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View Full Version : 450 - 600 Ohm Open Wire Line

03-16-2010, 01:23 PM

I am going to need about 100-150 feet of 450 - 600 Ohm open wire (balanced) line for construction of the new aerial. Can anyone recommend a good place to buy this kind of wire these days ? For my applications the 450 Ohm plastic coated stuff would probably be fine, as it will be less likely to twist and short than the bare ladder type line.

03-16-2010, 02:00 PM
for 450 ohm stuff.... Davis RF (http://www.davisrf.com/ladder.php) without a doubt. Can you get cheaper..yeah...but stronger and better..naw. buy the good stuff (14awg) and do it right.

Oh.... BTW.. long run? try this puppies from DX engineering. Ladder line supports (http://www.dxengineering.com/Parts.asp?ID=1035&PLID=185&SecID=93&DeptID=40&PartNo=DXE-LL-INS) mounted on a cedar or redwood 2"x2" garden posts. Keeps ladder line off the ground and supported till it goes airborne! Its what I use at chez BNY.

03-16-2010, 03:27 PM
My favorite feedline for HF. :agree:


I got some good stuff from eBay, but I need more.

03-16-2010, 05:14 PM
Trueladderline or the wireman.com. Stranded only. The solid turns to Sheit to fast and kinks and breaks in the wind.. Edit: If you weave like 90 pound fishline through to holes of 450 you can keep it taught from top to bottom, Or from end to end.. Whichever

03-17-2010, 05:16 AM
OK, thanks for the info. I'll check them out.