying for part time work at 15 who could answer yes to knowing how to read them.
04-02-2010, 08:43 PM
Any naysayers and if so, why?
It is the thing to do.
After receiving your extra ticket it's perfectly OK to not know a single character of CW, it's perfectly OK if you have no idea how long to cut wire for a dipole on any frequency, it's perfectly OK for you to not know crap about radio in general. :rofl:
Because you're an extra! :rofl:
Ignore me, it's a personal thing from local experiences. ;) :lol:
04-02-2010, 09:04 PM
Any naysayers and if so, why?
It is the thing to do.
After receiving your extra ticket it's perfectly OK to not know a single character of CW, it's perfectly OK if you have no idea how long to cut wire for a dipole on any frequency, it's perfectly OK for you to not know crap about radio in general. :rofl:
Because you're an extra! :rofl:
Ignore me, it's a personal thing from local experiences. ;) :lol:
Well Travis, you got your naysayer input.
I do find it interesting, to say the least, that a person can take and pass the test and still ask how to cut a dipole. In their defense, I have to wonder if even though the answer is right in front of them, it just doesn't fall together as a mental image.
Do it.
The experience of learning, regardless of when or how you finally pass the exams, are worth it in and of itself.
Learning is never wasted.
I know there are alot on here with an electonics background. But for a farm kid / Heavy equipment operator / Truck driver, It was damn hard..
To yours and Charles' post above, that's why the 'Elmer' concept exists.
I wasn't born knowing all of this stuff. Neither is anyone else.
When you have formal training in electronics, today's ham tests are pretty much a joke. If you don't have the training, I can see where it might be a bit more difficult.
Still, I don't see the Tech or General test as particularly hard. If you can't pass a Tech test, however, you might want to find another hobby.
04-03-2010, 10:06 AM
Learning is never wasted.
Except in the case of that wrecking ball hitting the van where the driver was telling the passenger that he just passed the extra exam and was on his way to the graduation ceremonies for his MD.
Do it.
The experience of learning, regardless of when or how you finally pass the exams, are worth it in and of itself.
Learning is never wasted.
Yes Yes and yes. And also when your an extra you don't have to worry about where you are on the band. You hear someone and you can talk to them.
04-03-2010, 11:10 AM
Sry it took so long to respond (Im still sick). I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
Dilly, I don't need your help to cut a dipole. I have fangs and claw I don't need your toenails. But I can always use an extra dummy load. Just put your finger in the So239 of my 572 and we are in business (that sounds rather disturbing) :rofl:
As far as the studying goes, I'm the type of person that can read through something once or twice and be fine so that is not an issue. Im just uh...laz(y). :rofl: The blurb about my extra was really a think out loud session. I was more curious about ppls experience and input on being a VE. Charles added a bit to that, thank you.
As far as time and devotion; we only have a session once every other month in my area. And as I said we have to cancel because we don't always have enough VE's to give the test. Doesn't seem like much giving a few hours here and there.
04-03-2010, 08:22 PM
Any naysayers and if so, why?
It is the thing to do.
After receiving your extra ticket it's perfectly OK to not know a single character of CW, it's perfectly OK if you have no idea how long to cut wire for a dipole on any frequency, it's perfectly OK for you to not know crap about radio in general. :rofl:
Because you're an extra! :rofl:
Ignore me, it's a personal thing from local experiences. ;) :lol:
Well Travis, you got your naysayer input.
I do find it interesting, to say the least, that a person can take and pass the test and still ask how to cut a dipole. In their defense, I have to wonder if even though the answer is right in front of them, it just doesn't fall together as a mental image.
Whats a dipole? A joke about two Polish guys? :lol:
04-03-2010, 09:37 PM
I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
He's already an extra. :rofl:
04-03-2010, 09:43 PM
I want to speak up to support the idea Fred made of starting an Elmer's Section.
Anyone else support this?
Sry it took so long to respond (Im still sick). I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
Dilly, I don't need your help to cut a dipole. I have fangs and claw I don't need your toenails. But I can always use an extra dummy load. Just put your finger in the So239 of my 572 and we are in business (that sounds rather disturbing) :rofl:
As far as the studying goes, I'm the type of person that can read through something once or twice and be fine so that is not an issue. Im just uh...laz(y). :rofl: The blurb about my extra was really a think out loud session. I was more curious about ppls experience and input on being a VE. Charles added a bit to that, thank you.
As far as time and devotion; we only have a session once every other month in my area. And as I said we have to cancel because we don't always have enough VE's to give the test. Doesn't seem like much giving a few hours here and there.
Next WASH VE Session is Thursday, 15 April, 6:30 PM. We can always make room for you.
Learning is never wasted.
Except in the case of that wrecking ball hitting the van where the driver was telling the passenger that he just passed the extra exam and was on his way to the graduation ceremonies for his MD.
Oh. So THAT'S why the cop car got hit with the wrecking ball in the remake ofGone In 60 Seconds. And here I thought he was chasing the stolen Shelby that Nicholas Cage was supposedly driving.
04-04-2010, 06:23 AM
I want to speak up to support the idea Fred made of starting an Elmer's Section.
Anyone else support this?
As long as it gets more use than the youth section. I dont see this being a problem though. Most folks around here are not afraid to speak up when they have a question about something so I think it would work out well.
I have a bit more to add but not in this you at the bar. :mrgreen:
04-04-2010, 06:32 AM
Sry it took so long to respond (Im still sick). I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
Dilly, I don't need your help to cut a dipole. I have fangs and claw I don't need your toenails. But I can always use an extra dummy load. Just put your finger in the So239 of my 572 and we are in business (that sounds rather disturbing) :rofl:
As far as the studying goes, I'm the type of person that can read through something once or twice and be fine so that is not an issue. Im just uh...laz(y). :rofl: The blurb about my extra was really a think out loud session. I was more curious about ppls experience and input on being a VE. Charles added a bit to that, thank you.
As far as time and devotion; we only have a session once every other month in my area. And as I said we have to cancel because we don't always have enough VE's to give the test. Doesn't seem like much giving a few hours here and there.
Next WASH VE Session is Thursday, 15 April, 6:30 PM. We can always make room for you.
Id never make it on time. I work 2nd/3rd shift as one shift.
04-04-2010, 06:34 AM
I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
He's already an extra. :rofl:
No I'm missing something. When I am on 75m I don't have a colostomy bag to speak of. :roll:
I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
He's already an extra. :rofl:
No I'm missing something. When I am on 75m I don't have a colostomy bag to speak of. :roll:
Then get the Extra and stay below 3800. Life on 75m will be much better. :agree:
04-04-2010, 11:18 AM
I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
He's already an extra. :rofl:
No I'm missing something. When I am on 75m I don't have a colostomy bag to speak of. :roll:
Then get the Extra and stay below 3800. Life on 75m will be much better. :agree:
Pft the guys on 3.955.00 likely think I died it has been that long. :snicker: At least KXQ used to drop in here on the island every now and again but I havent seen him in forever.
Sry it took so long to respond (Im still sick). I have been lazing around a lot all doped up on cold meds.
Dilly, I don't need your help to cut a dipole. I have fangs and claw I don't need your toenails. But I can always use an extra dummy load. Just put your finger in the So239 of my 572 and we are in business (that sounds rather disturbing) :rofl:
As far as the studying goes, I'm the type of person that can read through something once or twice and be fine so that is not an issue. Im just uh...laz(y). :rofl: The blurb about my extra was really a think out loud session. I was more curious about ppls experience and input on being a VE. Charles added a bit to that, thank you.
As far as time and devotion; we only have a session once every other month in my area. And as I said we have to cancel because we don't always have enough VE's to give the test. Doesn't seem like much giving a few hours here and there.
Next WASH VE Session is Thursday, 15 April, 6:30 PM. We can always make room for you.
I'd never make it on time. I work 2nd/3rd shift as one shift.
That could be a problem.
I'll speak to the head of the VE Team. I'm sure we can work something out.
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