View Full Version : DZKit receiver/transceiver - thoughts, opinions?

02-25-2010, 07:25 PM
Saw one of these at Dayton a couple years ago and really admired the styling...evidently influenced by Watkins-Johnson.

Any Islander ever get to check one of these out? I'm contemplating a "modern" rig and it'll either be an Orion II/RX-340, K3 (and another receiver) or one of each of the Sienna radios.


02-25-2010, 07:26 PM
radio pron
me likey
i can haz cheeseburger

02-25-2010, 07:47 PM
You know, maybe I'm missing the point or something of kits, but I just can't see spending twice on a rig that I have to put together than what I'd spend on a pre-assembled unit of similar qualities...

I like building stuff as much as the next ham, but I just can't understand why I should pay $300 for a single-band QRP rig that I have to build, rather than $500 for a 6&HF, 100W rig already assembled... The financial part of me just says,"200 more, already assembled, more features."

02-25-2010, 08:46 PM
With k2 k3 stuff after the 100 watt kit and all other add on's you need to make it decent radio your well over what 1200 bucks. Still a challange to build though. There a few around here, When it's 20 below and three feet of snow this is what they do.. Build things

02-25-2010, 10:40 PM
I've seen on of those at a local hamfest, a new "dealer" is in CO. It was on, but not hooked up to anything.

Kind of like an early Signal One maybe? Spendy, and a work in progress? Since you could probably afford it, Sienna could probably use you as a customer, and a consultant. Which would be a really interesting project. A neat design, and it's interesting... but the price/performance curve is a bit off.

Saw it with the cover off, and it's made for servicing, more room for fat fingers, :yes: