View Full Version : Antennas

  1. 2m Cubical Quad
  2. Loop project
  3. Van Side mounted whips - SWR always suck?
  4. Good price on good antenna wire at Home Depot
  5. Being bored, result vertical 1.6 to 30 MHz
  6. 80m coaxial dipole
  7. Doublet Problems
  8. Antenna Analyzer
  9. Motorhome Loop
  10. wifi antennas
  11. Maintenance day for our repeater (antenna's)
  12. Broadband 80m
  13. Full size 160 meter antenna on a small lot
  14. 120' Tower Raising
  15. Flagpole This Spring
  16. Antenna Stuck in tree
  17. Antenna Installation Device.
  18. 2m Stealth
  19. Anyone Buying This?
  20. 2.4ghz wifi
  21. Vertical mounting problem
  22. First antenna
  23. New setup starting today!!
  24. HAMSTICK dipole on 75,40, or 20?
  25. Simple VHF Antenna
  26. Mosley antennas - thoughts?
  27. 43 foot vert matching unit
  28. 450 - 600 Ohm Open Wire Line
  29. Arrows ?
  30. ht 2/440 small antenna
  31. It's Up!!!
  32. It's DOWN!!!1
  33. Feed Line pics
  34. The future of the wire. WOW !!!!
  35. What Is It Called?
  36. Antennas ARE IMportant
  37. $10 20 meter dipole
  38. What I learned over the past month...
  39. Mosley Report
  40. Got one of These Lying Around?
  41. Fan dipole question
  42. Next antenna project...
  43. What are you using for portable HF ops?
  44. SteppIR comments?
  45. Simple and efficient Top Loading for short 160 meter vertical..
  46. quad antenna thoughts from users
  47. Compact vertical- Suggest a model or design
  48. The secret!
  49. Antenna Challenge I
  50. Yee Haw!
  51. iPhone antenna problem--Consumer Report
  52. Antenna mounting question
  53. Phased dipoles
  54. Looking for antenna diagrams?
  55. Sea Water Antenna
  56. What Can I Build With ...
  57. FYI: I learned today...
  58. Fan Loop?
  59. Ladder line standoffs?
  60. The evolution of an antenna...
  61. Well, I finally figured it out
  62. Okay.. I built the antenna
  63. Some required reading
  64. No HF for me
  65. Force 12 C-3SS
  66. 8km antenna!
  67. impressive
  68. Stupid antenna question
  69. Fiberglass Flapole for Flagpole Vertical
  70. Experimenting with magnetic loops
  71. Won another high court case.
  72. Something out of nothing
  73. Good Old Stand By
  74. K5RP ?????????????
  75. Question about city antenna install
  76. So... HOA antennas...
  77. OK, what am I missing here?
  78. A Question for the Antenna Gurus
  79. Tent poles = portable antenna?
  80. Portable antennas....dipole vs. vertical
  81. FINALLY solved the hamstick ID problem....
  82. New 40m Dipole
  83. My Homebrew Antenna Works........
  84. New inverted L 160-20 meeters.
  85. Using two inch Electric Fence Tape for Antenna
  86. Flower Pot Stealth Antenna
  87. My web site.
  88. Antenna Installation - Take 1
  89. How I spent the day
  90. Horse Fence antenna
  91. Finally Did It!
  92. Outbacker joey
  93. this is driving me nuts, so now i cant sleep
  94. OK, I boxed myself in with a QRP transmitter-Directional Beam Antenna?
  95. Got the Slingshot Strap
  96. RF in the shack!
  97. 3/2 wave dipole
  98. 10 meter antenna's
  99. The multi band end fed antenna with a twist
  100. anyone know this antenna
  101. Tower
  102. rotor stuck
  103. 2 meter range
  104. Helical wound vertical for Top Band!
  105. antenna party
  106. Just Got a Tower
  107. Skeleton Sleeve Antenna WORKS!!
  108. new QTH, new antenna...
  109. New Antenna
  111. Is this a good antenna?
  112. dam santa
  113. HF2V Returns to the air...
  114. Antenna survey
  115. Field Day Antenna
  116. The best laid plans...
  117. Wire antenna musings.
  118. Interesting product
  119. Such a deal
  120. FPV Works!
  121. Rebuilt my 2m vertical today
  122. Optical Yagi
  123. Falcon Antenna Dipoles
  124. HS1800dx motorized antenna questions
  125. If you don't have an antenna analyzer...
  126. Time to revisit the coax loop.
  127. Has anyone thought of this?
  128. Radiation Patterns vs Power level
  129. It's Dead, Jim
  130. RF in the Shack
  131. Noise? active antenna for 200 Kc to 200 MHz
  133. Launching over trees
  134. Tiny NVIS and DX antenna
  135. Need help with a stealth antenna
  136. DB-420 16 bay UHF folded dipole.
  137. Quagi Antennas
  138. Delta or Dipole?
  139. Copper Antenna Wire
  140. Mobile HF antenna?
  141. End Fed antenna question
  142. The Smoke, Part Three
  143. Maybe someone can enlighten me
  144. MURPHY
  145. So I get my new tuner tomorrow. A few questions...
  146. need antenna ideas
  147. New 31 foot vertical homemade.
  148. Maybe they should have tried a fractal
  149. See if you can spot the problem with the following
  150. Installing a 50ft tilt over tower
  151. Antenna Upgrade
  152. 2M Tower
  153. New antenna suggestions?
  154. NVIS mobile
  155. R-8 vertical longest component
  156. Heath HD-1234 Connected two radios to one antenna
  157. Inverted V made longer and now...
  158. Folded Vertical?
  159. Simple Wire Vertical Question
  160. OCF
  161. MFJ Antenna Analyzer
  162. Stressed Moxon 6 meter antenna.
  163. Resonate on one band only?
  164. Vertical antennas
  165. New (old) Imax 2000 ready for the roof.
  166. Alpha Delta DX LB
  167. delta loop length circumference in feet
  168. Nano vna - an effective learners guide
  169. Replacement allen screws for mobile antennas
  170. Solarcon A-99
  171. antenna exp. ya'll
  172. New 2/70 vertical up today
  173. Collapsed Tower
  174. Steel versus copper
  175. Loading Coil Turns: to Short or Not?
  176. New antenna on the way
  177. What option would you exercise?
  178. How often do you replace RG-213 coax?
  179. Steel vs Copper Antenna
  180. Dual band 6 and 4 meter vertical