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  1. Jouquers Anonymous Question
  2. MFJ-4230MVP
  3. Went to Crossroads Ham Fest Today...
  4. Arrrrg. Make it stop!!!
  5. New Amateur Band Allocations
  6. New Icom Rig
  7. Geek cred
  8. Has anyone here ever dealt with HRO trade or consignment?
  9. Heard my first number's station!`
  10. Glenn Baxter, SK
  11. ARRL VHF Contest this weekend
  12. Well.. I went and joined....
  13. Anyone Seen One of These?
  14. Radio (or ensemble) you can't do without?
  15. an Android app to help me study for Extra?
  16. ISS Help!
  17. Field Day Pictures....
  18. 13 Colonies begins this Saturday
  19. 10 meters today...
  20. 6 Meters yesterday
  21. Any y'all playing with FT8
  22. Early Flex Radio Upgrade
  23. Propagation & Sunspots
  24. (Nearly) perfect packet terminal!
  25. more hf privileges for techs?
  26. Elecraft Discontinues K1, KX1
  27. Hurricane Irma live stream....
  28. Don't know if this has been posted, but they want everyone to register.
  29. MA 160
  30. So should I vote for this guy?
  31. 90+year old tube and spec sheet.
  32. So I'm off to California to pack up the rest of the crap
  33. ARRL Craptacular Response to Puerto Rico
  34. One tube BC receiver kit.
  35. 40 meter AM qso
  36. That 10 meter contest....
  37. FOX-1B Amateur Satellite.
  38. FT-8 and New Years Holiday
  39. "How 'bout it DX-Land........"
  40. Yaesu 9000 discontinued....what replaces it?
  41. Haven't Been On 2m In Quite A While
  42. 5 watts!!!!
  43. Mr. Carlson's Lab
  44. 60 meters
  45. new computer for radio room: any wisdom on makes/models
  46. Rant... FT8...
  47. Who knew low sunspot activity helps falling debris stay afloat?
  48. Ham Radio Bug is Biting
  49. W6OBB SK
  50. RF Level Equations?
  51. where to buy stuff?
  52. What are your thoughts?
  53. Morse Code/CW; Digital, Binary, or what?
  54. 6 Meters, Wooo Hooo
  55. W8MAI Field Day: 2018
  56. Educational field day moment.....
  57. Echolink... Round 1
  58. My little project....
  59. Perseid Meteor Shower Tonight 8/11/2018
  60. What are the big differences between the big three?
  61. Kenwood TR-7800
  62. Low Band experimenters
  63. We need to have a conversation......
  64. Impromptu weather net.....
  65. why are hamfests so damn early on the weekend?
  66. A little gift...
  67. FT8 QRM....
  68. Hamvention 19?
  69. I com 551-d 6 meter all mode.
  70. Winter VHF/UHF season...
  71. I'm not sure if this is good or bad...
  72. 455 KC BFO kit
  73. Yaesu "two meter" radios
  74. 30 AMP P/S
  75. Picked up my first bug.
  76. BFO kit
  77. Just Renewed
  78. Has contesting helped or hurt ham radio?
  79. EME In A Nutshell
  80. ARRL WTF
  81. Heathkit manuals.
  82. Packet radio - alive and well, or relegated to the dust bin?
  83. Xenia this year?
  84. Vcc Killed Amateur Radio!
  85. Backyard station
  86. Just Back from Xenia...
  87. Field Day 2019
  88. Now What?
  89. What next?
  90. Really Cool FT8 Program...
  91. Mega Watt Power Supplies?
  92. ditching my Yaesu FT-2DR for a Kenwood TH-D74A ... any reason not to?
  93. Of Yahoo and the future of Groups
  94. Solar Cycle 25 has started
  95. Weekend radio plans: 1/31/2020
  96. Covid Response?
  97. FD 2020
  98. Things That Make You Go "Hmmmmmmmmm", July 2020 Edition
  99. GoFundMe Page for Tower Accident
  100. How DX Engineering Just Saved Me ~$200
  101. Feeling disheartened and ham radio culture shocked
  102. Icom 703+
  103. new misfit, ya'll
  104. Brown Had Done It Again!
  105. 136 Khz
  106. Ham Radio
  107. Bridgecom Systems & Ham Club Inquiry
  108. Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth
  109. Feedback requested: Vanity Callsign Predictions, including chances of assignment
  110. Silly
  111. 200 watt 2 meter amplfier on it's way.
  112. V.E roll call
  113. Sticky Subject
  114. Sticky Subject Revisted
  115. TBDXC
  116. A few notes on Icom's CI-V interface
  117. Happy Holidays
  118. Ho Lee Chit
  119. Just Pulled the Trigger…
  120. What’s geekier than ham radio?
  121. Extra, Extra, Read All About It!
  122. Tatted With Glorious Sunspots
  123. New toy IC 9700
  124. 20% Annual Dues Increase... But Wait, There's More!
  125. I think I broke the FCC website
  126. is our technology too complex?
  127. Back on the air again, again
  128. "Season's Greetings & Important Developments for the 2024 Board Meeting"
  129. New HT on the way
  130. Speaking of New HT's...
  131. IC7100 Mobile - opinions?
  132. K9EID Bob Heil SK
  133. 2FA for the FCC's CORES
  134. SPE Expert Amps
  135. More “Maritime Safety Net” Yucks
  136. Phonetic Alphabet
  137. MFJ Kaput?!?
  138. Hamvention 2024
  139. location enquiry
  140. ARRL Hit by Cyber Attack -- LoTW Down